
public class ClassWeaver extends ClassVisitor
INTERNAL: Weaves classes to allow them to support EclipseLink indirection. Classes are weaved to add a variable of type ValueHolderInterface for each attribute that uses indirection. In addition, access methods are added for the new variable. Also, triggers the process of weaving the methods of the class.
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • wrapperFor

      public static String wrapperFor(int sort)
      Used for primitive conversion. Returns the name of the class that wraps a given type.
    • unwrapPrimitive

      public static void unwrapPrimitive(AttributeDetails attribute, MethodVisitor visitor)
      Used for primitive conversion. Returns the name conversion method for the given type.
    • getWeavedValueHolderGetMethodName

      public static String getWeavedValueHolderGetMethodName(String attributeName)
      Return the get method name weaved for a value-holder attribute.
    • getWeavedValueHolderSetMethodName

      public static String getWeavedValueHolderSetMethodName(String attributeName)
      Return the set method name weaved for a value-holder attribute.
    • isJAXBOnPath

      public static boolean isJAXBOnPath()
      Return if the JAXB classes are on the classpath (if they are the XmlTransient annotation is added).
    • addValueHolder

      public void addValueHolder(AttributeDetails attributeDetails)
      Add a variable of type ValueHolderInterface to the class. When this method has been run, the class will contain a variable declaration similar to the following: private ValueHolderInterface _persistence_variableName_vh;
    • addPropertyChangeListener

      public void addPropertyChangeListener(boolean attributeAccess)
      Add a variable of type PropertyChangeListener to the class. When this method has been run, the class will contain a variable declaration similar to the following private transient _persistence_listener;
    • addGetPropertyChangeListener

      public void addGetPropertyChangeListener(ClassDetails classDetails)
      Add the implementation of the changeTracker_getPropertyChangeListener method to the class. The result is a method that looks as follows: public PropertyChangeListener _persistence_getPropertyChangeListener() { return _persistence_listener; }
    • addSetPropertyChangeListener

      public void addSetPropertyChangeListener(ClassDetails classDetails)
      Add the implementation of the changeTracker_setPropertyChangeListener method to the class. The result is a method that looks as follows: public void _persistence_setPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener propertychangelistener){ _persistence_listener = propertychangelistener; }
    • addPropertyChange

      public void addPropertyChange(ClassDetails classDetails)
      Add a method to track property changes. The method will look as follows: public void _toplink_propertyChange(String s, Object obj, Object obj1){ if(_persistence_listener != null && obj != obj1){ _persistence_listener.propertyChange(new PropertyChangeEvent(this, s, obj, obj1)); } }
    • addInitializerForValueHolder

      public void addInitializerForValueHolder(ClassDetails classDetails, AttributeDetails attributeDetails)
      Add a method that allows us to lazily initialize a valueholder we have woven in This allows us to avoid initializing valueholders in the constructor. protected void _persistence_initialize_attribute_vh(){ if(_persistence_attribute_vh == null){ _persistence_attribute_vh = new ValueHolder(this.attribute); // or new ValueHolder() if property access. _persistence_attribute_vh.setIsNewlyWeavedValueHolder(true); } }
    • addGetterMethodForValueHolder

      public void addGetterMethodForValueHolder(ClassDetails classDetails, AttributeDetails attributeDetails)
      Add a get method for the newly added valueholder. Adds a method of the following form: public WeavedAttributeValueHolderInterface _persistence_getfoo_vh(){ _persistence_initialize_attributeName_vh(); if (_persistence_vh.isCoordinatedWithProperty() || _persistence_foo_vh.isNewlyWeavedValueHolder()){ EntityC object = (EntityC)getFoo(); if (object != _persistence_foo_vh.getValue()){ setFoo(object); } } return _persistence_foo_vh; }
    • addSetterMethodForValueHolder

      public void addSetterMethodForValueHolder(ClassDetails classDetails, AttributeDetails attributeDetails)
      Add a set method for the newly added ValueHolder. Adds a method of this form: public void _persistence_setfoo_vh(WeavedAttributeValueHolderInterface valueholderinterface){ _persistence_foo_vh = valueholderinterface; if (valueholderinterface.isInstantiated()){ Object object = getFoo(); Object value = valueholderinterface.getValue(); if (object != value){ setFoo((EntityC)value); } } else { foo = null; } }
    • addSetterMethodForFieldAccess

      public void addSetterMethodForFieldAccess(ClassDetails classDetails, AttributeDetails attributeDetails)
      Adds a convenience method used to replace a PUTFIELD when field access is used. The method follows the following form: public void _persistence_set_variableName((VariableClas) argument) { _persistence_checkFetchedForSet("variableName"); _persistence_initialize_variableName_vh(); _persistence_propertyChange("variableName", this.variableName, argument); // if change tracking enabled, wrapping primitives, i.e. Long.valueOf(item) this.variableName = argument; _persistence_variableName_vh.setValue(variableName); // if lazy enabled }
    • addGetterMethodForFieldAccess

      public void addGetterMethodForFieldAccess(ClassDetails classDetails, AttributeDetails attributeDetails)
      Adds a convenience method used to replace a GETFIELD when field access is used. The method follows the following form: public (VariableClass) _persistence_get_variableName() { _persistence_checkFetched("variableName"); _persistence_initialize_variableName_vh(); this.variableName = ((VariableClass))_persistence_variableName_vh.getValue(); return this.variableName; }
    • addPersistenceEntityVariables

      public void addPersistenceEntityVariables()
      Add a variable of type Object to the class. When this method has been run, the class will contain a variable declarations similar to the following: private Object _persistence_primaryKey;
    • addPersistencePostClone

      public void addPersistencePostClone(ClassDetails classDetails)
      Add an internal post clone method. This will clone value holders to avoid change original/clone to effect the other. public Object _persistence_post_clone() { this._attribute_vh = this._attribute_vh.clone(); ... this._persistence_listener = null; return this; }
    • addPersistenceRestMethods

      public void addPersistenceRestMethods(ClassDetails classDetails)
    • addPersistenceRestVariables

      public void addPersistenceRestVariables()
    • addShallowClone

      public void addShallowClone(ClassDetails classDetails)
      Add an internal shallow clone method. This can be used to optimize uow cloning. public Object _persistence_shallow_clone() { return super.clone(); }
    • addPersistenceNew

      public void addPersistenceNew(ClassDetails classDetails)
      Add an internal empty constructor, and new method. This is used to avoid unnecessary initialization and avoid reflection. public void _persistence_new(PersistenceObject factory) { return new ClassType(factory); } public ClassType(PersistenceObject factory) { super(); }
    • addPersistenceGetSet

      public void addPersistenceGetSet(ClassDetails classDetails)
      Add an internal generic get and set method. This is used to avoid reflection. public Object _persistence_get(String attribute) { if (attribute == "address") { return this.address; } if (attribute == "city") { return; } return null; } public void _persistence_set(int index, Object value) { if (attribute == "address") { this.address = (String)value; } else if (attribute == "city") { = (String)city; } }
    • addPersistenceEntityMethods

      public void addPersistenceEntityMethods(ClassDetails classDetails)
      Adds get/set method for PersistenceEntity interface. This adds the following methods: public Object _persistence_getId() { return _persistence_primaryKey; } public void _persistence_setId(Object primaryKey) { this._persistence_primaryKey = primaryKey; }
    • addFetchGroupVariables

      public void addFetchGroupVariables()
      Add a variable of type FetchGroup, Session to the class. When this method has been run, the class will contain a variable declarations similar to the following: private FetchGroup _persistence_fetchGroup; private boolean _persistence_shouldRefreshFetchGroup; private Session _persistence_session;
    • addFetchGroupMethods

      public void addFetchGroupMethods(ClassDetails classDetails)
      Adds get/set method for FetchGroupTracker interface. This adds the following methods: public Session _persistence_getSession() { return _persistence_session; } public void _persistence_setSession(Session session) { this._persistence_session = session; } public FetchGroup _persistence_getFetchGroup() { return _persistence_fetchGroup; } public void _persistence_setFetchGroup(FetchGroup fetchGroup) { this._persistence_fetchGroup = fetchGroup; } public boolean _persistence_shouldRefreshFetchGroup() { return _persistence_shouldRefreshFetchGroup; } public void _persistence_setShouldRefreshFetchGroup(boolean shouldRefreshFetchGroup) { this._persistence_shouldRefreshFetchGroup = shouldRefreshFetchGroup; } public void _persistence_resetFetchGroup() { } public void _persistence_isAttributeFetched(String attribute) { return this._persistence_fetchGroup == null || _persistence_fetchGroup.containsAttribute(attribute); } public void _persistence_checkFetched(String attribute) { if (this._persistence_fetchGroup != null) { EntityManagerImpl.processUnfetchedAttribute(this, attribute); } } public void _persistence_checkSetFetched(String attribute) { if (this._persistence_fetchGroup != null) { EntityManagerImpl.processUnfetchedAttributeForSet(this, attribute); } }
    • visit

      public void visit(int version, int access, String name, String signature, String superName, String[] interfaces)
      Visit the class byte-codes and modify to weave Persistence interfaces. This add PersistenceWeaved, PersistenceWeavedLazy, PersistenceWeavedChangeTracking, PersistenceEntity, ChangeTracker. The new interfaces are pass to the super weaver.
      visit in class ClassVisitor
    • visitMethod

      public MethodVisitor visitMethod(int access, String methodName, String desc, String signature, String[] exceptions)
      Construct a MethodWeaver and allow it to process the method.
      visitMethod in class ClassVisitor
    • visitEnd

      public void visitEnd()
      Visit the end of the class byte codes. Add any new methods or variables to the end.
      visitEnd in class ClassVisitor
    • visitAnnotation

      public AnnotationVisitor visitAnnotation(String desc, boolean visible)
      visitAnnotation in class ClassVisitor
    • visitField

      public FieldVisitor visitField(int access, String name, String desc, String signature, Object value)
      visitField in class ClassVisitor