public class MetadataField extends MetadataAnnotatedElement
INTERNAL: An object to hold onto a valid JPA decorated field.
TopLink 10.1.3/EJB 3.0 Preview
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • MetadataField

      public MetadataField(MetadataClass metadataClass)
  • Method Details

    • getDeclaringClass

      public MetadataClass getDeclaringClass()
    • isEclipseLinkWeavedField

      public boolean isEclipseLinkWeavedField()
      INTERNAL: Used to determine if this is a field EclipseLink weaved into the class.
    • isValidPersistenceField

      public boolean isValidPersistenceField(boolean mustBeExplicit, ClassAccessor classAccessor)
      INTERNAL: Return true is this field is a valid persistence field. This method will validate against any declared annotations on the field. If the mustBeExplicit flag is true, then we are processing the inverse of an explicit access setting and the field must have an Access(FIELD) setting to be processed. Otherwise, it is ignored.
    • isValidPersistenceField

      public boolean isValidPersistenceField(ClassAccessor classAccessor, boolean userDecorated)
      INTERNAL: Return true is this field is a valid persistence field. User decorated is used to indicate that the field either had persistence annotations defined on it or that it was specified in XML.
    • setDeclaringClass

      public void setDeclaringClass(MetadataClass declaringClass)
    • shouldBeIgnored

      public boolean shouldBeIgnored()
      INTERNAL Some fields should automatically be ignored, return true if this field should be ignored