Direct Known Subclasses:

public class Result extends Object

INTERNAL: Sub-component of an Operation, indicates the type of return value from the database, as well as if there is more than one value and if those value(s) will be handled using binary attachements.

EclipseLink 1.x
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • Result

      public Result()
    • Result

      protected Result(Boolean isCollection)
  • Method Details

    • getType

      public QName getType()
    • setType

      public void setType(QName type)
    • getAttachment

      public Attachment getAttachment()
    • setAttachment

      public void setAttachment(Attachment attachment)
    • getSimpleXMLFormat

      public SimpleXMLFormat getSimpleXMLFormat()
    • setSimpleXMLFormat

      public void setSimpleXMLFormat(SimpleXMLFormat simpleXMLFormat)
    • isSimpleXMLFormat

      public boolean isSimpleXMLFormat()
    • isCollection

      public boolean isCollection()
    • isJdbcTypeSet

      public boolean isJdbcTypeSet()
      Indicates if the JDBC type should be set on the call.
    • getJdbcType

      public int getJdbcType()
      Indicates the JDBC type code to be set on the call.
    • setJdbcType

      public void setJdbcType(int jdbcType)
      Set the JDBC type code to be set on the call.