Uses of Package

This package contains the Hermes features (except the parser itself): semantic and grammatical validations, content assist support, calculating the query result type or the possible type of an input parameter, refactoring tools.
This is the core of Hermes, this package contains the classes that can parse a JPQL query.
The classes defined in this package define the state model API, a state model can be used to manually or programmatically create and edit a JPQL query.
This package contains the StateObject classes that represents a JPQL query.
  • Class
    A JPQL grammar defines how a JPQL query can be parsed.
  • Class
    The ABS function removes the minus sign from a specified argument and returns the absolute value, which is always a positive number or zero.
    Conditional expressions are composed of other conditional expressions, comparison operations, logical operations, path expressions that evaluate to boolean values, boolean literals, and boolean input parameters.
    This Expression takes care of parsing an expression that encapsulates two expressions separated by a comma.
    The abstract implementation of EclipseLinkExpressionVisitor.
    This expression handles parsing the identifier followed by an expression encapsulated within parenthesis.
    The abstract definition of ExpressionVisitor, which implements all the methods but does nothing.
    The FROM clause of a query defines the domain of the query by declaring identification variables.
    An identification variable followed by the navigation operator (.) and a state field or association field is a path expression.
    An abstract schema name designates the abstract schema type over which the query ranges.
    The SELECT clause denotes the query result.
    A query is an operation that retrieves data from one or more tables or views.
    This expression handles parsing a JPQL identifier followed by an expression encapsulated within parenthesis.
    This ExpressionVisitor traverses up the hierarchy.
    This Expression takes care of parsing an expression that encapsulates three expressions separated by a comma.
    One of the four binary operators.
    In the SELECT clause the result of a query may be the result of an aggregate function applied to a path expression.
    An ALL conditional expression is a predicate that is true if the comparison operation is true for all values in the result of the subquery or the result of the subquery is empty.
    The AND logical operator chains multiple criteria together.
    This visitor allows a subclass to simply override AnonymousExpressionVisitor.visit(Expression) and perform the same task for all visited expressions.
    This expression represents an arithmetic expression, which means the first and second expressions are aggregated with an arithmetic sign.
    This expression simply adds a plus or minus sign to the arithmetic primary expression.
    An AS OF clause is part of a flashback query, which provides ways to view past states of database objects, or to return database objects to a previous state, without using traditional point-in-time recovery.
    One of the aggregate functions.
    This wraps another Expression that was correctly parsed by it is located in an invalid location within the JPQL query.
    Used in conditional expression to determine whether the result of an expression falls within an inclusive range of values.
    BNF: general_case_expression ::= CASE when_clause {when_clause}* ELSE scalar_expression END or BNF: simple_case_expression ::= CASE case_operand simple_when_clause {simple_when_clause}* ELSE scalar_expression END
    The CAST function cast value to a different type.
    A COALESCE expression returns null if all its arguments evaluate to null, and the value of the first non-null argument otherwise.
    A CollectionExpression wraps many expression which they are separated by spaces and/or commas.
    An identification variable declared by a collection member declaration ranges over values of a collection obtained by navigation using a path expression.
    This expression tests whether the designated value is a member of the collection specified by the collection-valued path expression.
    A collection_valued_field is designated by the name of an association field in a one-to-many or a many-to-many relationship or by the name of an element collection field.
    Only the values of like types are permitted to be compared.
    A compound expression has a left and right expressions combined by an identifier.
    The CONCAT function returns a string that is a concatenation of its arguments.
    The CONNECT BY clause allows selecting rows in a hierarchical order using the hierarchical query clause.
    In the SELECT clause a constructor may be used in the SELECT list to return one or more Java instances.
    One of the aggregate functions.
    This expression represents the database specific data type, which may include size and scale.
    This Expression represents a date or time.
    This is the delete clause of the delete statement.
    Bulk delete operation apply to entities of a single entity class (together with its subclasses, if any).
    One of the four binary operators.
    The ExpressionVisitor that adds support for the additional JPQL identifiers supported by EclipseLink that is not defined in the JPA function specification.
    This expression tests whether or not the collection designated by the collection-valued path expression is empty (i.e, has no elements).
    This Expression wraps the name of an entity type.
    An identification variable qualified by the ENTRY operator is a path expression.
    An EXISTS expression is a predicate that is true only if the result of the subquery consists of one or more values and that is false otherwise.
    This is the root interface of the parsed tree representation of a JPQL query.
    This registry contains the necessary information used by Hermes parser.
    This interface is used to traverse the JPQL parsed tree.
    The EXTRACT function extracts a date part from a date/time value.
    The FROM clause of a query defines the domain of the query by declaring identification variables.
    This expression adds support to call native database functions.
    The GROUP BY construct enables the aggregation of values according to the properties of an entity class.
    The HAVING construct enables conditions to be specified that further restrict the query result as restrictions upon the groups.
    If a table contains hierarchical data, then rows can be selected in a hierarchical order using the hierarchical query clause.
    An identification variable is a valid identifier declared in the FROM clause of a query.
    An identification variable is a valid identifier declared in the FROM clause of a query.
    The INDEX function returns an integer value corresponding to the position of its argument in an ordered list.
    The state field path expression must have a string, numeric, or enum value.
    Either positional or named parameters may be used.
    A JOIN enables the fetching of an association as a side effect of the execution of a query.
    A JPQLExpression is the root of the parsed tree representation of a JPQL query.
    A JPQL grammar defines how a JPQL query can be parsed.
    This defines a single Backus-Naur Form (BNF) of the JPQL grammar.
    An identification variable qualified by the KEY operator is a path expression.
    The expression representing some keywords: TRUE, FALSE or NULL.
    The LENGTH function returns the length of the string in characters as an integer.
    The LIKE condition is used to specify a search for a pattern.
    The LOCATE function returns the position of a given string within a string, starting the search at a specified position.
    This expression represents a logical expression, which means the first and second expressions are aggregated with either AND or OR.
    The LOWER function converts a string to lower case and it returns a string.
    One of the aggregate functions.
    One of the aggregate functions.
    The modulo operation finds the remainder of division of one number by another.
    One of the four binary operators.
    BNF: expression ::= NOT conditional_primary
    A null comparison tests whether or not the single-valued path expression or input parameter is a NULL value.
    A null Expression is used instead of a true null, which allows operations to be performed without doing a null check first.
    NULLIF returns the first expression if the two expressions are not equal.
    Exact numeric literals support the use of Java integer literal syntax as well as SQL exact numeric literal syntax.
    Stand-alone identification variables in the SELECT clause may optionally be qualified by the OBJECT operator.
    Returns an expression that allows a join ON clause to be defined.
    The ORDER BY clause allows the objects or values that are returned by the query to be ordered.
    An orderby_item must be one of the following: A state_field_path_expression that evaluates to an orderable state field of an entity or embeddable class abstract schema type designated in the SELECT clause by one of the following: A general_identification_variable A single_valued_object_path_expression A state_field_path_expression that evaluates to the same state field of the same entity or embeddable abstract schema type as a state_field_path_expression in the SELECT clause A result_variable that refers to an orderable item in the SELECT clause for which the same result_variable has been specified.
    In a hierarchical query, if the rows of siblings of the same parent need to be ordered, then the ORDER SIBLINGS BY clause should be used.
    The OR logical operator chains multiple criteria together.
    Range variable declarations allow the developer to designate a "root" for objects which may not be reachable by navigation.
    The REGEXP condition is used to specify a search for a pattern.
    A result variable may be used to name a select item in the query result.
    The SELECT clause queries data from entities.
    A SELECT query is an operation that retrieves data from one or more tables or views.
    The FROM clause of a query defines the domain of the query by declaring identification variables.
    The SELECT statement queries data from entities.
    BNFL subquery ::= simple_select_clause subquery_from_clause [where_clause] [groupby_clause] [having_clause]
    The SIZE function returns an integer value, the number of elements of the collection.
    The SQRT function takes a numeric argument and returns a double.
    A START WITH clause is optional and specifies the root row(s) of the hierarchy.
    A single_valued_association_field is designated by the name of an association-field in a one-to-one or many-to-one relationship.
    A string literal is enclosed in single quotes.
    This expression wraps a sub-expression within parenthesis.
    The second and third arguments of the SUBSTRING function denote the starting position and length of the substring to be returned.
    One of the four binary operators.
    One of the aggregate functions.
    Defines a table expression.
    Defines a table expression.
    Returns an expression that allows to treat its base as if it were a subclass of the class returned by the base.
    The TRIM function trims the specified character from a string.
    An entity type expression can be used to restrict query polymorphism.
    The UNION clause allows the results of two queries to be combined.
    This expression contains a portion of the query that is unknown to the parser.
    This is the update clause of the update statement.
    The new_value specified for an update operation must be compatible in type with the field to which it is assigned.
    The UPDATE clause of a query consists of a conditional expression used to select objects or values that satisfy the expression.
    The UPPER function converts a string to upper case and it returns a string.
    An identification variable qualified by the VALUE operator is a path expression.
    A WHEN predicate is used to calculate a condition and when it's true, its THEN will be executed.
    The WHERE clause of a query consists of a conditional expression used to select objects or values that satisfy the expression.
  • Class
    The ABS function removes the minus sign from a specified argument and returns the absolute value, which is always a positive number or zero.
    Conditional expressions are composed of other conditional expressions, comparison operations, logical operations, path expressions that evaluate to boolean values, boolean literals, and boolean input parameters.
    This Expression takes care of parsing an expression that encapsulates two expressions separated by a comma.
    This expression handles parsing the identifier followed by an expression encapsulated within parenthesis.
    This is the abstract definition of all the parts used to create the tree hierarchy representing the parsed JPQL query.
    The abstract definition of ExpressionVisitor, which implements all the methods but does nothing.
    The FROM clause of a query defines the domain of the query by declaring identification variables.
    The abstract definition of a JPQLGrammar.
    This factory is responsible to return the right literal expression.
    An ordering clause allows the objects or values that are returned by the query to be ordered.
    An identification variable followed by the navigation operator (.) and a state field or association field is a path expression.
    An abstract schema name designates the abstract schema type over which the query ranges.
    The SELECT clause denotes the query result.
    A query is an operation that retrieves data from one or more tables or views.
    This expression handles parsing a JPQL identifier followed by an expression encapsulated within parenthesis.
    This ExpressionVisitor traverses the entire hierarchy of the JPQL parsed tree by going down into each of the children of any given Expression.
    This ExpressionVisitor traverses up the hierarchy.
    This Expression takes care of parsing an expression that encapsulates three expressions separated by a comma.
    One of the four binary operators.
    In the SELECT clause the result of a query may be the result of an aggregate function applied to a path expression.
    An ALL conditional expression is a predicate that is true if the comparison operation is true for all values in the result of the subquery or the result of the subquery is empty.
    The AND logical operator chains multiple criteria together.
    This visitor allows a subclass to simply override AnonymousExpressionVisitor.visit(Expression) and perform the same task for all visited expressions.
    This expression represents an arithmetic expression, which means the first and second expressions are aggregated with an arithmetic sign.
    This expression simply adds a plus or minus sign to the arithmetic primary expression.
    An AS OF clause is part of a flashback query, which provides ways to view past states of database objects, or to return database objects to a previous state, without using traditional point-in-time recovery.
    One of the aggregate functions.
    This wraps another Expression that was correctly parsed by it is located in an invalid location within the JPQL query.
    Used in conditional expression to determine whether the result of an expression falls within an inclusive range of values.
    BNF: general_case_expression ::= CASE when_clause {when_clause}* ELSE scalar_expression END or BNF: simple_case_expression ::= CASE case_operand simple_when_clause {simple_when_clause}* ELSE scalar_expression END
    The CAST function cast value to a different type.
    A COALESCE expression returns null if all its arguments evaluate to null, and the value of the first non-null argument otherwise.
    A CollectionExpression wraps many expression which they are separated by spaces and/or commas.
    An identification variable declared by a collection member declaration ranges over values of a collection obtained by navigation using a path expression.
    This expression tests whether the designated value is a member of the collection specified by the collection-valued path expression.
    A collection_valued_field is designated by the name of an association field in a one-to-many or a many-to-many relationship or by the name of an element collection field.
    Only the values of like types are permitted to be compared.
    A compound expression has a left and right expressions combined by an identifier.
    The CONCAT function returns a string that is a concatenation of its arguments.
    The CONNECT BY clause allows selecting rows in a hierarchical order using the hierarchical query clause.
    In the SELECT clause a constructor may be used in the SELECT list to return one or more Java instances.
    One of the aggregate functions.
    This expression represents the database specific data type, which may include size and scale.
    This Expression represents a date or time.
    This is the delete clause of the delete statement.
    Bulk delete operation apply to entities of a single entity class (together with its subclasses, if any).
    One of the four binary operators.
    The ExpressionVisitor that adds support for the additional JPQL identifiers supported by EclipseLink that is not defined in the JPA function specification.
    This expression tests whether or not the collection designated by the collection-valued path expression is empty (i.e, has no elements).
    This Expression represents an identification variable that maps a Map property, either the key, the value or a Map.Entry).
    This Expression wraps the name of an entity type.
    An identification variable qualified by the ENTRY operator is a path expression.
    An EXISTS expression is a predicate that is true only if the result of the subquery consists of one or more values and that is false otherwise.
    This is the root interface of the parsed tree representation of a JPQL query.
    An ExpressionFactory is responsible to parse a portion of JPQL query which starts with one of the factory's JPQL identifiers.
    This registry contains the necessary information used by Hermes parser.
    This interface is used to traverse the JPQL parsed tree.
    The EXTRACT function extracts a date part from a date/time value.
    The FROM clause of a query defines the domain of the query by declaring identification variables.
    This expression adds support to call native database functions.
    The number of parameters a FunctionExpression can have.
    This ValueExpressionFactory creates a general identification variable, which is either with the identifier KEY or VALUE and then checks the existence of a path expression.
    The GROUP BY construct enables the aggregation of values according to the properties of an entity class.
    The HAVING construct enables conditions to be specified that further restrict the query result as restrictions upon the groups.
    If a table contains hierarchical data, then rows can be selected in a hierarchical order using the hierarchical query clause.
    An identification variable is a valid identifier declared in the FROM clause of a query.
    An identification variable is a valid identifier declared in the FROM clause of a query.
    A role describes the purpose of the JPQL identifier.
    The INDEX function returns an integer value corresponding to the position of its argument in an ordered list.
    The state field path expression must have a string, numeric, or enum value.
    Either positional or named parameters may be used.
    A JOIN enables the fetching of an association as a side effect of the execution of a query.
    A JPQLExpression is the root of the parsed tree representation of a JPQL query.
    A JPQL grammar defines how a JPQL query can be parsed.
    This defines a single Backus-Naur Form (BNF) of the JPQL grammar.
    An identification variable qualified by the KEY operator is a path expression.
    The expression representing some keywords: TRUE, FALSE or NULL.
    The LENGTH function returns the length of the string in characters as an integer.
    The LIKE condition is used to specify a search for a pattern.
    The DATE | TIME | DATETIME argument of LOCAL local_datetime_type expression.
    The LOCAL local_datetime_type expression.
    The LOCATE function returns the position of a given string within a string, starting the search at a specified position.
    This expression represents a logical expression, which means the first and second expressions are aggregated with either AND or OR.
    The LOWER function converts a string to lower case and it returns a string.
    Math double argument functions expressions.
    The POWER function takes two numeric arguments and returns a double.
    The ROUND function takes numeric argument and an integer argument and returns a number of the same type as the first argument.
    Math functions expressions factories.
    Math single argument functions expressions.
    The CEILING function takes a numeric argument and return a number (integer, float, or double) of the same type as the argument.
    The EXP function takes a numeric argument and returns a double.
    The FLOOR function takes a numeric argument and returns a number (integer, float, or double) of the same type as the argument.
    The LN function takes a numeric argument and returns a double.
    The SIGN function takes a numeric argument and returns an integer.
    One of the aggregate functions.
    One of the aggregate functions.
    The modulo operation finds the remainder of division of one number by another.
    One of the four binary operators.
    BNF: expression ::= NOT conditional_primary
    A null comparison tests whether or not the single-valued path expression or input parameter is a NULL value.
    A null Expression is used instead of a true null, which allows operations to be performed without doing a null check first.
    NULLIF returns the first expression if the two expressions are not equal.
    Exact numeric literals support the use of Java integer literal syntax as well as SQL exact numeric literal syntax.
    Stand-alone identification variables in the SELECT clause may optionally be qualified by the OBJECT operator.
    Returns an expression that allows a join ON clause to be defined.
    The ORDER BY clause allows the objects or values that are returned by the query to be ordered.
    An orderby_item must be one of the following: A state_field_path_expression that evaluates to an orderable state field of an entity or embeddable class abstract schema type designated in the SELECT clause by one of the following: A general_identification_variable A single_valued_object_path_expression A state_field_path_expression that evaluates to the same state field of the same entity or embeddable abstract schema type as a state_field_path_expression in the SELECT clause A result_variable that refers to an orderable item in the SELECT clause for which the same result_variable has been specified.
    This enumeration lists all the possible choices for ordering nulls in an item.
    This enumeration lists all the possible choices for ordering an item.
    In a hierarchical query, if the rows of siblings of the same parent need to be ordered, then the ORDER SIBLINGS BY clause should be used.
    The OR logical operator chains multiple criteria together.
    This object contains the cursor position within the parsed tree and within each of the Expression from the root to the deepest leaf.
    Range variable declarations allow the developer to designate a "root" for objects which may not be reachable by navigation.
    The REGEXP condition is used to specify a search for a pattern.
    A result variable may be used to name a select item in the query result.
    The SELECT clause queries data from entities.
    A SELECT query is an operation that retrieves data from one or more tables or views.
    The FROM clause of a query defines the domain of the query by declaring identification variables.
    The SELECT statement queries data from entities.
    BNFL subquery ::= simple_select_clause subquery_from_clause [where_clause] [groupby_clause] [having_clause]
    The SIZE function returns an integer value, the number of elements of the collection.
    The SQRT function takes a numeric argument and returns a double.
    A START WITH clause is optional and specifies the root row(s) of the hierarchy.
    A single_valued_association_field is designated by the name of an association-field in a one-to-one or many-to-one relationship.
    A string literal is enclosed in single quotes.
    This expression wraps a sub-expression within parenthesis.
    The second and third arguments of the SUBSTRING function denote the starting position and length of the substring to be returned.
    One of the four binary operators.
    One of the aggregate functions.
    Defines a table expression.
    Defines a table expression.
    Returns an expression that allows to treat its base as if it were a subclass of the class returned by the base.
    The TRIM function trims the specified character from a string.
    The possible ways to trim the string.
    An entity type expression can be used to restrict query polymorphism.
    The UNION clause allows the results of two queries to be combined.
    This expression contains a portion of the query that is unknown to the parser.
    This is the update clause of the update statement.
    The new_value specified for an update operation must be compatible in type with the field to which it is assigned.
    The UPDATE clause of a query consists of a conditional expression used to select objects or values that satisfy the expression.
    The UPPER function converts a string to upper case and it returns a string.
    An identification variable qualified by the VALUE operator is a path expression.
    A WHEN predicate is used to calculate a condition and when it's true, its THEN will be executed.
    The WHERE clause of a query consists of a conditional expression used to select objects or values that satisfy the expression.
  • Class
    The ABS function removes the minus sign from a specified argument and returns the absolute value, which is always a positive number or zero.
    Conditional expressions are composed of other conditional expressions, comparison operations, logical operations, path expressions that evaluate to boolean values, boolean literals, and boolean input parameters.
    This Expression takes care of parsing an expression that encapsulates two expressions separated by a comma.
    The abstract implementation of EclipseLinkExpressionVisitor.
    This is the abstract definition of all the parts used to create the tree hierarchy representing the parsed JPQL query.
    The abstract definition of ExpressionVisitor, which implements all the methods but does nothing.
    The FROM clause of a query defines the domain of the query by declaring identification variables.
    An ordering clause allows the objects or values that are returned by the query to be ordered.
    An identification variable followed by the navigation operator (.) and a state field or association field is a path expression.
    An abstract schema name designates the abstract schema type over which the query ranges.
    The SELECT clause denotes the query result.
    A query is an operation that retrieves data from one or more tables or views.
    This expression handles parsing a JPQL identifier followed by an expression encapsulated within parenthesis.
    This ExpressionVisitor traverses the entire hierarchy of the JPQL parsed tree by going down into each of the children of any given Expression.
    This ExpressionVisitor traverses up the hierarchy.
    This Expression takes care of parsing an expression that encapsulates three expressions separated by a comma.
    One of the four binary operators.
    In the SELECT clause the result of a query may be the result of an aggregate function applied to a path expression.
    An ALL conditional expression is a predicate that is true if the comparison operation is true for all values in the result of the subquery or the result of the subquery is empty.
    The AND logical operator chains multiple criteria together.
    This visitor allows a subclass to simply override AnonymousExpressionVisitor.visit(Expression) and perform the same task for all visited expressions.
    This expression represents an arithmetic expression, which means the first and second expressions are aggregated with an arithmetic sign.
    This expression simply adds a plus or minus sign to the arithmetic primary expression.
    An AS OF clause is part of a flashback query, which provides ways to view past states of database objects, or to return database objects to a previous state, without using traditional point-in-time recovery.
    One of the aggregate functions.
    This wraps another Expression that was correctly parsed by it is located in an invalid location within the JPQL query.
    Used in conditional expression to determine whether the result of an expression falls within an inclusive range of values.
    BNF: general_case_expression ::= CASE when_clause {when_clause}* ELSE scalar_expression END or BNF: simple_case_expression ::= CASE case_operand simple_when_clause {simple_when_clause}* ELSE scalar_expression END
    The CAST function cast value to a different type.
    A COALESCE expression returns null if all its arguments evaluate to null, and the value of the first non-null argument otherwise.
    A CollectionExpression wraps many expression which they are separated by spaces and/or commas.
    An identification variable declared by a collection member declaration ranges over values of a collection obtained by navigation using a path expression.
    This expression tests whether the designated value is a member of the collection specified by the collection-valued path expression.
    A collection_valued_field is designated by the name of an association field in a one-to-many or a many-to-many relationship or by the name of an element collection field.
    Only the values of like types are permitted to be compared.
    A compound expression has a left and right expressions combined by an identifier.
    The CONCAT function returns a string that is a concatenation of its arguments.
    The CONNECT BY clause allows selecting rows in a hierarchical order using the hierarchical query clause.
    In the SELECT clause a constructor may be used in the SELECT list to return one or more Java instances.
    One of the aggregate functions.
    This expression represents the database specific data type, which may include size and scale.
    This Expression represents a date or time.
    This is the delete clause of the delete statement.
    Bulk delete operation apply to entities of a single entity class (together with its subclasses, if any).
    One of the four binary operators.
    The ExpressionVisitor that adds support for the additional JPQL identifiers supported by EclipseLink that is not defined in the JPA function specification.
    This expression tests whether or not the collection designated by the collection-valued path expression is empty (i.e, has no elements).
    This Expression represents an identification variable that maps a Map property, either the key, the value or a Map.Entry).
    This Expression wraps the name of an entity type.
    An identification variable qualified by the ENTRY operator is a path expression.
    An EXISTS expression is a predicate that is true only if the result of the subquery consists of one or more values and that is false otherwise.
    This is the root interface of the parsed tree representation of a JPQL query.
    An ExpressionFactory is responsible to parse a portion of JPQL query which starts with one of the factory's JPQL identifiers.
    This registry contains the necessary information used by Hermes parser.
    This interface is used to traverse the JPQL parsed tree.
    The EXTRACT function extracts a date part from a date/time value.
    The FROM clause of a query defines the domain of the query by declaring identification variables.
    This expression adds support to call native database functions.
    The GROUP BY construct enables the aggregation of values according to the properties of an entity class.
    The HAVING construct enables conditions to be specified that further restrict the query result as restrictions upon the groups.
    If a table contains hierarchical data, then rows can be selected in a hierarchical order using the hierarchical query clause.
    An identification variable is a valid identifier declared in the FROM clause of a query.
    An identification variable is a valid identifier declared in the FROM clause of a query.
    A role describes the purpose of the JPQL identifier.
    The INDEX function returns an integer value corresponding to the position of its argument in an ordered list.
    The state field path expression must have a string, numeric, or enum value.
    Either positional or named parameters may be used.
    A JOIN enables the fetching of an association as a side effect of the execution of a query.
    A JPQLExpression is the root of the parsed tree representation of a JPQL query.
    A JPQL grammar defines how a JPQL query can be parsed.
    This defines a single Backus-Naur Form (BNF) of the JPQL grammar.
    An identification variable qualified by the KEY operator is a path expression.
    The expression representing some keywords: TRUE, FALSE or NULL.
    The LENGTH function returns the length of the string in characters as an integer.
    The LIKE condition is used to specify a search for a pattern.
    The DATE | TIME | DATETIME argument of LOCAL local_datetime_type expression.
    The LOCAL local_datetime_type expression.
    The LOCATE function returns the position of a given string within a string, starting the search at a specified position.
    This expression represents a logical expression, which means the first and second expressions are aggregated with either AND or OR.
    The LOWER function converts a string to lower case and it returns a string.
    The POWER function takes two numeric arguments and returns a double.
    The ROUND function takes numeric argument and an integer argument and returns a number of the same type as the first argument.
    The CEILING function takes a numeric argument and return a number (integer, float, or double) of the same type as the argument.
    The EXP function takes a numeric argument and returns a double.
    The FLOOR function takes a numeric argument and returns a number (integer, float, or double) of the same type as the argument.
    The LN function takes a numeric argument and returns a double.
    The SIGN function takes a numeric argument and returns an integer.
    One of the aggregate functions.
    One of the aggregate functions.
    The modulo operation finds the remainder of division of one number by another.
    One of the four binary operators.
    BNF: expression ::= NOT conditional_primary
    A null comparison tests whether or not the single-valued path expression or input parameter is a NULL value.
    A null Expression is used instead of a true null, which allows operations to be performed without doing a null check first.
    NULLIF returns the first expression if the two expressions are not equal.
    Exact numeric literals support the use of Java integer literal syntax as well as SQL exact numeric literal syntax.
    Stand-alone identification variables in the SELECT clause may optionally be qualified by the OBJECT operator.
    Returns an expression that allows a join ON clause to be defined.
    The ORDER BY clause allows the objects or values that are returned by the query to be ordered.
    An orderby_item must be one of the following: A state_field_path_expression that evaluates to an orderable state field of an entity or embeddable class abstract schema type designated in the SELECT clause by one of the following: A general_identification_variable A single_valued_object_path_expression A state_field_path_expression that evaluates to the same state field of the same entity or embeddable abstract schema type as a state_field_path_expression in the SELECT clause A result_variable that refers to an orderable item in the SELECT clause for which the same result_variable has been specified.
    In a hierarchical query, if the rows of siblings of the same parent need to be ordered, then the ORDER SIBLINGS BY clause should be used.
    The OR logical operator chains multiple criteria together.
    This object contains the cursor position within the parsed tree and within each of the Expression from the root to the deepest leaf.
    Range variable declarations allow the developer to designate a "root" for objects which may not be reachable by navigation.
    The REGEXP condition is used to specify a search for a pattern.
    A result variable may be used to name a select item in the query result.
    The SELECT clause queries data from entities.
    A SELECT query is an operation that retrieves data from one or more tables or views.
    The FROM clause of a query defines the domain of the query by declaring identification variables.
    The SELECT statement queries data from entities.
    BNFL subquery ::= simple_select_clause subquery_from_clause [where_clause] [groupby_clause] [having_clause]
    The SIZE function returns an integer value, the number of elements of the collection.
    The SQRT function takes a numeric argument and returns a double.
    A START WITH clause is optional and specifies the root row(s) of the hierarchy.
    A single_valued_association_field is designated by the name of an association-field in a one-to-one or many-to-one relationship.
    A string literal is enclosed in single quotes.
    This expression wraps a sub-expression within parenthesis.
    The second and third arguments of the SUBSTRING function denote the starting position and length of the substring to be returned.
    One of the four binary operators.
    One of the aggregate functions.
    Defines a table expression.
    Defines a table expression.
    Returns an expression that allows to treat its base as if it were a subclass of the class returned by the base.
    The TRIM function trims the specified character from a string.
    An entity type expression can be used to restrict query polymorphism.
    The UNION clause allows the results of two queries to be combined.
    This expression contains a portion of the query that is unknown to the parser.
    This is the update clause of the update statement.
    The new_value specified for an update operation must be compatible in type with the field to which it is assigned.
    The UPDATE clause of a query consists of a conditional expression used to select objects or values that satisfy the expression.
    The UPPER function converts a string to upper case and it returns a string.
    An identification variable qualified by the VALUE operator is a path expression.
    A WHEN predicate is used to calculate a condition and when it's true, its THEN will be executed.
    The WHERE clause of a query consists of a conditional expression used to select objects or values that satisfy the expression.
  • Class
    The ABS function removes the minus sign from a specified argument and returns the absolute value, which is always a positive number or zero.
    The abstract definition of ExpressionVisitor, which implements all the methods but does nothing.
    An abstract schema name designates the abstract schema type over which the query ranges.
    This ExpressionVisitor traverses the entire hierarchy of the JPQL parsed tree by going down into each of the children of any given Expression.
    One of the four binary operators.
    An ALL conditional expression is a predicate that is true if the comparison operation is true for all values in the result of the subquery or the result of the subquery is empty.
    The AND logical operator chains multiple criteria together.
    This visitor allows a subclass to simply override AnonymousExpressionVisitor.visit(Expression) and perform the same task for all visited expressions.
    This expression simply adds a plus or minus sign to the arithmetic primary expression.
    An AS OF clause is part of a flashback query, which provides ways to view past states of database objects, or to return database objects to a previous state, without using traditional point-in-time recovery.
    One of the aggregate functions.
    This wraps another Expression that was correctly parsed by it is located in an invalid location within the JPQL query.
    Used in conditional expression to determine whether the result of an expression falls within an inclusive range of values.
    BNF: general_case_expression ::= CASE when_clause {when_clause}* ELSE scalar_expression END or BNF: simple_case_expression ::= CASE case_operand simple_when_clause {simple_when_clause}* ELSE scalar_expression END
    The CAST function cast value to a different type.
    A COALESCE expression returns null if all its arguments evaluate to null, and the value of the first non-null argument otherwise.
    A CollectionExpression wraps many expression which they are separated by spaces and/or commas.
    An identification variable declared by a collection member declaration ranges over values of a collection obtained by navigation using a path expression.
    This expression tests whether the designated value is a member of the collection specified by the collection-valued path expression.
    A collection_valued_field is designated by the name of an association field in a one-to-many or a many-to-many relationship or by the name of an element collection field.
    Only the values of like types are permitted to be compared.
    The CONCAT function returns a string that is a concatenation of its arguments.
    The CONNECT BY clause allows selecting rows in a hierarchical order using the hierarchical query clause.
    In the SELECT clause a constructor may be used in the SELECT list to return one or more Java instances.
    One of the aggregate functions.
    This expression represents the database specific data type, which may include size and scale.
    This Expression represents a date or time.
    This is the delete clause of the delete statement.
    Bulk delete operation apply to entities of a single entity class (together with its subclasses, if any).
    One of the four binary operators.
    The ExpressionVisitor that adds support for the additional JPQL identifiers supported by EclipseLink that is not defined in the JPA function specification.
    This expression tests whether or not the collection designated by the collection-valued path expression is empty (i.e, has no elements).
    This Expression wraps the name of an entity type.
    An identification variable qualified by the ENTRY operator is a path expression.
    An EXISTS expression is a predicate that is true only if the result of the subquery consists of one or more values and that is false otherwise.
    This is the root interface of the parsed tree representation of a JPQL query.
    This interface is used to traverse the JPQL parsed tree.
    The EXTRACT function extracts a date part from a date/time value.
    The FROM clause of a query defines the domain of the query by declaring identification variables.
    This expression adds support to call native database functions.
    The GROUP BY construct enables the aggregation of values according to the properties of an entity class.
    The HAVING construct enables conditions to be specified that further restrict the query result as restrictions upon the groups.
    If a table contains hierarchical data, then rows can be selected in a hierarchical order using the hierarchical query clause.
    An identification variable is a valid identifier declared in the FROM clause of a query.
    An identification variable is a valid identifier declared in the FROM clause of a query.
    The INDEX function returns an integer value corresponding to the position of its argument in an ordered list.
    The state field path expression must have a string, numeric, or enum value.
    Either positional or named parameters may be used.
    A JOIN enables the fetching of an association as a side effect of the execution of a query.
    A JPQLExpression is the root of the parsed tree representation of a JPQL query.
    A JPQL grammar defines how a JPQL query can be parsed.
    An identification variable qualified by the KEY operator is a path expression.
    The expression representing some keywords: TRUE, FALSE or NULL.
    The LENGTH function returns the length of the string in characters as an integer.
    The LIKE condition is used to specify a search for a pattern.
    The LOCATE function returns the position of a given string within a string, starting the search at a specified position.
    The LOWER function converts a string to lower case and it returns a string.
    One of the aggregate functions.
    One of the aggregate functions.
    The modulo operation finds the remainder of division of one number by another.
    One of the four binary operators.
    BNF: expression ::= NOT conditional_primary
    A null comparison tests whether or not the single-valued path expression or input parameter is a NULL value.
    A null Expression is used instead of a true null, which allows operations to be performed without doing a null check first.
    NULLIF returns the first expression if the two expressions are not equal.
    Exact numeric literals support the use of Java integer literal syntax as well as SQL exact numeric literal syntax.
    Stand-alone identification variables in the SELECT clause may optionally be qualified by the OBJECT operator.
    Returns an expression that allows a join ON clause to be defined.
    The ORDER BY clause allows the objects or values that are returned by the query to be ordered.
    An orderby_item must be one of the following: A state_field_path_expression that evaluates to an orderable state field of an entity or embeddable class abstract schema type designated in the SELECT clause by one of the following: A general_identification_variable A single_valued_object_path_expression A state_field_path_expression that evaluates to the same state field of the same entity or embeddable abstract schema type as a state_field_path_expression in the SELECT clause A result_variable that refers to an orderable item in the SELECT clause for which the same result_variable has been specified.
    In a hierarchical query, if the rows of siblings of the same parent need to be ordered, then the ORDER SIBLINGS BY clause should be used.
    The OR logical operator chains multiple criteria together.
    Range variable declarations allow the developer to designate a "root" for objects which may not be reachable by navigation.
    The REGEXP condition is used to specify a search for a pattern.
    A result variable may be used to name a select item in the query result.
    The SELECT clause queries data from entities.
    A SELECT query is an operation that retrieves data from one or more tables or views.
    The FROM clause of a query defines the domain of the query by declaring identification variables.
    The SELECT statement queries data from entities.
    BNFL subquery ::= simple_select_clause subquery_from_clause [where_clause] [groupby_clause] [having_clause]
    The SIZE function returns an integer value, the number of elements of the collection.
    The SQRT function takes a numeric argument and returns a double.
    A START WITH clause is optional and specifies the root row(s) of the hierarchy.
    A single_valued_association_field is designated by the name of an association-field in a one-to-one or many-to-one relationship.
    A string literal is enclosed in single quotes.
    This expression wraps a sub-expression within parenthesis.
    The second and third arguments of the SUBSTRING function denote the starting position and length of the substring to be returned.
    One of the four binary operators.
    One of the aggregate functions.
    Defines a table expression.
    Defines a table expression.
    Returns an expression that allows to treat its base as if it were a subclass of the class returned by the base.
    The TRIM function trims the specified character from a string.
    The possible ways to trim the string.
    An entity type expression can be used to restrict query polymorphism.
    The UNION clause allows the results of two queries to be combined.
    This expression contains a portion of the query that is unknown to the parser.
    This is the update clause of the update statement.
    The new_value specified for an update operation must be compatible in type with the field to which it is assigned.
    The UPDATE clause of a query consists of a conditional expression used to select objects or values that satisfy the expression.
    The UPPER function converts a string to upper case and it returns a string.
    An identification variable qualified by the VALUE operator is a path expression.
    A WHEN predicate is used to calculate a condition and when it's true, its THEN will be executed.
    The WHERE clause of a query consists of a conditional expression used to select objects or values that satisfy the expression.
  • Class
    The ABS function removes the minus sign from a specified argument and returns the absolute value, which is always a positive number or zero.
    This Expression takes care of parsing an expression that encapsulates two expressions separated by a comma.
    This expression handles parsing the identifier followed by an expression encapsulated within parenthesis.
    The FROM clause of a query defines the domain of the query by declaring identification variables.
    An identification variable followed by the navigation operator (.) and a state field or association field is a path expression.
    An abstract schema name designates the abstract schema type over which the query ranges.
    The SELECT clause denotes the query result.
    A query is an operation that retrieves data from one or more tables or views.
    This expression handles parsing a JPQL identifier followed by an expression encapsulated within parenthesis.
    This Expression takes care of parsing an expression that encapsulates three expressions separated by a comma.
    One of the four binary operators.
    In the SELECT clause the result of a query may be the result of an aggregate function applied to a path expression.
    An ALL conditional expression is a predicate that is true if the comparison operation is true for all values in the result of the subquery or the result of the subquery is empty.
    The AND logical operator chains multiple criteria together.
    This expression represents an arithmetic expression, which means the first and second expressions are aggregated with an arithmetic sign.
    This expression simply adds a plus or minus sign to the arithmetic primary expression.
    One of the aggregate functions.
    This wraps another Expression that was correctly parsed by it is located in an invalid location within the JPQL query.
    Used in conditional expression to determine whether the result of an expression falls within an inclusive range of values.
    BNF: general_case_expression ::= CASE when_clause {when_clause}* ELSE scalar_expression END or BNF: simple_case_expression ::= CASE case_operand simple_when_clause {simple_when_clause}* ELSE scalar_expression END
    A COALESCE expression returns null if all its arguments evaluate to null, and the value of the first non-null argument otherwise.
    A CollectionExpression wraps many expression which they are separated by spaces and/or commas.
    An identification variable declared by a collection member declaration ranges over values of a collection obtained by navigation using a path expression.
    This expression tests whether the designated value is a member of the collection specified by the collection-valued path expression.
    A collection_valued_field is designated by the name of an association field in a one-to-many or a many-to-many relationship or by the name of an element collection field.
    Only the values of like types are permitted to be compared.
    A compound expression has a left and right expressions combined by an identifier.
    The CONCAT function returns a string that is a concatenation of its arguments.
    In the SELECT clause a constructor may be used in the SELECT list to return one or more Java instances.
    One of the aggregate functions.
    This Expression represents a date or time.
    This is the delete clause of the delete statement.
    Bulk delete operation apply to entities of a single entity class (together with its subclasses, if any).
    One of the four binary operators.
    This expression tests whether or not the collection designated by the collection-valued path expression is empty (i.e, has no elements).
    This Expression represents an identification variable that maps a Map property, either the key, the value or a Map.Entry).
    This Expression wraps the name of an entity type.
    An identification variable qualified by the ENTRY operator is a path expression.
    An EXISTS expression is a predicate that is true only if the result of the subquery consists of one or more values and that is false otherwise.
    This is the root interface of the parsed tree representation of a JPQL query.
    The FROM clause of a query defines the domain of the query by declaring identification variables.
    This expression adds support to call native database functions.
    The GROUP BY construct enables the aggregation of values according to the properties of an entity class.
    The HAVING construct enables conditions to be specified that further restrict the query result as restrictions upon the groups.
    An identification variable is a valid identifier declared in the FROM clause of a query.
    An identification variable is a valid identifier declared in the FROM clause of a query.
    The INDEX function returns an integer value corresponding to the position of its argument in an ordered list.
    The state field path expression must have a string, numeric, or enum value.
    Either positional or named parameters may be used.
    A JOIN enables the fetching of an association as a side effect of the execution of a query.
    A JPQLExpression is the root of the parsed tree representation of a JPQL query.
    A JPQL grammar defines how a JPQL query can be parsed.
    An identification variable qualified by the KEY operator is a path expression.
    The expression representing some keywords: TRUE, FALSE or NULL.
    The LENGTH function returns the length of the string in characters as an integer.
    The LIKE condition is used to specify a search for a pattern.
    The LOCATE function returns the position of a given string within a string, starting the search at a specified position.
    This expression represents a logical expression, which means the first and second expressions are aggregated with either AND or OR.
    The LOWER function converts a string to lower case and it returns a string.
    One of the aggregate functions.
    One of the aggregate functions.
    The modulo operation finds the remainder of division of one number by another.
    One of the four binary operators.
    BNF: expression ::= NOT conditional_primary
    A null comparison tests whether or not the single-valued path expression or input parameter is a NULL value.
    NULLIF returns the first expression if the two expressions are not equal.
    Exact numeric literals support the use of Java integer literal syntax as well as SQL exact numeric literal syntax.
    Stand-alone identification variables in the SELECT clause may optionally be qualified by the OBJECT operator.
    The ORDER BY clause allows the objects or values that are returned by the query to be ordered.
    An orderby_item must be one of the following: A state_field_path_expression that evaluates to an orderable state field of an entity or embeddable class abstract schema type designated in the SELECT clause by one of the following: A general_identification_variable A single_valued_object_path_expression A state_field_path_expression that evaluates to the same state field of the same entity or embeddable abstract schema type as a state_field_path_expression in the SELECT clause A result_variable that refers to an orderable item in the SELECT clause for which the same result_variable has been specified.
    This enumeration lists all the possible choices for ordering an item.
    The OR logical operator chains multiple criteria together.
    Range variable declarations allow the developer to designate a "root" for objects which may not be reachable by navigation.
    A result variable may be used to name a select item in the query result.
    The SELECT clause queries data from entities.
    A SELECT query is an operation that retrieves data from one or more tables or views.
    The FROM clause of a query defines the domain of the query by declaring identification variables.
    The SELECT statement queries data from entities.
    BNFL subquery ::= simple_select_clause subquery_from_clause [where_clause] [groupby_clause] [having_clause]
    The SIZE function returns an integer value, the number of elements of the collection.
    The SQRT function takes a numeric argument and returns a double.
    A single_valued_association_field is designated by the name of an association-field in a one-to-one or many-to-one relationship.
    A string literal is enclosed in single quotes.
    This expression wraps a sub-expression within parenthesis.
    The second and third arguments of the SUBSTRING function denote the starting position and length of the substring to be returned.
    One of the four binary operators.
    One of the aggregate functions.
    Returns an expression that allows to treat its base as if it were a subclass of the class returned by the base.
    The TRIM function trims the specified character from a string.
    The possible ways to trim the string.
    An entity type expression can be used to restrict query polymorphism.
    This expression contains a portion of the query that is unknown to the parser.
    This is the update clause of the update statement.
    The new_value specified for an update operation must be compatible in type with the field to which it is assigned.
    The UPDATE clause of a query consists of a conditional expression used to select objects or values that satisfy the expression.
    The UPPER function converts a string to upper case and it returns a string.
    An identification variable qualified by the VALUE operator is a path expression.
    A WHEN predicate is used to calculate a condition and when it's true, its THEN will be executed.
    The WHERE clause of a query consists of a conditional expression used to select objects or values that satisfy the expression.
  • Class
    The ABS function removes the minus sign from a specified argument and returns the absolute value, which is always a positive number or zero.
    The abstract implementation of EclipseLinkExpressionVisitor.
    The abstract definition of ExpressionVisitor, which implements all the methods but does nothing.
    An identification variable followed by the navigation operator (.) and a state field or association field is a path expression.
    An abstract schema name designates the abstract schema type over which the query ranges.
    One of the four binary operators.
    An ALL conditional expression is a predicate that is true if the comparison operation is true for all values in the result of the subquery or the result of the subquery is empty.
    The AND logical operator chains multiple criteria together.
    This visitor allows a subclass to simply override AnonymousExpressionVisitor.visit(Expression) and perform the same task for all visited expressions.
    This expression represents an arithmetic expression, which means the first and second expressions are aggregated with an arithmetic sign.
    This expression simply adds a plus or minus sign to the arithmetic primary expression.
    One of the aggregate functions.
    This wraps another Expression that was correctly parsed by it is located in an invalid location within the JPQL query.
    Used in conditional expression to determine whether the result of an expression falls within an inclusive range of values.
    BNF: general_case_expression ::= CASE when_clause {when_clause}* ELSE scalar_expression END or BNF: simple_case_expression ::= CASE case_operand simple_when_clause {simple_when_clause}* ELSE scalar_expression END
    A COALESCE expression returns null if all its arguments evaluate to null, and the value of the first non-null argument otherwise.
    A CollectionExpression wraps many expression which they are separated by spaces and/or commas.
    An identification variable declared by a collection member declaration ranges over values of a collection obtained by navigation using a path expression.
    This expression tests whether the designated value is a member of the collection specified by the collection-valued path expression.
    A collection_valued_field is designated by the name of an association field in a one-to-many or a many-to-many relationship or by the name of an element collection field.
    Only the values of like types are permitted to be compared.
    The CONCAT function returns a string that is a concatenation of its arguments.
    In the SELECT clause a constructor may be used in the SELECT list to return one or more Java instances.
    One of the aggregate functions.
    This Expression represents a date or time.
    This is the delete clause of the delete statement.
    Bulk delete operation apply to entities of a single entity class (together with its subclasses, if any).
    One of the four binary operators.
    The ExpressionVisitor that adds support for the additional JPQL identifiers supported by EclipseLink that is not defined in the JPA function specification.
    This expression tests whether or not the collection designated by the collection-valued path expression is empty (i.e, has no elements).
    This Expression wraps the name of an entity type.
    An identification variable qualified by the ENTRY operator is a path expression.
    An EXISTS expression is a predicate that is true only if the result of the subquery consists of one or more values and that is false otherwise.
    This is the root interface of the parsed tree representation of a JPQL query.
    This interface is used to traverse the JPQL parsed tree.
    The FROM clause of a query defines the domain of the query by declaring identification variables.
    This expression adds support to call native database functions.
    The GROUP BY construct enables the aggregation of values according to the properties of an entity class.
    The HAVING construct enables conditions to be specified that further restrict the query result as restrictions upon the groups.
    An identification variable is a valid identifier declared in the FROM clause of a query.
    An identification variable is a valid identifier declared in the FROM clause of a query.
    The INDEX function returns an integer value corresponding to the position of its argument in an ordered list.
    The state field path expression must have a string, numeric, or enum value.
    Either positional or named parameters may be used.
    A JOIN enables the fetching of an association as a side effect of the execution of a query.
    A JPQLExpression is the root of the parsed tree representation of a JPQL query.
    An identification variable qualified by the KEY operator is a path expression.
    The expression representing some keywords: TRUE, FALSE or NULL.
    The LENGTH function returns the length of the string in characters as an integer.
    The LIKE condition is used to specify a search for a pattern.
    The DATE | TIME | DATETIME argument of LOCAL local_datetime_type expression.
    The LOCAL local_datetime_type expression.
    The LOCATE function returns the position of a given string within a string, starting the search at a specified position.
    The LOWER function converts a string to lower case and it returns a string.
    The POWER function takes two numeric arguments and returns a double.
    The ROUND function takes numeric argument and an integer argument and returns a number of the same type as the first argument.
    The CEILING function takes a numeric argument and return a number (integer, float, or double) of the same type as the argument.
    The EXP function takes a numeric argument and returns a double.
    The FLOOR function takes a numeric argument and returns a number (integer, float, or double) of the same type as the argument.
    The LN function takes a numeric argument and returns a double.
    The SIGN function takes a numeric argument and returns an integer.
    One of the aggregate functions.
    One of the aggregate functions.
    The modulo operation finds the remainder of division of one number by another.
    One of the four binary operators.
    BNF: expression ::= NOT conditional_primary
    A null comparison tests whether or not the single-valued path expression or input parameter is a NULL value.
    A null Expression is used instead of a true null, which allows operations to be performed without doing a null check first.
    NULLIF returns the first expression if the two expressions are not equal.
    Exact numeric literals support the use of Java integer literal syntax as well as SQL exact numeric literal syntax.
    Stand-alone identification variables in the SELECT clause may optionally be qualified by the OBJECT operator.
    Returns an expression that allows a join ON clause to be defined.
    The ORDER BY clause allows the objects or values that are returned by the query to be ordered.
    An orderby_item must be one of the following: A state_field_path_expression that evaluates to an orderable state field of an entity or embeddable class abstract schema type designated in the SELECT clause by one of the following: A general_identification_variable A single_valued_object_path_expression A state_field_path_expression that evaluates to the same state field of the same entity or embeddable abstract schema type as a state_field_path_expression in the SELECT clause A result_variable that refers to an orderable item in the SELECT clause for which the same result_variable has been specified.
    The OR logical operator chains multiple criteria together.
    Range variable declarations allow the developer to designate a "root" for objects which may not be reachable by navigation.
    A result variable may be used to name a select item in the query result.
    The SELECT clause queries data from entities.
    A SELECT query is an operation that retrieves data from one or more tables or views.
    The FROM clause of a query defines the domain of the query by declaring identification variables.
    The SELECT statement queries data from entities.
    BNFL subquery ::= simple_select_clause subquery_from_clause [where_clause] [groupby_clause] [having_clause]
    The SIZE function returns an integer value, the number of elements of the collection.
    The SQRT function takes a numeric argument and returns a double.
    A single_valued_association_field is designated by the name of an association-field in a one-to-one or many-to-one relationship.
    A string literal is enclosed in single quotes.
    This expression wraps a sub-expression within parenthesis.
    The second and third arguments of the SUBSTRING function denote the starting position and length of the substring to be returned.
    One of the four binary operators.
    One of the aggregate functions.
    Defines a table expression.
    Returns an expression that allows to treat its base as if it were a subclass of the class returned by the base.
    The TRIM function trims the specified character from a string.
    An entity type expression can be used to restrict query polymorphism.
    This expression contains a portion of the query that is unknown to the parser.
    This is the update clause of the update statement.
    The new_value specified for an update operation must be compatible in type with the field to which it is assigned.
    The UPDATE clause of a query consists of a conditional expression used to select objects or values that satisfy the expression.
    The UPPER function converts a string to upper case and it returns a string.
    An identification variable qualified by the VALUE operator is a path expression.
    A WHEN predicate is used to calculate a condition and when it's true, its THEN will be executed.
    The WHERE clause of a query consists of a conditional expression used to select objects or values that satisfy the expression.