Class DataSourceConfig


public class DataSourceConfig extends Object
Simplest of all possible holder objects for all of the data source info required by the Entity test environment. Use the constructor to simultaneously create the instance and set the fields.

At least one (transactional) data source must be specified and potentially a non-transactional if such a data source is appropriate (e.g. for non-transactional operations).

  • Field Details

    • dsName

      public String dsName
      Identifier to name this data source (must be Container-unique)
    • jndiName

      public String jndiName
      JNDI name that data source should be bound to
    • url

      public String url
      URL that is passed to the driver to determine db
    • driver

      public String driver
      Driver class name string
    • user

      public String user
      User name to use when connecting to the db
    • password

      public String password
      Password to use when connecting to the db
  • Constructor Details

    • DataSourceConfig

      public DataSourceConfig(String dsName, String jndiName, String url, String driver, String user, String password)
      Constructor used to create a DataSourceConfig
      dsName - Data source identifier
      jndiName - Name that the data source should be bound to in JNDI
      url - Passed to the driver to determine db
      driver - The class name for the db driver
      user - User name to use when connecting to the db
      password - Password to use when connecting to the db
  • Method Details