Class AbstractRefactoringTool

Direct Known Subclasses:
BasicRefactoringTool, RefactoringTool

public abstract class AbstractRefactoringTool extends Object
The abstract definition of a refactoring
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractRefactoringTool

      protected AbstractRefactoringTool(CharSequence jpqlFragment, IManagedTypeProvider managedTypeProvider, String jpqlQueryBNFId)
      Creates a new BasicRefactoringTool.
      jpqlFragment - The JPQL query to manipulate or a single JPQL fragment, which is parsed using the JPQL query BNF identifier by the given ID
      managedTypeProvider - The external form of a provider that gives access to the JPA metadata
      jpqlQueryBNFId - The unique identifier of the JPQLQueryBNF that determines how to parse the JPQL fragment
  • Method Details

    • getJPQLFragment

      public CharSequence getJPQLFragment()
      Returns the original JPQL query or the JPQL fragment that was passed to this tool so it can be manipulated.
      The string representation of the JPQL query or fragment
    • getJPQLQueryBNFId

      public String getJPQLQueryBNFId()
      Returns the unique identifier of the JPQL query BNF that determined how the JPQL query or fragment needs to be parsed.
      The ID of the JPQLQueryBNF used to parse the query
    • getManagedTypeProvider

      public IManagedTypeProvider getManagedTypeProvider()
      Returns the provider of managed types.
      The provider that gives access to the managed types
    • isTolerant

      public boolean isTolerant()
      Determines whether the parsing system should be tolerant, meaning if it should try to parse invalid or incomplete queries.
      By default, the parsing system uses tolerance
    • setTolerant

      public void setTolerant(boolean tolerant)
      Sets whether the parsing system should be tolerant, meaning if it should try to parse invalid or incomplete queries.
      tolerant - true if the JPQL query or fragment should be parsed with tolerance; false otherwise
    • toActualText

      public abstract String toActualText()
      Returns the resulted of the refactoring operations. The list of changes will be removed after applying the changes.
      The string representation of the JPQL query that contains the changes