Class DatabaseRecord

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, Map, DataRecord
Direct Known Subclasses:
ArrayRecord, CobolRow, EmptyRecord

public class DatabaseRecord extends AbstractRecord

Purpose: Define a representation of a database row as field=>value pairs. This is the database row implementation class, the Record or java.util.Map interfaces should be used to access this class instead of the implementation class.


  • Implement the common hashtable collection protocol.
  • Allow get and put on the field or field name.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • DatabaseRecord

      public DatabaseRecord()
      INTERNAL: Returns a record (of default size).
    • DatabaseRecord

      public DatabaseRecord(int initialCapacity)
      INTERNAL: Returns a record of the given initial capacity.
    • DatabaseRecord

      public DatabaseRecord(Vector fields, Vector values)
      INTERNAL: Builds row from database result fields and values. Note: the entire database result will share the same fields vector.
      fields - Vector of fields
      values - Vector of values
    • DatabaseRecord

      public DatabaseRecord(Vector fields, Vector values, int size)
      INTERNAL: Builds row from database result fields and values. Note: the entire database result will share the same fields vector.
      fields - Vector of fields
      values - Vector of values
      size - of record