Module org.eclipse.persistence.core
Package org.eclipse.persistence.queries
Class ResultSetMappingQuery
- All Implemented Interfaces:
Purpose: Concrete class to perform read using raw SQL and the SQLResultSetMapping.
Responsibilities: Execute a selecting raw SQL string. Returns a List of results. Each item in the list will be another list consisting of the expected populated return types in the order they were specified in the SQLResultSetMapping
- Since:
- TopLink Java Essentials
- See Also:
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.eclipse.persistence.queries.DatabaseQuery
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected boolean
protected Vector
protected List
<SQLResultSetMapping> protected boolean
Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ObjectBuildingQuery
DEFAULT_LOCK_MODE, executionTime, isCacheCheckComplete, LOCK, LOCK_NOWAIT, LOCK_RESULT_PROPERTY, lockingClause, NO_LOCK, prefetchedCacheKeys, printInnerJoinInWhereClause, referenceClass, referenceClassName, requiresDeferredLocks, shouldBuildNullForNullPk, shouldRefreshIdentityMapResult, shouldRefreshRemoteIdentityMapResult, shouldRegisterResultsInUnitOfWork, shouldUseExclusiveConnection, wasDefaultLockMode
Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReadQuery
allowQueryResultsCacheValidation, fetchSize, firstResult, maxResults, maxRows, queryId, queryResultCachingPolicy, temporaryCachedQueryResults
Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.persistence.queries.DatabaseQuery
accessors, allowNativeSQLQuery, argumentFields, argumentParameterTypes, arguments, argumentTypeNames, argumentTypes, argumentValues, BATCH_FETCH_PROPERTY, CascadeAggregateDelete, CascadeAllParts, CascadeByMapping, CascadeDependentParts, cascadePolicy, CascadePrivateParts, descriptor, descriptors, doNotRedirect, executionSession, flushOnExecute, hintString, isCustomQueryUsed, isExecutionClone, isNativeConnectionRequired, isPrepared, isUserDefined, isUserDefinedSQLCall, monitorName, name, NoCascading, nullableArguments, parameterDelimiter, partitioningPolicy, properties, queryMechanism, queryTimeout, queryTimeoutUnit, redirector, session, sessionName, shouldBindAllParameters, shouldCacheStatement, shouldCloneCall, shouldMaintainCache, shouldPrepare, shouldRetrieveBypassCache, shouldReturnGeneratedKeys, shouldStoreBypassCache, shouldUseWrapperPolicy, shouldValidateUpdateCallCacheUse, sourceMapping, translationRow
Constructor Summary
ConstructorsConstructorDescriptionPUBLIC: Initialize the state of the query.ResultSetMappingQuery
(Call call) PUBLIC: Initialize the query to use the specified call.ResultSetMappingQuery
(Call call, String sqlResultSetMappingName) PUBLIC: Initialize the query to use the specified call and SQLResultSetMapping -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(SQLResultSetMapping resultSetMapping) PUBLIC: This will be the SQLResultSetMapping that is used by this query to process the database resultsvoid
PUBLIC: Add a SQLResultSetMapping that is used by this query to process the database results.buildObjectsFromRecords
(List databaseRecords) INTERNAL: This method is used to build the results.buildObjectsFromRecords
(List databaseRecords, int index) INTERNAL: This method is used to build the results with the SQLResultSetMapping at the given index.protected List
(List databaseRecords, SQLResultSetMapping mapping) INTERNAL: This method is used to build the results.void
(Object unwrappedOriginal) INTERNAL:void
(ClassLoader classLoader) INTERNAL: Convert all the class-name-based settings in this ResultSetMapping to actual class-based settings.INTERNAL: Executes the prepared query on the datastore.PUBLIC: This will be the SQLResultSetMapping that is used by this query to process the database resultsPUBLIC: Return the result set mapping name.PUBLIC: Return the result set mapping name.PUBLIC: This will be the SQLResultSetMapping that is used by this query to process the database resultsboolean
PUBLIC: Return true if there are results set mappings associated with this query.boolean
PUBLIC: Return true if this is a result set mapping query.protected void
INTERNAL: Prepare the receiver for execution in a session.void
(boolean isExecuteCall) PUBLIC: Set to true if you the actual jdbc result set returned from query execution.void
(boolean returnNameValuePairs) Set the flag that indicates whether or not to return populated DatabaseRecord(s) as opposed to raw data when an SQLResultSetMapping is not set.void
(SQLResultSetMapping resultSetMapping) PUBLIC: This will be the SQLResultSetMapping that is used by this query to process the database resultsvoid
PUBLIC: This will be the SQLResultSetMapping that is used by this query to process the database resultsvoid
(List<String> names) PUBLIC: This will be the SQLResultvoid
(List<SQLResultSetMapping> resultSetMappings) PUBLIC: This will be the SQLResultSetMappings that are used by this query to process the database resultsboolean
Indicates whether or not to return populated DatabaseRecord(s) as opposed to raw data when an SQLResultSetMapping is not set.Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ObjectBuildingQuery
clone, clonedQueryExecutionComplete, copyFromQuery, deepClone, dontRefreshIdentityMapResult, dontRefreshRemoteIdentityMapResult, getDataResults, getExecutionFetchGroup, getExecutionFetchGroup, getExecutionTime, getLoadGroup, getLockMode, getPrefetchedCacheKeys, getQueryPrimaryKey, getReferenceClass, getReferenceClassName, hasExecutionFetchGroup, hasPartialAttributeExpressions, isAttributeJoined, isCacheCheckComplete, isClonePessimisticLocked, isDefaultLock, isLockQuery, isObjectBuildingQuery, isRegisteringResults, postRegisterIndividualResult, prepareCustomQuery, prepareFromQuery, printInnerJoinInWhereClause, recordCloneForPessimisticLocking, refreshIdentityMapResult, refreshRemoteIdentityMapResult, registerIndividualResult, requiresDeferredLocks, setExecutionTime, setLockMode, setPrefetchedCacheKeys, setPrintInnerJoinInWhereClause, setReferenceClass, setReferenceClassName, setRequiresDeferredLocks, setShouldBuildNullForNullPk, setShouldRefreshIdentityMapResult, setShouldRefreshRemoteIdentityMapResult, setShouldRegisterResultsInUnitOfWork, setShouldUseExclusiveConnection, setWasDefaultLockMode, shouldBuildNullForNullPk, shouldReadAllMappings, shouldReadMapping, shouldRefreshIdentityMapResult, shouldRefreshRemoteIdentityMapResult, shouldRegisterResultsInUnitOfWork, shouldUseExclusiveConnection, shouldUseSerializedObjectPolicy, usesResultSetAccessOptimization, wasDefaultLockMode
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReadQuery
buildObject, cacheQueryResults, clearQueryResults, doNotCacheQueryResults, getFetchSize, getFirstResult, getInternalMax, getMaxRows, getQueryId, getQueryResults, getQueryResults, getQueryResults, getQueryResultsCachePolicy, getTemporaryCachedQueryResults, isDefaultPropertiesQuery, isReadQuery, prepareForExecution, remoteExecute, setAllowQueryResultsCacheValidation, setFetchSize, setFirstResult, setInternalMax, setMaxRows, setQueryId, setQueryResults, setQueryResultsCachePolicy, setTemporaryCachedQueryResults, shouldAllowQueryResultsCacheValidation, shouldCacheQueryResults
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.persistence.queries.DatabaseQuery
addArgument, addArgument, addArgument, addArgument, addArgument, addArgument, addArgumentByTypeName, addArgumentValue, addArgumentValues, addCall, addStatement, bindAllParameters, buildArgumentFields, buildSelectionCriteria, cacheStatement, cascadeAllParts, cascadeByMapping, cascadeOnlyDependentParts, cascadePrivateParts, checkDescriptor, checkEarlyReturn, checkForCustomQuery, checkPrepare, checkPrepare, dontBindAllParameters, dontCacheStatement, dontCascadeParts, dontMaintainCache, execute, executeInUnitOfWork, extractRemoteResult, getAccessor, getAccessors, getArgumentParameterTypes, getArguments, getArgumentTypeNames, getArgumentTypes, getArgumentValues, getBatchObjects, getCall, getCascadePolicy, getDatasourceCall, getDatasourceCalls, getDefaultRedirector, getDescriptor, getDescriptors, getDomainClassNounName, getDoNotRedirect, getEJBQLString, getExecutionSession, getFlushOnExecute, getHintString, getJPQLString, getMonitorName, getName, getNullableArguments, getParameterDelimiter, getParameterDelimiterChar, getPartitioningPolicy, getProperties, getProperty, getQueryMechanism, getQueryNounName, getQueryTimeout, getQueryTimeoutUnit, getRedirector, getRedirectorForQuery, getSelectionCriteria, getSensorName, getSession, getSessionName, getShouldBindAllParameters, getSourceMapping, getSQLStatement, getSQLString, getSQLStrings, getTranslatedSQLString, getTranslatedSQLStrings, getTranslationRow, hasAccessor, hasArguments, hasNullableArguments, hasProperties, hasQueryMechanism, hasSessionName, ignoreBindAllParameters, ignoreCacheStatement, isCallQuery, isCascadeOfAggregateDelete, isCustomQueryUsed, isCustomSelectionQuery, isDataModifyQuery, isDataReadQuery, isDeleteAllQuery, isDeleteObjectQuery, isDirectReadQuery, isExecutionClone, isExpressionQuery, isInsertObjectQuery, isJPQLCallQuery, isModifyAllQuery, isModifyQuery, isNativeConnectionRequired, isObjectLevelModifyQuery, isObjectLevelReadQuery, isPrepared, isReadAllQuery, isReadObjectQuery, isReportQuery, isSQLCallQuery, isUpdateAllQuery, isUpdateObjectQuery, isUserDefined, isUserDefinedSQLCall, isValueReadQuery, isWriteObjectQuery, maintainCache, prepareCall, prepareForRemoteExecution, prepareInternal, redirectQuery, remoteExecute, removeProperty, replaceValueHoldersIn, resetMonitorName, retrieveBypassCache, rowFromArguments, setAccessor, setAccessors, setAllowNativeSQLQuery, setArguments, setArgumentTypeNames, setArgumentTypes, setArgumentValues, setBatchObjects, setCall, setCascadePolicy, setDatasourceCall, setDescriptor, setDoNotRedirect, setEJBQLString, setExecutionSession, setFlushOnExecute, setHintString, setIsCustomQueryUsed, setIsExecutionClone, setIsNativeConnectionRequired, setIsPrepared, setIsUserDefined, setIsUserDefinedSQLCall, setJPQLString, setName, setNullableArguments, setParameterDelimiter, setPartitioningPolicy, setProperties, setProperty, setQueryMechanism, setQueryTimeout, setQueryTimeoutUnit, setRedirector, setSelectionCriteria, setSession, setSessionName, setShouldBindAllParameters, setShouldBindAllParameters, setShouldCacheStatement, setShouldMaintainCache, setShouldPrepare, setShouldRetrieveBypassCache, setShouldReturnGeneratedKeys, setShouldStoreBypassCache, setShouldUseWrapperPolicy, setShouldValidateUpdateCallCacheUse, setSourceMapping, setSQLStatement, setSQLString, setTranslationRow, shouldAllowNativeSQLQuery, shouldBindAllParameters, shouldCacheStatement, shouldCascadeAllParts, shouldCascadeByMapping, shouldCascadeOnlyDependentParts, shouldCascadeParts, shouldCascadePrivateParts, shouldCloneCall, shouldIgnoreBindAllParameters, shouldIgnoreCacheStatement, shouldMaintainCache, shouldPrepare, shouldPrepare, shouldRetrieveBypassCache, shouldReturnGeneratedKeys, shouldStoreBypassCache, shouldUseWrapperPolicy, shouldValidateUpdateCallCacheUse, storeBypassCache, toString
Field Details
protected boolean isExecuteCall -
protected boolean returnNameValuePairs -
Constructor Details
public ResultSetMappingQuery()PUBLIC: Initialize the state of the query. -
PUBLIC: Initialize the query to use the specified call. -
PUBLIC: Initialize the query to use the specified call and SQLResultSetMapping
Method Details
PUBLIC: This will be the SQLResultSetMapping that is used by this query to process the database results -
PUBLIC: Add a SQLResultSetMapping that is used by this query to process the database results. -
INTERNAL:This method is called by the object builder when building an original. It will cause the original to be cached in the query results if the query is set to do so.
- Specified by:
in classReadQuery
INTERNAL: Convert all the class-name-based settings in this ResultSetMapping to actual class-based settings. This method is used when converting a project that has been built with class names to a project with classes.- Overrides:
in classObjectBuildingQuery
public boolean shouldReturnNameValuePairs()Indicates whether or not to return populated DatabaseRecord(s) as opposed to raw data when an SQLResultSetMapping is not set. -
public void setShouldReturnNameValuePairs(boolean returnNameValuePairs) Set the flag that indicates whether or not to return populated DatabaseRecord(s) as opposed to raw data when an SQLResultSetMapping is not set. -
PUBLIC: This will be the SQLResultSetMapping that is used by this query to process the database results -
PUBLIC: This will be the SQLResultSetMappings that are used by this query to process the database results -
PUBLIC: This will be the SQLResultSetMapping that is used by this query to process the database results -
PUBLIC: This will be the SQLResult -
INTERNAL: This method is used to build the results. Interpreting the SQLResultSetMapping(s). -
INTERNAL: This method is used to build the results with the SQLResultSetMapping at the given index. -
INTERNAL: This method is used to build the results. Interpreting the SQLResultSetMapping. -
INTERNAL: Executes the prepared query on the datastore.- Specified by:
in classDatabaseQuery
- Returns:
- - the result of executing the query.
- Throws:
- - an error has occurred on the database.
public boolean hasResultSetMappings()PUBLIC: Return true if there are results set mappings associated with this query. -
public boolean isResultSetMappingQuery()PUBLIC: Return true if this is a result set mapping query.- Overrides:
in classDatabaseQuery
protected void prepare()INTERNAL: Prepare the receiver for execution in a session. -
PUBLIC: This will be the SQLResultSetMapping that is used by this query to process the database results -
PUBLIC: This will be the SQLResultSetMapping that is used by this query to process the database results -
PUBLIC: Return the result set mapping name. -
PUBLIC: Return the result set mapping name. -
public void setIsExecuteCall(boolean isExecuteCall) PUBLIC: Set to true if you the actual jdbc result set returned from query execution. This will unprepare the query in case it was executed previously for a getResultList() call instead (or vice versa)