Class DeleteOperation


public class DeleteOperation extends Operation

INTERNAL:An XR DeleteOperation is an executable representation of a DELETE operation on the database.

EclipseLink 1.x
  • Field Details

    • descriptorName

      protected String descriptorName
    • classDescriptor

      protected ClassDescriptor classDescriptor
    • findByPKQuery

      protected String findByPKQuery
  • Constructor Details

    • DeleteOperation

      public DeleteOperation()
  • Method Details

    • getDescriptorName

      public String getDescriptorName()
    • setDescriptorName

      public void setDescriptorName(String descriptorName)
    • getClassDescriptor

      public ClassDescriptor getClassDescriptor()
    • getFindByPKQuery

      public String getFindByPKQuery()
      Return the findByPrimaryKey query that this DeleteOperation will use to acquire the object to delete.
    • setFindByPKQuery

      public void setFindByPKQuery(String findByPKQuery)
      Set the findByPrimaryKey query that this DeleteOperation will use to acquire the object to delete.
    • validate

      public void validate(XRServiceAdapter xrService)
      validate in class Operation
    • invoke

      public Object invoke(XRServiceAdapter xrService, Invocation invocation)
      Execute DELETE operation on the database
      Specified by:
      invoke in class Operation
      xrService - parent XRService that owns this Operation
      invocation - contains runtime argument values to be bound to the list of Parameter's.
      result - can be null if the underlying DELETE operation on the database does not return a value
      See Also: