Class DirectCollectionChangeRecord

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, ChangeRecord, DirectCollectionChangeRecord

public class DirectCollectionChangeRecord extends DeferrableChangeRecord implements DirectCollectionChangeRecord

Purpose: This class holds the record of the changes made to a collection attribute of an object.

Description: Collections must be compared to each other and added and removed objects must be recorded separately.

See Also:
  • Field Details

    • addObjectMap

      protected HashMap addObjectMap
    • removeObjectMap

      protected HashMap removeObjectMap
    • commitAddMap

      protected HashMap commitAddMap
      Contains the number of objects that must be inserted to once the value is removed in the database as a delete where value = "value" will remove all instances of that value in the database not just one.
    • changedIndexes

      protected Map changedIndexes
      Used only in case listOrderField != null in the mapping. Maps each object which has been added or removed or which order in the list has changed to an array of two (non-intersecting) sets of indexes - old and new.
    • oldSize

      protected int oldSize
    • newSize

      protected int newSize
    • isFirstToAddAlreadyInCollection

      protected boolean isFirstToAddAlreadyInCollection
    • isFirstToRemoveAlreadyOutCollection

      protected boolean isFirstToRemoveAlreadyOutCollection
    • isFirstToAdd

      protected boolean isFirstToAdd
    • isFirstToRemove

      protected boolean isFirstToRemove
    • orderHasBeenRepaired

      protected boolean orderHasBeenRepaired
      Indicates whether IndirectList's order has been repaired.
  • Constructor Details

    • DirectCollectionChangeRecord

      public DirectCollectionChangeRecord()
      This default constructor.
    • DirectCollectionChangeRecord

      public DirectCollectionChangeRecord(ObjectChangeSet owner)
      This constructor returns a changeRecord representing the DirectCollection mapping.
  • Method Details

    • addAdditionChange

      public void addAdditionChange(HashMap additions, HashMap databaseCount)
      This method takes a map of primitive objects and adds them to the add list. The map stores the number of times the object is in the list.
    • addAdditionChange

      public void addAdditionChange(Object key, Integer count)
      This method takes a single addition value and records it.
    • addRemoveChange

      public void addRemoveChange(HashMap additions, HashMap databaseCount)
      This method takes a hashtable of primitive objects and adds them to the remove list. Each reference in the hashtable lists the number of this object that needs to be removed from the collection.
    • addRemoveChange

      public void addRemoveChange(Object key, Integer count)
      This method takes a single remove change and integrates it with this changeset.
    • setCommitAddition

      public void setCommitAddition(Hashtable additions)
      This method takes a hashtable of primitives and adds them to the commit list. This count value provided is the number of instances that will need to be inserted into the database once a remove has occurred. This is only set once for each object type.
    • storeDatabaseCounts

      public void storeDatabaseCounts(Object collection, ContainerPolicy containerPolicy, AbstractSession session)
      This method will iterate over the collection and store the database counts for the objects within the collection, this is used for minimal updates.
    • incrementDatabaseCount

      public void incrementDatabaseCount(Object object)
      Increment the count for object
    • decrementDatabaseCount

      public void decrementDatabaseCount(Object object)
      Decrement the count for object
    • getAddObjectList

      public Vector getAddObjectList()
      ADVANCED: This method returns the list of added objects.
      Specified by:
      getAddObjectList in interface DirectCollectionChangeRecord
    • getAddObjectMap

      public HashMap getAddObjectMap()
      This method returns the collection of objects that were added to the collection.
    • getCommitAddMap

      public HashMap getCommitAddMap()
      This method returns the collection of objects that were added to the collection.
    • getRemoveObjectList

      public Vector getRemoveObjectList()
      ADVANCED: This method returns the list of removed objects.
      Specified by:
      getRemoveObjectList in interface DirectCollectionChangeRecord
    • getRemoveObjectMap

      public HashMap getRemoveObjectMap()
      This method returns the collection of objects that were removed from the collection.
    • hasChanges

      public boolean hasChanges()
      Returns true if the change set has changes.
    • mergeRecord

      public void mergeRecord(ChangeRecord mergeFromRecord, UnitOfWorkChangeSet mergeToChangeSet, UnitOfWorkChangeSet mergeFromChangeSet)
      This method will be used to merge one record into another.
      Specified by:
      mergeRecord in class ChangeRecord
    • updateReferences

      public void updateReferences(UnitOfWorkChangeSet mergeToChangeSet, UnitOfWorkChangeSet mergeFromChangeSet)
      This method will be used to update the objectsChangeSets references
      Specified by:
      updateReferences in class ChangeRecord
    • setFirstToAddAlreadyInCollection

      public void setFirstToAddAlreadyInCollection(boolean flag)
    • isFirstToAddAlreadyInCollection

      public boolean isFirstToAddAlreadyInCollection()
    • setFirstToRemoveAlreadyOutCollection

      public void setFirstToRemoveAlreadyOutCollection(boolean flag)
    • isFirstToRemoveAlreadyOutCollection

      public boolean isFirstToRemoveAlreadyOutCollection()
    • setChangedIndexes

      public void setChangedIndexes(Map changedIndexes)
    • getChangedIndexes

      public Map getChangedIndexes()
    • setOldSize

      public void setOldSize(int size)
    • getOldSize

      public int getOldSize()
    • setNewSize

      public void setNewSize(int size)
    • getNewSize

      public int getNewSize()
    • internalRecreateOriginalCollection

      public void internalRecreateOriginalCollection(Object currentCollection, AbstractSession session)
      Recreates the original state of the collection.
      Specified by:
      internalRecreateOriginalCollection in class DeferrableChangeRecord
    • setOrderHasBeenRepaired

      public void setOrderHasBeenRepaired(boolean hasBeenRepaired)
    • orderHasBeenRepaired

      public boolean orderHasBeenRepaired()
    • clearChanges

      public void clearChanges()
      Clears info about added / removed objects set by change tracker.
      Specified by:
      clearChanges in class DeferrableChangeRecord