Package org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metamodel.proxy

package org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metamodel.proxy
  • Classes
    A proxy class that allows EclipseLink to trigger the deployment of a persistence unit as an Attribute is accessed in the metamodel.
    A proxy class that allows EclipseLink to trigger the deployment of a persistence unit as an CollectionAttribute is accessed in the metamodel.
    A proxy class that allows EclipseLink to trigger the deployment of a persistence unit as an ListAttribute is accessed in the metamodel.
    A proxy class that allows EclipseLink to trigger the deployment of a persistence unit as an MapAttribute is accessed in the metamodel.
    A proxy class that allows EclipseLink to trigger the deployment of a persistence unit as an PluralAttribute is accessed in the metamodel.
    A proxy class that allows EclipseLink to trigger the deployment of a persistence unit as an SetAttribute is accessed in the metamodel.