Class IdentityMapAccessor

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, IdentityMapAccessor
Direct Known Subclasses:
ClientSessionIdentityMapAccessor, DistributedSessionIdentityMapAccessor, IsolatedClientSessionIdentityMapAccessor, SessionBrokerIdentityMapAccessor, UnitOfWorkIdentityMapAccessor

public class IdentityMapAccessor extends Object implements IdentityMapAccessor, Serializable
INTERNAL: Internal subclass that provides access to identity maps through the session. Implements the IdentityMapAccessor interface which provides all publicly available identity map functionality to users. This is the main class that should be used to access identity maps. In general, any function that accesses the identity map manager should go through this class Any session specific functionality appears in subclasses
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • identityMapManager

      protected IdentityMapManager identityMapManager
      This is the identity map manager for this accessor. It should only be accessed through the getter
    • session

      protected AbstractSession session
  • Constructor Details

    • IdentityMapAccessor

      public IdentityMapAccessor()
    • IdentityMapAccessor

      public IdentityMapAccessor(AbstractSession session)
      INTERNAL: An IdentityMapAccessor sits between the session and the identityMapManager It needs references in both directions.
    • IdentityMapAccessor

      public IdentityMapAccessor(AbstractSession session, IdentityMapManager identityMapManager)
      INTERNAL: An IdentityMapAccessor sits between the session and the identityMapManager It needs references in both directions.
  • Method Details

    • acquireDeferredLock

      public CacheKey acquireDeferredLock(Object primarKey, Class<?> javaClass, ClassDescriptor descriptor, boolean isCacheCheckComplete)
      INTERNAL: Deferred lock the identity map for the object, this is used for avoiding deadlock The return cacheKey should be used to release the deferred lock.
    • acquireLock

      public CacheKey acquireLock(Object primarKey, Class<?> javaClass, ClassDescriptor descriptor, boolean isCacheCheckComplete)
      INTERNAL: Lock the identity map for the object, this must be done when building objects. The return cacheKey should be used to release the lock.
    • acquireLock

      public CacheKey acquireLock(Object primaryKey, Class<?> domainClass, boolean forMerge, ClassDescriptor descriptor, boolean isCacheCheckComplete)
      INTERNAL: Provides access for setting a concurrency lock on an object in the IdentityMap. Called with true from the merge process, if true then the refresh will not refresh the object.
    • acquireLockNoWait

      public CacheKey acquireLockNoWait(Object primaryKey, Class<?> domainClass, boolean forMerge, ClassDescriptor descriptor)
      INTERNAL: Provides access for setting a concurrency lock on an object in the IdentityMap. Called with true from the merge process, if true then the refresh will not refresh the object.
    • acquireLockWithWait

      public CacheKey acquireLockWithWait(Object primaryKey, Class<?> domainClass, boolean forMerge, ClassDescriptor descriptor, int wait)
      INTERNAL: Provides access for setting a concurrency lock on an object in the IdentityMap. Called with true from the merge process, if true then the refresh will not refresh the object.
    • acquireReadLockOnCacheKey

      public CacheKey acquireReadLockOnCacheKey(Object primaryKey, Class<?> domainClass, ClassDescriptor descriptor)
      INTERNAL: Find the cachekey for the provided primary key and place a readlock on it. This will allow multiple users to read the same object but prevent writes to the object while the read lock is held.
    • acquireReadLockOnCacheKeyNoWait

      public CacheKey acquireReadLockOnCacheKeyNoWait(Object primaryKey, Class<?> domainClass, ClassDescriptor descriptor)
      INTERNAL: Find the cachekey for the provided primary key and place a readlock on it. This will allow multiple users to read the same object but prevent writes to the object while the read lock is held. If no readlock can be acquired then do not wait but return null.
    • acquireWriteLock

      public boolean acquireWriteLock()
      INTERNAL: Lock the entire cache if the cache isolation requires. By default concurrent reads and writes are allowed. By write, unit of work merge is meant.
    • clearQueryCache

      public void clearQueryCache()
      ADVANCED: Clear all the query caches
      Specified by:
      clearQueryCache in interface IdentityMapAccessor
    • clearQueryCache

      public void clearQueryCache(ReadQuery query)
      ADVANCED: Clear the query class associated with the passed-in read query
      Specified by:
      clearQueryCache in interface IdentityMapAccessor
    • clearQueryCache

      public void clearQueryCache(String sessionQueryName)
      ADVANCED: Clear the query cache associated with the named query on the session
      Specified by:
      clearQueryCache in interface IdentityMapAccessor
    • clearQueryCache

      public void clearQueryCache(String descriptorQueryName, Class<?> queryClass)
      ADVANCED: Clear the query cache associated with the named query on the descriptor for the given class
      Specified by:
      clearQueryCache in interface IdentityMapAccessor
    • containsObjectInIdentityMap

      public boolean containsObjectInIdentityMap(Object object)
      ADVANCED: Return if their is an object for the primary key.
      Specified by:
      containsObjectInIdentityMap in interface IdentityMapAccessor
    • containsObjectInIdentityMap

      public boolean containsObjectInIdentityMap(Object primaryKey, Class<?> theClass)
      ADVANCED: Return if their is an object for the primary key.
      Specified by:
      containsObjectInIdentityMap in interface IdentityMapAccessor
    • containsObjectInIdentityMap

      public boolean containsObjectInIdentityMap(Object primaryKey, Class<?> theClass, ClassDescriptor descriptor)
      INTERNAL: Return if their is an object for the primary key.
    • containsObjectInIdentityMap

      public boolean containsObjectInIdentityMap(DataRecord rowContainingPrimaryKey, Class<?> theClass)
      ADVANCED: Return if their is an object for the row containing primary key and the class.
      Specified by:
      containsObjectInIdentityMap in interface IdentityMapAccessor
    • extractPrimaryKeyFromRow

      protected Object extractPrimaryKeyFromRow(DataRecord rowContainingPrimaryKey, Class<?> theClass)
      INTERNAL: Extract primary key from a row.
    • getCacheKeyForObject

      public CacheKey getCacheKeyForObject(Object object, ClassDescriptor descriptor)
      INTERNAL: Retrieve the cache key for the given object from the identity maps.
      object - the object to get the cache key for.
    • getClassesRegistered

      public Vector getClassesRegistered()
      INTERNAL: This method is used to get a list of those classes with IdentityMaps in the Session.
    • getAllFromIdentityMap

      public Vector getAllFromIdentityMap(Expression selectionCriteria, Class<?> theClass, DataRecord translationRow) throws QueryException
      ADVANCED: Query the cache in-memory. If the expression is too complex an exception will be thrown.
    • getAllFromIdentityMap

      public Vector getAllFromIdentityMap(Expression selectionCriteria, Class<?> theClass, DataRecord translationRow, InMemoryQueryIndirectionPolicy valueHolderPolicy) throws QueryException
      ADVANCED: Query the cache in-memory. If the expression is too complex an exception will be thrown.
      Specified by:
      getAllFromIdentityMap in interface IdentityMapAccessor
      selectionCriteria - Expression selecting the Objects to be returned
      theClass - Class to be considered
      translationRow - Record
      valueHolderPolicy - see InMemoryQueryIndirectionPolicy
      Vector of Objects with type theClass and matching the selectionCriteria
    • getAllFromIdentityMap

      public Vector getAllFromIdentityMap(Expression selectionCriteria, Class<?> theClass, DataRecord translationRow, int valueHolderPolicy) throws QueryException
      ADVANCED: Query the cache in-memory. If the expression is too complex an exception will be thrown.
      Specified by:
      getAllFromIdentityMap in interface IdentityMapAccessor
      selectionCriteria - Expression selecting the Objects to be returned
      theClass - Class to be considered
      translationRow - Record
      valueHolderPolicy - see InMemoryQueryIndirectionPolicy
      Vector of Objects with type theClass and matching the selectionCriteria
    • getAllFromIdentityMap

      public Vector getAllFromIdentityMap(Expression selectionCriteria, Class<?> theClass, DataRecord translationRow, InMemoryQueryIndirectionPolicy valueHolderPolicy, boolean shouldReturnInvalidatedObjects) throws QueryException
      ADVANCED: Query the cache in-memory. If the expression is too complex an exception will be thrown. Only return objects that are invalid in the cache if specified.
      Specified by:
      getAllFromIdentityMap in interface IdentityMapAccessor
      selectionCriteria - Expression selecting the Objects to be returned
      theClass - Class to be considered
      translationRow - Record
      valueHolderPolicy - see InMemoryQueryIndirectionPolicy
      shouldReturnInvalidatedObjects - boolean - true if only invalid Objects should be returned
      Vector of Objects
    • getAllFromIdentityMap

      public Vector getAllFromIdentityMap(Expression selectionCriteria, Class<?> theClass, DataRecord translationRow, int valueHolderPolicy, boolean shouldReturnInvalidatedObjects) throws QueryException
      ADVANCED: Query the cache in-memory. If the expression is too complex an exception will be thrown. Only return objects that are invalid in the cache if specified.
      Specified by:
      getAllFromIdentityMap in interface IdentityMapAccessor
      selectionCriteria - Expression selecting the Objects to be returned
      theClass - Class to be considered
      translationRow - Record
      valueHolderPolicy - see InMemoryQueryIndirectionPolicy
      shouldReturnInvalidatedObjects - boolean - true if only invalid Objects should be returned
      Vector of Objects
    • getAllFromIdentityMapWithEntityPK

      public Map<Object,Object> getAllFromIdentityMapWithEntityPK(Object[] pkList, ClassDescriptor descriptor)
      ADVANCED: Using a list of Entity PK this method will attempt to bulk load the entire list from the cache. In certain circumstances this can have large performance improvements over loading each item individually.
      pkList - List of Entity PKs to extract from the cache
      descriptor - Descriptor type to be retrieved.
      Map of Entity PKs associated to the Entities that were retrieved
    • getAllCacheKeysFromIdentityMapWithEntityPK

      public Map<Object,CacheKey> getAllCacheKeysFromIdentityMapWithEntityPK(Object[] pkList, ClassDescriptor descriptor)
      ADVANCED: Using a list of Entity PK this method will attempt to bulk load the entire list from the cache. In certain circumstances this can have large performance improvements over loading each item individually.
      pkList - List of Entity PKs to extract from the cache
      descriptor - Descriptor type to be retrieved.
      Map of Entity PKs associated to the Entities that were retrieved
    • getFromIdentityMap

      public Object getFromIdentityMap(Object object)
      ADVANCED: Return the object from the identity with primary and class of the given object.
      Specified by:
      getFromIdentityMap in interface IdentityMapAccessor
      object - Object
      Object from identity map, may be null.
    • getCacheKeyForObject

      public CacheKey getCacheKeyForObject(Object object)
      INTERNAL: Retrieve the cache key for the given object.
    • getCacheKeyForObjectForLock

      public CacheKey getCacheKeyForObjectForLock(Object primaryKey, Class<?> myClass, ClassDescriptor descriptor)
      INTERNAL: Retrieve the cache key for the given identity information.
      primaryKey - the primary key of the cache key to be retrieved.
      myClass - the class of the cache key to be retrieved.
    • getCacheKeyForObject

      public CacheKey getCacheKeyForObject(Object primaryKey, Class<?> myClass, ClassDescriptor descriptor, boolean forMerge)
      INTERNAL: Retrieve the cache key for the given identity information.
      primaryKey - the primary key of the cache key to be retrieved.
      myClass - the class of the cache key to be retrieved.
    • getFromIdentityMap

      public Object getFromIdentityMap(Object primaryKey, Class<?> theClass)
      ADVANCED: Return the object from the identity with the primary and class.
      Specified by:
      getFromIdentityMap in interface IdentityMapAccessor
      Object from identity map, may be null.
    • getFromIdentityMap

      public Object getFromIdentityMap(Object primaryKey, Class<?> theClass, ClassDescriptor descriptor)
      ADVANCED: Return the object from the identity with the primary and class.
    • getFromIdentityMap

      public Object getFromIdentityMap(Object primaryKey, Class<?> theClass, boolean shouldReturnInvalidatedObjects)
      ADVANCED: Return the object from the identity with the primary and class. Only return invalidated objects if requested.
      Specified by:
      getFromIdentityMap in interface IdentityMapAccessor
      Object from identity map, may be null.
    • getFromIdentityMap

      public Object getFromIdentityMap(Object primaryKey, Object object, Class<?> theClass, boolean shouldReturnInvalidatedObjects, ClassDescriptor descriptor)
      INTERNAL: Return the object from the identity with the primary and class. Only return invalidated objects if requested.
    • getFromLocalIdentityMap

      public Object getFromLocalIdentityMap(Object primaryKey, Class<?> theClass, boolean shouldReturnInvalidatedObjects, ClassDescriptor descriptor)
      INTERNAL: Return the object from the local identity map with the primary and class. This avoids checking the parent cache for the unit of work.
    • getFromLocalIdentityMapWithDeferredLock

      public Object getFromLocalIdentityMapWithDeferredLock(Object primaryKey, Class<?> theClass, boolean shouldReturnInvalidatedObjects, ClassDescriptor descriptor)
      INTERNAL: Return the object from the local identity map with the primary and class. This avoids checking the parent cache for the unit of work.
    • getFromIdentityMap

      public Object getFromIdentityMap(DataRecord rowContainingPrimaryKey, Class<?> theClass)
      ADVANCED: Return the object from the identity with the primary and class.
      Specified by:
      getFromIdentityMap in interface IdentityMapAccessor
      rowContainingPrimaryKey - Record
      theClass - Class
      Object from identity map, may be null.
    • getFromIdentityMap

      public Object getFromIdentityMap(DataRecord rowContainingPrimaryKey, Class<?> theClass, boolean shouldReturnInvalidatedObjects)
      ADVANCED: Return the object from the identity with the primary and class. Only return invalidated objects if requested.
      Specified by:
      getFromIdentityMap in interface IdentityMapAccessor
      rowContainingPrimaryKey - Record
      theClass - Class
      shouldReturnInvalidatedObjects - boolean
      Object from identity map, may be null.
    • getFromIdentityMap

      public Object getFromIdentityMap(Expression selectionCriteria, Class<?> theClass, DataRecord translationRow) throws QueryException
      ADVANCED: Query the cache in-memory. If the object is not found null is returned. If the expression is too complex an exception will be thrown.
      Specified by:
      getFromIdentityMap in interface IdentityMapAccessor
      selectionCriteria - Expression
      theClass - Class
      translationRow - Record
      Object from identity map, may be null
    • getFromIdentityMap

      public Object getFromIdentityMap(Expression selectionCriteria, Class<?> theClass, DataRecord translationRow, InMemoryQueryIndirectionPolicy valueHolderPolicy) throws QueryException
      ADVANCED: Query the cache in-memory. If the object is not found null is returned. If the expression is too complex an exception will be thrown.
      Specified by:
      getFromIdentityMap in interface IdentityMapAccessor
      selectionCriteria - Expression
      theClass - Class
      translationRow - Record
      valueHolderPolicy - see InMemoryQueryIndirectionPolicy
      Object from identity map, may be null
    • getFromIdentityMap

      public Object getFromIdentityMap(Expression selectionCriteria, Class<?> theClass, DataRecord translationRow, int valueHolderPolicy) throws QueryException
      ADVANCED: Query the cache in-memory. If the object is not found null is returned. If the expression is too complex an exception will be thrown.
      Specified by:
      getFromIdentityMap in interface IdentityMapAccessor
      selectionCriteria - Expression
      theClass - Class
      translationRow - Record
      valueHolderPolicy - see InMemoryQueryIndirectionPolicy
      Object from identity map, may be null
    • getFromIdentityMap

      public Object getFromIdentityMap(Expression selectionCriteria, Class<?> theClass, DataRecord translationRow, int valueHolderPolicy, boolean conforming)
      INTERNAL: Query the cache in-memory. If the object is not found null is returned. If the expression is too complex an exception will be thrown.
    • getFromIdentityMap

      public Object getFromIdentityMap(Expression selectionCriteria, Class<?> theClass, DataRecord translationRow, int valueHolderPolicy, boolean conforming, boolean shouldReturnInvalidatedObjects)
      INTERNAL: Query the cache in-memory. If the object is not found null is returned. If the expression is too complex an exception will be thrown.
    • getFromIdentityMap

      public Object getFromIdentityMap(Expression selectionCriteria, Class<?> theClass, DataRecord translationRow, int valueHolderPolicy, boolean conforming, boolean shouldReturnInvalidatedObjects, ClassDescriptor descriptor)
      INTERNAL: Query the cache in-memory. If the object is not found null is returned. If the expression is too complex an exception will be thrown.
    • getFromIdentityMapWithDeferredLock

      public Object getFromIdentityMapWithDeferredLock(Object primaryKey, Class<?> theClass, ClassDescriptor descriptor)
      INTERNAL: Return the object from the identity with the primary and class.
    • getFromIdentityMapWithDeferredLock

      public Object getFromIdentityMapWithDeferredLock(Object primaryKey, Class<?> theClass, boolean shouldReturnInvalidatedObjects, ClassDescriptor descriptor)
      INTERNAL: Return the object from the identity with the primary and class. Only return invalidated objects if requested
    • getIdentityMapManager

      public IdentityMapManager getIdentityMapManager()
      INTERNAL: Get the IdentityMapManager for this IdentityMapAccessor This method should be used for all IdentityMapManager access since it may be overridden in sub classes.
    • getIdentityMap

      public IdentityMap getIdentityMap(Class<?> theClass)
      INTERNAL: (public to allow test cases to check) Return the identity map for the class, if missing create a new one.
    • getIdentityMap

      public IdentityMap getIdentityMap(ClassDescriptor descriptor)
      INTERNAL: Get the identity map for the given class from the IdentityMapManager
    • getIdentityMap

      public IdentityMap getIdentityMap(ClassDescriptor descriptor, boolean returnNullIfMissing)
      INTERNAL: Get the identity map for the given class from the IdentityMapManager
    • getQueryResult

      public Object getQueryResult(ReadQuery query, List parameters, boolean checkExpiry)
      INTERNAL: Get the cached results associated with a query. Results are cached by the values of the parameters to the query so different parameters will have different cached results.
    • getRemainingValidTime

      public long getRemainingValidTime(Object object)
      ADVANCED: Return the remaining life of this object. This method is associated with use of cache invalidation and returns the difference between the next expiry time of the object and its read time. The method will return 0 for invalidated objects.
      Specified by:
      getRemainingValidTime in interface IdentityMapAccessor
      object - Object under consideration
      long time in milliseconds
    • getSession

      public AbstractSession getSession()
      INTERNAL: get the session associated with this IdentityMapAccessor
    • getWrapper

      public Object getWrapper(Object primaryKey, Class<?> theClass)
      INTERNAL: Get the wrapper object from the cache key associated with the given primary key, this is used for EJB.
    • getWriteLockManager

      public WriteLockManager getWriteLockManager()
      INTERNAL: Returns the single write Lock manager for this session
    • getWriteLockValue

      public Object getWriteLockValue(Object object)
      ADVANCED: Extract the write lock value from the identity map.
      Specified by:
      getWriteLockValue in interface IdentityMapAccessor
      object - Object
      Object for versioning
    • getWriteLockValue

      public Object getWriteLockValue(Object primaryKey, Class<?> theClass)
      ADVANCED: Extract the write lock value from the identity map.
      Specified by:
      getWriteLockValue in interface IdentityMapAccessor
    • getWriteLockValue

      public Object getWriteLockValue(Object primaryKey, Class<?> theClass, ClassDescriptor descriptor)
      ADVANCED: Extract the write lock value from the identity map.
    • initializeAllIdentityMaps

      public void initializeAllIdentityMaps()
      PUBLIC: Reset the entire object cache.

      NOTE: be careful using this method. This method blows away both this session's and its parents caches, this includes the server cache or any other cache. This throws away any objects that have been read in. Extreme caution should be used before doing this because object identity will no longer be maintained for any objects currently read in. This should only be called if the application knows that it no longer has references to object held in the cache.

      Specified by:
      initializeAllIdentityMaps in interface IdentityMapAccessor
    • initializeIdentityMap

      public void initializeIdentityMap(Class<?> theClass)
      PUBLIC: Reset the identity map for only the instances of the class. For inheritance the user must make sure that they only use the root class. Caution must be used in doing this to ensure that the objects within the identity map are not referenced from other objects of other classes or from the application.
      Specified by:
      initializeIdentityMap in interface IdentityMapAccessor
      theClass - Class
    • initializeIdentityMaps

      public void initializeIdentityMaps()
      PUBLIC: Reset the entire local object cache. This throws away any objects that have been read in. Extreme caution should be used before doing this because object identity will no longer be maintained for any objects currently read in. This should only be called if the application knows that it no longer has references to object held in the cache.
      Specified by:
      initializeIdentityMaps in interface IdentityMapAccessor
    • invalidateObject

      public void invalidateObject(Object object)
      ADVANCED: Set an object to be invalid in the cache. If the object does not exist in the cache, this method will return without any action.
      Specified by:
      invalidateObject in interface IdentityMapAccessor
      object - Object
    • invalidateObject

      public void invalidateObject(Object object, boolean invalidateCluster)
      ADVANCED: Set an object to be invalid in the cache.
      Specified by:
      invalidateObject in interface IdentityMapAccessor
      invalidateCluster - if true the invalidation will be broadcast to each server in the cluster.
    • invalidateObject

      public void invalidateObject(Object primaryKey, Class<?> theClass)
      ADVANCED: Set an object to be invalid in the cache. If the object does not exist in the cache, this method will return without any action.
      Specified by:
      invalidateObject in interface IdentityMapAccessor
    • invalidateObject

      public void invalidateObject(Object primaryKey, Class<?> theClass, boolean invalidateCluster)
      ADVANCED: Set an object to be invalid in the cache.
      Specified by:
      invalidateObject in interface IdentityMapAccessor
      invalidateCluster - if true the invalidation will be broadcast to each server in the cluster.
    • invalidateObject

      public void invalidateObject(DataRecord rowContainingPrimaryKey, Class<?> theClass)
      ADVANCED: Set an object to be invalid in the cache. If the object does not exist in the cache, this method will return without any action.
      Specified by:
      invalidateObject in interface IdentityMapAccessor
    • invalidateObject

      public void invalidateObject(DataRecord rowContainingPrimaryKey, Class<?> theClass, boolean invalidateCluster)
      ADVANCED: Set an object to be invalid in the cache.
      Specified by:
      invalidateObject in interface IdentityMapAccessor
      invalidateCluster - if true the invalidation will be broadcast to each server in the cluster.
    • invalidateObjects

      public void invalidateObjects(Expression selectionCriteria)
      ADVANCED: Set all of the objects from the given Expression to be invalid in the cache.
      Specified by:
      invalidateObjects in interface IdentityMapAccessor
      selectionCriteria - Expression
    • invalidateObjects

      public void invalidateObjects(Expression selectionCriteria, Class<?> theClass, DataRecord translationRow, boolean shouldInvalidateOnException)
      ADVANCED: Queries the cache in-memory with the passed in criteria and invalidates matching Objects. If the expression is too complex either all or none object of theClass invalidated (depending on shouldInvalidateOnException value).
      Specified by:
      invalidateObjects in interface IdentityMapAccessor
      selectionCriteria - Expression selecting the Objects to be returned
      theClass - Class to be considered
      translationRow - Record
      shouldInvalidateOnException - boolean indicates weather to invalidate the object if conform threw exception.
    • invalidateObjects

      public void invalidateObjects(Collection collection)
      ADVANCED: Set all of the objects in the given collection to be invalid in the cache. This method will take no action for any objects in the collection that do not exist in the cache.
      Specified by:
      invalidateObjects in interface IdentityMapAccessor
      collection - objects to be invalidated
    • invalidateObjects

      public void invalidateObjects(Collection collection, boolean invalidateCluster)
      ADVANCED: Set all of the objects in the given collection to be invalid in the cache.
      Specified by:
      invalidateObjects in interface IdentityMapAccessor
      invalidateCluster - if true the invalidation will be broadcast to each server in the cluster.
    • invalidateClass

      public void invalidateClass(Class<?> myClass)
      ADVANCED: Set all of the objects of a specific class to be invalid in the cache. Will set the recurseAndInvalidateToParentRoot flag on inheritance to true.
      Specified by:
      invalidateClass in interface IdentityMapAccessor
    • invalidateClass

      public void invalidateClass(Class<?> myClass, boolean recurseAndInvalidateToParentRoot)
      ADVANCED: Set all of the objects of a specific class to be invalid in the cache. User can set the recurse flag to false if they do not want to invalidate all the classes within an inheritance tree and instead invalidate the subtree rooted at myClass.
      Specified by:
      invalidateClass in interface IdentityMapAccessor
      myClass - - the class where we start invalidation
      recurseAndInvalidateToParentRoot - - default is true where we invalidate up the inheritance tree to the root descriptor
    • invalidateQueryCache

      public void invalidateQueryCache(Class<?> classThatChanged)
      Invalidate/remove any results for the class from the query cache. This is used to invalidate the query cache on any change.
      Specified by:
      invalidateQueryCache in interface IdentityMapAccessor
    • invalidateAll

      public void invalidateAll()
      ADVANCED: Set all of the objects from all identity maps to be invalid in the cache.
      Specified by:
      invalidateAll in interface IdentityMapAccessor
    • isValid

      public boolean isValid(Object object)
      ADVANCED: Return if this object is valid in the cache.
      Specified by:
      isValid in interface IdentityMapAccessor
    • isValid

      public boolean isValid(Object primaryKey, Class<?> theClass)
      ADVANCED: Return if this object is valid in the cache.
      Specified by:
      isValid in interface IdentityMapAccessor
    • isValid

      public boolean isValid(DataRecord rowContainingPrimaryKey, Class<?> theClass)
      ADVANCED: Return if this object is valid in the cache.
      Specified by:
      isValid in interface IdentityMapAccessor
    • printIdentityMap

      public void printIdentityMap(Class<?> businessClass)
      PUBLIC: Used to print all the objects in the identity map of the passed in class. The output of this method will be logged to this session's SessionLog at SEVERE level.
      Specified by:
      printIdentityMap in interface IdentityMapAccessor
    • printIdentityMaps

      public void printIdentityMaps()
      PUBLIC: Used to print all the objects in every identity map in this session. The output of this method will be logged to this session's SessionLog at SEVERE level.
      Specified by:
      printIdentityMaps in interface IdentityMapAccessor
    • printIdentityMapLocks

      public void printIdentityMapLocks()
      PUBLIC: Used to print all the locks in every identity map in this session. The output of this method will be logged to this session's SessionLog at FINEST level.
      Specified by:
      printIdentityMapLocks in interface IdentityMapAccessor
    • putInIdentityMap

      public Object putInIdentityMap(Object object)
      ADVANCED: Register the object with the cache. The object must always be registered with its version number if optimistic locking is used.
      Specified by:
      putInIdentityMap in interface IdentityMapAccessor
      object - Object
    • putInIdentityMap

      public Object putInIdentityMap(Object object, Object key)
      ADVANCED: Register the object with the cache. The object must always be registered with its version number if optimistic locking is used.
      Specified by:
      putInIdentityMap in interface IdentityMapAccessor
    • putInIdentityMap

      public Object putInIdentityMap(Object object, Object key, Object writeLockValue)
      ADVANCED: Register the object with the cache. The object must always be registered with its version number if optimistic locking is used.
      Specified by:
      putInIdentityMap in interface IdentityMapAccessor
    • putInIdentityMap

      public Object putInIdentityMap(Object object, Object key, Object writeLockValue, long readTime)
      ADVANCED: Register the object with the cache. The object must always be registered with its version number if optimistic locking is used. The readTime may also be included in the cache key as it is constructed.
      Specified by:
      putInIdentityMap in interface IdentityMapAccessor
      object - Object
      key - Object
      writeLockValue - Object for versioning
      readTime - long, time in milliseconds
      Object the Object put into the identity map
    • putInIdentityMap

      public Object putInIdentityMap(Object object, Object key, Object writeLockValue, long readTime, ClassDescriptor descriptor)
      ADVANCED: Register the object with the cache. The object must always be registered with its version number if optimistic locking is used. The readTime may also be included in the cache key as it is constructed.
    • putQueryResult

      public void putQueryResult(ReadQuery query, List parameters, Object results)
      INTERNAL: Set the results for a query. Query results are cached based on the parameter values provided to the query different parameter values access different caches.
    • putCacheKeyByIndex

      public void putCacheKeyByIndex(CacheIndex index, CacheId indexValues, CacheKey cacheKey, ClassDescriptor descriptor)
      Index the cache key by the index values.
    • getCacheKeyByIndex

      public CacheKey getCacheKeyByIndex(CacheIndex index, CacheId indexValues, boolean shouldCheckExpiry, ClassDescriptor descriptor)
      Return the cache key for the cache index or null if not found.
    • internalPutInIdentityMap

      public CacheKey internalPutInIdentityMap(Object object, Object key, Object writeLockValue, long readTime, ClassDescriptor descriptor)
      INTERNAL: Register the object with the cache. The object must always be registered with its version number if optimistic locking is used. The readTime may also be included in the cache key as it is constructed. Return the cache-key.
    • releaseWriteLock

      public void releaseWriteLock()
      INTERNAL: Lock the entire cache if the cache isolation requires. By default concurrent reads and writes are allowed. By write, unit of work merge is meant.
    • removeFromIdentityMap

      public Object removeFromIdentityMap(Object object)
      ADVANCED: Remove the object from the object cache. Caution should be used when calling to avoid violating object identity. The application should only call this is it knows that no references to the object exist.
      Specified by:
      removeFromIdentityMap in interface IdentityMapAccessor
      object - Object
      Object the Object removed from the identity map
    • removeFromIdentityMap

      public Object removeFromIdentityMap(Object key, Class<?> theClass)
      ADVANCED: Remove the object from the object cache.
      Specified by:
      removeFromIdentityMap in interface IdentityMapAccessor
      Object the Object removed from the identity map
    • removeFromIdentityMap

      public Object removeFromIdentityMap(Object key, Class<?> theClass, ClassDescriptor descriptor, Object object)
      INTERNAL: Remove the object from the object cache.
    • setIdentityMapManager

      public void setIdentityMapManager(IdentityMapManager identityMapManager)
      INTERNAL: Set the IdentityMapManager for this IdentityMapAccessor
    • setWrapper

      public void setWrapper(Object primaryKey, Class<?> theClass, Object wrapper)
      INTERNAL: Update the wrapper object the cache key associated with the given primary key, this is used for EJB.
    • updateWriteLockValue

      public void updateWriteLockValue(Object object, Object writeLockValue)
      ADVANCED: Update the write lock value in the cache.
      Specified by:
      updateWriteLockValue in interface IdentityMapAccessor
      object - Object
      writeLockValue - Object for versioning
    • updateWriteLockValue

      public void updateWriteLockValue(Object primaryKey, Class<?> theClass, Object writeLockValue)
      ADVANCED: Update the write lock value in the cache.
      Specified by:
      updateWriteLockValue in interface IdentityMapAccessor
    • validateCache

      public void validateCache()
      INTERNAL: This can be used to help debugging an object identity problem. An object identity problem is when an object in the cache references an object not in the cache. This method will validate that all cached objects are in a correct state.
      Specified by:
      validateCache in interface IdentityMapAccessor