Class ForeignReferenceQueryKey

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable
Direct Known Subclasses:
DirectCollectionQueryKey, ManyToManyQueryKey, OneToManyQueryKey, OneToOneQueryKey

public class ForeignReferenceQueryKey extends QueryKey

Purpose: Define an alias to a foreign object.


  • Define the reference class of the foreign object.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • referenceClass

      protected Class<?> referenceClass
    • referenceClassName

      protected String referenceClassName
    • joinCriteria

      protected Expression joinCriteria
  • Constructor Details

    • ForeignReferenceQueryKey

      public ForeignReferenceQueryKey()
  • Method Details

    • convertClassNamesToClasses

      public void convertClassNamesToClasses(ClassLoader classLoader)
      INTERNAL: Convert all the class-name-based settings in this project to actual class-based settings
      convertClassNamesToClasses in class QueryKey
    • getJoinCriteria

      public Expression getJoinCriteria()
      PUBLIC: Return the join expression for the relationship defined by the query key.
    • getReferenceClass

      public Class<?> getReferenceClass()
      PUBLIC: Return the reference class of the relationship.
    • getReferenceClassName

      public String getReferenceClassName()
      PUBLIC: Return the reference class name of the relationship.
    • isForeignReferenceQueryKey

      public boolean isForeignReferenceQueryKey()
      INTERNAL: override the isForeignReferenceQueryKey() method in the superclass to return true.
      isForeignReferenceQueryKey in class QueryKey
    • setJoinCriteria

      public void setJoinCriteria(Expression joinCriteria)
      PUBLIC: Set the join expression for the relationship defined by the query key.


    • setReferenceClass

      public void setReferenceClass(Class<?> referenceClass)
      PUBLIC: Set the reference class of the relationship. This is not required for direct collection query keys.
    • setReferenceClassName

      public void setReferenceClassName(String referenceClassName)
      PUBLIC: Set the reference class name for this relationship This is used when projects are built without using classes
    • getSourceTable

      public DatabaseTable getSourceTable()
      PUBLIC: Returns the source table.
    • getReferenceTable

      public DatabaseTable getReferenceTable(ClassDescriptor desc)
      PUBLIC: Returns the reference table.
    • getRelationTable

      public DatabaseTable getRelationTable(ClassDescriptor referenceDescriptor)
      PUBLIC: Returns the relation table. Currently only ManyToMany and OneToOne may have relation table. The method is overridden to return null for other subclasses. The returned relationTable still could be null.