
public class MetadataHelper extends Object
INTERNAL: Common helper methods for the metadata processing.
TopLink EJB 3.0 Reference Implementation
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getCanonicalName

      protected static String getCanonicalName(String name, Map<String,Object> properties)
      INTERNAL: Return the canonical name. This will apply the prefix and suffix qualifiers given to the canonical name. If the given prefix is null, the the default "" is applied. If the given suffix is null, then the default "_" will be applied.
    • getClassForName

      public static Class<?> getClassForName(String classname, ClassLoader loader)
      INTERNAL: Load a class from a given class name. (XMLEntityMappings calls this one)
    • getName

      public static String getName(String name, String defaultName, String context, MetadataLogger logger, Object location)
      INTERNAL: Helper method to return a field name from a candidate field name and a default field name. Requires the context from where this method is called to output the correct logging message when defaulting the field name. In some cases, both the name and defaultName could be "" or null, therefore, don't log a message and return name.
    • getQualifiedCanonicalName

      public static String getQualifiedCanonicalName(String qualifiedName, AbstractSession session)
      INTERNAL: Return the qualified canonical name of the given qualified class name. This method will check the session for a corresponding class that was processed during deploy. If one is not found, will build the canonical name applying any default package and the default suffix qualifier "_".
    • getQualifiedCanonicalName

      public static String getQualifiedCanonicalName(String qualifiedName, Map<String,Object> properties)
      INTERNAL: Return the canonical name applying any default package. This will apply the prefix and suffix qualifiers given to the canonical name. If the prefix is null, the default "" is applied. If the suffix is null, then the default "_" will be applied.
    • getValue

      public static Integer getValue(Integer value, Integer defaultValue)
      INTERNAL: Helper method to return a string value if specified, otherwise returns the default value.
    • getValue

      public static String getValue(String value, String defaultValue)
      INTERNAL: Helper method to return a string value if specified, otherwise returns the default value.