Module org.eclipse.persistence.dbws
Package org.eclipse.persistence.internal.dbws
package org.eclipse.persistence.internal.dbws
ClassesClassDescriptionINTERNAL: runtime implementation of EclipseLink Database Web Service (DBWS)INTERNAL: ProviderHelper bridges between
's and JAX-WSProvider
'sINTERNAL: implementation of EclipseLinkXMLAttachmentMarshaller
implementation handles binary attachmentsINTERNAL: Helper class holds the value returned for a DBWS Operation Parent class for all DBWS Operations' code-generated Response sub-classes; the contained result field is mapped as appropriate for each code-generated Response sub-class inSOAPResponseWriter
INTERNAL: A subclass ofClassLoader
that exposes a build method to the hidden privateClassLoader.defineClass(byte[], int, int)