
public class RemoteSessionController extends Object
RemoteSessionController sits between the remote session (on the client) and whatever session is running on the server. Any interaction between these two classes takes place through this object.
  • Field Details

    • isInTransaction

      protected boolean isInTransaction
      Used to resolve transaction treading for client-side nested transaction where server uses many worker threads.
    • isInEarlyTransaction

      protected boolean isInEarlyTransaction
      Used to isolate queries to a unit of work in an early transaction.
    • session

      protected AbstractSession session
      This is a either a database session or a client session depending upon the setup.
    • unitOfWork

      protected UnitOfWorkImpl unitOfWork
      Use the temporary unit of work to isolate queries after an early transaction.
    • remoteValueHolders

      protected Map<ObjID,ValueHolderInterface> remoteValueHolders
      The original remote value holders, before they were serialized; keyed by ID
    • remoteCursors

      protected Map<ObjID,Cursor> remoteCursors
      The original cursor (either CursoredStream or ScrollableCursor, before they were serialized; keyed by ID
    • commandManager

      protected CommandManager commandManager
      This is the Synchronization policy used to synchronize remote caches
  • Constructor Details

    • RemoteSessionController

      public RemoteSessionController(AbstractSession session)
  • Method Details

    • processCommand

      public Transporter processCommand(Transporter remoteCommand)
      INTERNAL: This method is intended to be used by by sessions that wish to execute a command on a remote session
      remoteCommand - RemoteCommand The command to be executed on the remote session
    • beginTransaction

      public Transporter beginTransaction()
      Begin a transaction on the database.
    • beginEarlyTransaction

      public Transporter beginEarlyTransaction()
      Begin an early unit of work transaction.
    • buildObjectDescriptor

      protected ObjectDescriptor buildObjectDescriptor(Object object)
      build and return an object descriptor to be sent to the client
    • closeScrollableCursor

      public Transporter closeScrollableCursor(ObjID id)
      Used for closing scrolable cursor across RMI.
    • commitRootUnitOfWork

      public Transporter commitRootUnitOfWork(Transporter remoteTransporter)
      Remote unit of work after serialization is commited locally.
    • commitTransaction

      public Transporter commitTransaction()
      Commit a transaction on the database.
    • cursoredStreamClose

      public Transporter cursoredStreamClose(Transporter remoteCursoredStreamOid)
      Used for closing cursored streams across RMI.
    • cursoredStreamNextpage

      public Transporter cursoredStreamNextpage(Transporter remoteCursoredId, int pageSize)
      Retrieve next page of objects from the remote cursored stream once, avoid page size round trips from the server to the client
    • cursoredStreamSize

      public Transporter cursoredStreamSize(Transporter remoteCursoredStreamOid)
      Return the wrapped cursored stream from the server
    • cursorSelectObjects

      public Transporter cursorSelectObjects(Transporter remoteTransporter)
      Returns a remote cursor stub in a transporter
    • executeNamedQuery

      public Transporter executeNamedQuery(Transporter nameTransporter, Transporter classTransporter, Transporter argumentsTransporter)
      A named query after serialization is executed locally.
    • executeQuery

      public Transporter executeQuery(Transporter remoteTransporter)
      A remote query after serialization is executed locally.
    • getCommandManager

      public CommandManager getCommandManager()
      INTERNAL: This method returns the command manager policy for this remote connection
    • getDefaultReadOnlyClasses

      public Transporter getDefaultReadOnlyClasses()
      return the read-only classes
    • getDescriptor

      public Transporter getDescriptor(Transporter remoteTransporter)
      Extract descriptor from the session
    • getDescriptorForAlias

      public Transporter getDescriptorForAlias(Transporter remoteTransporter)
      Extract descriptor from the session
    • getLogin

      public Transporter getLogin()
      Get the associated session login.
    • getRemoteCursors

      protected Map<ObjID,Cursor> getRemoteCursors()
      return the pre-remoted cursors
    • getRemoteValueHolders

      public Map<ObjID,ValueHolderInterface> getRemoteValueHolders()
      INTERNAL: return the pre-serialized remote value holders
    • getSequenceNumberNamed

      public Transporter getSequenceNumberNamed(Transporter remoteFunctionCall)
      INTERNAL: Get the value returned by remote function call
    • getSession

      public AbstractSession getSession()
      Get the associated server side session.
    • initialize

      protected void initialize(AbstractSession session)
      Initialize this RemoteSessionController with a session. Clear the cached valueholders and cursors.
    • initializeIdentityMapsOnServerSession

      public Transporter initializeIdentityMapsOnServerSession()
      Initalize all the server side identity maps.
    • instantiateRemoteValueHolderOnServer

      public Transporter instantiateRemoteValueHolderOnServer(Transporter remoteTransporter)
      The corresponding original value holder is instantiated.
    • isInTransaction

      protected boolean isInTransaction()
    • replaceValueHoldersIn

      public Map replaceValueHoldersIn(Object object)
      Traverse the specified object, replacing the standard value holders with remote value holders. And build up a collection of object descriptors.
    • replaceValueHoldersIn

      public void replaceValueHoldersIn(Object object, Map objectDescriptors)
      Traverse the specified object, replacing the standard value holders with remote value holders. Add the resulting object descriptors to the "collecting parm".
    • replaceValueHoldersInAll

      public Map replaceValueHoldersInAll(Object container, ContainerPolicy policy)
      Traverse the specified objects, replacing the standard value holders with remote value holders. And build up a collection of object descriptors.
    • rollbackTransaction

      public Transporter rollbackTransaction()
      Rollback a transaction on the database.
    • saveRemoteValueHolder

      public void saveRemoteValueHolder(RemoteValueHolder remoteValueHolder)
      Save the pre-serialized version of the remote value holder so that it can be used when the serialized version (on the client) is instantiated and needs to come back to the server to get its "value".
    • scrollableCursorAbsolute

      public Transporter scrollableCursorAbsolute(Transporter remoteScrollableCursorOid, int rows)
      Moves the cursor to the given row number in the result set
    • scrollableCursorAfterLast

      public Transporter scrollableCursorAfterLast(Transporter remoteScrollableCursorOid)
      Moves the cursor to the end of the result set, just after the last row.
    • scrollableCursorBeforeFirst

      public Transporter scrollableCursorBeforeFirst(Transporter remoteScrollableCursorOid)
      Moves the cursor to the front of the result set, just before the first row
    • scrollableCursorClose

      public Transporter scrollableCursorClose(Transporter remoteScrollableCursorOid)
      Used for closing cursored streams across RMI.
    • scrollableCursorCurrentIndex

      public Transporter scrollableCursorCurrentIndex(Transporter remoteScrollableCursorOid)
      Retrieves the current row index number
    • scrollableCursorFirst

      public Transporter scrollableCursorFirst(Transporter remoteScrollableCursorOid)
      Moves the cursor to the first row in the result set
    • scrollableCursorIsAfterLast

      public Transporter scrollableCursorIsAfterLast(Transporter remoteScrollableCursorOid)
      Indicates whether the cursor is after the last row in the result set.
    • scrollableCursorIsBeforeFirst

      public Transporter scrollableCursorIsBeforeFirst(Transporter remoteScrollableCursorOid)
      Indicates whether the cursor is before the first row in the result set.
    • scrollableCursorIsFirst

      public Transporter scrollableCursorIsFirst(Transporter remoteScrollableCursorOid)
      Indicates whether the cursor is on the first row of the result set.
    • scrollableCursorIsLast

      public Transporter scrollableCursorIsLast(Transporter remoteScrollableCursorOid)
      Indicates whether the cursor is on the last row of the result set.
    • scrollableCursorLast

      public Transporter scrollableCursorLast(Transporter remoteScrollableCursorOid)
      Moves the cursor to the last row in the result set
    • scrollableCursorNextObject

      public Transporter scrollableCursorNextObject(Transporter remoteScrollableCursorOid)
      Retrieve next object from the scrollable cursor
    • scrollableCursorPreviousObject

      public Transporter scrollableCursorPreviousObject(Transporter remoteScrollableCursorOid)
      Retrieve previous object from the scrollable cursor
    • scrollableCursorRelative

      public Transporter scrollableCursorRelative(Transporter remoteScrollableCursorOid, int rows)
      Moves the cursor to the given row number in the result set
    • scrollableCursorSize

      public Transporter scrollableCursorSize(Transporter remoteCursorOid)
      Return the scrollable cursor size from the server
    • setIsInTransaction

      protected void setIsInTransaction(boolean isInTransaction)
    • setRemoteCursors

      protected void setRemoteCursors(Map<ObjID,Cursor> remoteCursors)
      set the pre-remoted cursors
    • setRemoteValueHolders

      protected void setRemoteValueHolders(Map<ObjID,ValueHolderInterface> remoteValueHolders)
      set the pre-serialized remote value holders
    • setSession

      protected void setSession(AbstractSession session)
      Set the associated server side session.
    • getExecutionSession

      protected AbstractSession getExecutionSession()
      Return the correct session for the transaction context. If in an active transaction, a unit of work must be used to avoid putting uncommitted data into the cache, and to use the correct accessor for the queries.