Interface ContainerMapping

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractCompositeCollectionMapping, AbstractCompositeDirectCollectionMapping, AggregateCollectionMapping, ArrayMapping, CollectionMapping, DirectCollectionMapping, DirectMapMapping, EISCompositeCollectionMapping, EISCompositeDirectCollectionMapping, EISOneToManyMapping, ManyToManyMapping, NestedTableMapping, ObjectArrayMapping, OneToManyMapping, UnidirectionalOneToManyMapping, XMLAnyCollectionMapping, XMLBinaryDataCollectionMapping, XMLCollectionReferenceMapping, XMLCompositeCollectionMapping, XMLCompositeDirectCollectionMapping, XMLFragmentCollectionMapping, XMLInverseReferenceMapping, XMLVariableXPathCollectionMapping

public interface ContainerMapping
Interface used by clients to interact with the assorted mappings that use ContainerPolicy.
TOPLink/Java 4.0
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    PUBLIC: Return the mapping's container policy.
    PUBLIC: Set the mapping's container policy.
    useCollectionClass(Class<?> concreteClass)
    PUBLIC: Configure the mapping to use an instance of the specified container class to hold the target objects.
    PUBLIC: Configure the mapping to use an instance of the specified container class to hold the target objects.
    useListClassName(String concreteClass)
    PUBLIC: Configure the mapping to use an instance of the specified container class to hold the target objects.
    useMapClass(Class<?> concreteClass, String methodName)
    PUBLIC: Configure the mapping to use an instance of the specified container class to hold the target objects.
    useMapClassName(String concreteClass, String methodName)
    PUBLIC: Configure the mapping to use an instance of the specified container class to hold the target objects.
  • Method Details

    • getContainerPolicy

      ContainerPolicy getContainerPolicy()
      PUBLIC: Return the mapping's container policy.
    • setContainerPolicy

      void setContainerPolicy(ContainerPolicy containerPolicy)
      PUBLIC: Set the mapping's container policy.
    • useCollectionClass

      void useCollectionClass(Class<?> concreteClass)
      PUBLIC: Configure the mapping to use an instance of the specified container class to hold the target objects.

      The container class must implement (directly or indirectly) the java.util.Collection interface.

    • useCollectionClassName

      void useCollectionClassName(String concreteClass)
      PUBLIC: Configure the mapping to use an instance of the specified container class to hold the target objects.

      The container class must implement (directly or indirectly) the java.util.Collection interface.

    • useListClassName

      void useListClassName(String concreteClass)
      PUBLIC: Configure the mapping to use an instance of the specified container class to hold the target objects.

      The container class must implement (directly or indirectly) the java.util.List interface.

    • useMapClass

      void useMapClass(Class<?> concreteClass, String methodName)
      PUBLIC: Configure the mapping to use an instance of the specified container class to hold the target objects. The key used to index a value in the Map is the value returned by a call to the specified zero-argument method. The method must be implemented by the class (or a superclass) of any value to be inserted into the Map.

      The container class must implement (directly or indirectly) the java.util.Map interface.

      To facilitate resolving the method, the mapping's referenceClass must set before calling this method.

    • useMapClassName

      void useMapClassName(String concreteClass, String methodName)
      PUBLIC: Configure the mapping to use an instance of the specified container class to hold the target objects. The key used to index a value in the Map is the value returned by a call to the specified zero-argument method. The method must be implemented by the class (or a superclass) of any value to be inserted into the Map.

      The container class must implement (directly or indirectly) the java.util.Map interface.

      To facilitate resolving the method, the mapping's referenceClass must set before calling this method.