Uses of Class
Packages that use JPAInitializer
Uses of JPAInitializer in org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.deployment
Subclasses of JPAInitializer in org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.deploymentModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
INTERNAL: JavaSECMPInitializer is used to bootstrap the deployment of EntityBeans in EJB 3.0 when deployed in a non-managed setting It is called internally by our ProviderFields in org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.deployment with type parameters of type JPAInitializerModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected static Map
<ClassLoader, JPAInitializer> JPAInitializer.initializers
Uses of JPAInitializer in org.eclipse.persistence.jpa
Methods in org.eclipse.persistence.jpa that return JPAInitializerModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPersistenceProvider.getInitializer
(String emName, Map m) Return JPAInitializer corresponding to the passed classLoader.