Class XRServiceFactory.JPAMetadataSource

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

public static final class XRServiceFactory.JPAMetadataSource extends Object implements MetadataSource

INTERNAL: Implementation of MetadataSource to allow passing JPA metadata to the MetadataProcessor.

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getPropertyOverrides

      public Map<String,Object> getPropertyOverrides(Map<String,Object> properties, ClassLoader classLoader, SessionLog log)
      Description copied from interface: MetadataSource
      PUBLIC: This method is responsible for returning additional persistence unit property overrides. It is called on initial deployment of the persistence unit and when the persistence unit is reloaded to allow customization of the persistence unit above and beyond what is packaged in the persistence.xml and what is code into the application.

      IMPORTANT: Although any property can be changed using this approach it is important that users of this feature ensure compatible configurations are supplied. As an example; overriding an application to use RESOURCE_LOCAL when it was coded to use JTA would result in changes not be written to the database.

      Specified by:
      getPropertyOverrides in interface MetadataSource
    • getEntityMappings

      public XMLEntityMappings getEntityMappings(Map<String,Object> properties, ClassLoader classLoader, SessionLog log)
      Description copied from interface: MetadataSource
      PUBLIC: This method is responsible for returning the object representation of the object-relational mapping overrides. It is called on initial deployment of the persistence unit and when the persistence unit is reloaded to allow customization of the persistence unit above and beyond what is packaged in the persistence.xml and what is code into the application. IMPORTANT: This method is called during the predeploy stage that is used both for weaving and runtime EMF deployment. Runtime properties might not be available during weaving, and mapping options that require weaving changes should not be used. For example adding a lazy OneToOne mapping after weaving has already occurred will result in an exception if they are expected to have been woven into the class.
      Specified by:
      getEntityMappings in interface MetadataSource