
The Hermes SPI defines how the parser and its related features can retrieve information about the JPA managed types from the application.
  • Interfaces
    The external representation of a Java class constructor.
    This enumeration lists the mapping types defined in the Java Persistence functional specification and those that are provided by EclipseLink.
    The external representation of the managed type that is annotated with @jakarta.persistence.Embeddable.
    The external representation of the managed type that is annotated with @jakarta.persistence.Entity.
    The external representation of a managed type, which is a JPA persistent object.
    The external representation of the provider of managed types, which provide access to the JPA domain model.
    The interface is used to visit a IManagedType.
    The external representation of the managed type that is annotated with @jakarta.persistence.MappedSuperclass.
    The external representation of a mapping, which represents a single persistence property of a managed type.
    A mapping builder is used to create the appropriate implementation of a IMapping.
    This enumeration lists the mapping types defined in the Java Persistence functional specification.
    The external representation of a JPQL query.
    The external representation of a Java type.
    The external representation of a type declaration, which is used to give more information about the type, i.e.
    The external representation of the repository of Java types, which gives access to the application's classes.