Class TypedAssociation

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
InteractionArgument, QueryArgument, TypeMapping

public class TypedAssociation extends Association

Purpose: Generic association object. This can be used to map hashtable/map containers where the key and value are non-typed primitives.

TOPLink/Java 3.0
  • Field Details

    • keyType

      protected Class<?> keyType
    • valueType

      protected Class<?> valueType
  • Constructor Details

    • TypedAssociation

      public TypedAssociation()
      Default constructor.
    • TypedAssociation

      public TypedAssociation(Object key, Object value)
      PUBLIC: Create an association.
  • Method Details

    • getKeyType

      public Class<?> getKeyType()
      PUBLIC: Return the class of the key.
    • getValueType

      public Class<?> getValueType()
      PUBLIC: Return the class of the value.
    • postBuild

      public void postBuild(DescriptorEvent event)
      INTERNAL: Handler for the descriptor post build event. Convert the key and values to their appropriate type.
    • setKeyType

      public void setKeyType(Class<?> keyType)
      PUBLIC: Set the class of the key.
    • setValueType

      public void setValueType(Class<?> valueType)
      PUBLIC: Set the class of the value.