
public class Schema extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • Schema

      public Schema()
  • Method Details

    • setTargetNamespace

      public void setTargetNamespace(String targetNamespace)
    • getTargetNamespace

      public String getTargetNamespace()
    • setDefaultNamespace

      public void setDefaultNamespace(String defaultNamespace)
    • getDefaultNamespace

      public String getDefaultNamespace()
    • setTopLevelSimpleTypes

      public void setTopLevelSimpleTypes(Map<String,SimpleType> topLevelSimpleTypes)
    • getTopLevelSimpleTypes

      public Map<String,SimpleType> getTopLevelSimpleTypes()
    • addTopLevelSimpleTypes

      public void addTopLevelSimpleTypes(SimpleType simpleType)
    • setTopLevelComplexTypes

      public void setTopLevelComplexTypes(Map<String,ComplexType> topLevelComplexTypes)
    • getTopLevelComplexTypes

      public Map<String,ComplexType> getTopLevelComplexTypes()
    • addTopLevelComplexTypes

      public void addTopLevelComplexTypes(ComplexType complexType)
    • setTopLevelElements

      public void setTopLevelElements(Map<String,Element> topLevelElements)
    • getTopLevelElements

      public Map<String,Element> getTopLevelElements()
    • addTopLevelElement

      public void addTopLevelElement(Element element)
    • setElementFormDefault

      public void setElementFormDefault(boolean elementFormDefault)
    • isElementFormDefault

      public boolean isElementFormDefault()
    • setAttributeFormDefault

      public void setAttributeFormDefault(boolean attributeFormDefault)
    • isAttributeFormDefault

      public boolean isAttributeFormDefault()
    • setTopLevelAttributes

      public void setTopLevelAttributes(Map<String,Attribute> topLevelAttributes)
    • getTopLevelAttributes

      public Map<String,Attribute> getTopLevelAttributes()
    • setNamespaceResolver

      public void setNamespaceResolver(NamespaceResolver namespaceResolver)
    • getNamespaceResolver

      public NamespaceResolver getNamespaceResolver()
    • setImports

      public void setImports(List<Import> imports)
    • getImports

      public List<Import> getImports()
    • setIncludes

      public void setIncludes(List<Include> includes)
    • getIncludes

      public List<Include> getIncludes()
    • setAttributesMap

      public void setAttributesMap(Map<QName,String> attributesMap)
    • getAttributesMap

      public Map<QName,String> getAttributesMap()
    • setName

      public void setName(String name)
    • getName

      public String getName()
    • setAttributeGroups

      public void setAttributeGroups(Map<String,AttributeGroup> attributeGroups)
    • getAttributeGroups

      public Map<String,AttributeGroup> getAttributeGroups()
    • getAttributeGroup

      public AttributeGroup getAttributeGroup(String uri, String localName)
    • getAttributeGroupFromReferencedSchemas

      protected AttributeGroup getAttributeGroupFromReferencedSchemas(String uri, String localName)
    • setGroups

      public void setGroups(Map<String,Group> groups)
    • getGroups

      public Map<String,Group> getGroups()
    • getGroup

      public Group getGroup(String uri, String localName)
    • getGroupFromReferencedSchemas

      protected Group getGroupFromReferencedSchemas(String uri, String localName)
    • getResult

      public Result getResult()
      Return the Result for this Schema. This will typically be set after a call to SchemaOutputResolver.createOutput().
      the Result for this instance, or null if not set
    • setResult

      public void setResult(Result result)
      Set the Result for this Schema. This method will typically be called after a call to SchemaOutputResolver.createOutput().
    • hasResult

      public boolean hasResult()
      Indicates if a Result has been set for this Schema.
      true if a Result has been set, false otherwise
    • hasSystemId

      public boolean hasSystemId()
      Indicates if this Schema has a Result, and that Result has a non-null systemID.
      true if this Schema has a non-null Result has a non-null systemID.
    • getSystemId

      public String getSystemId()
      Get the SystemId for this Schema. This value will typically be used as the schemaLocation in an import statement.
      the systemID set on this Schema's Result object if both the Result and the Result's systemID are non-null, otherwise null