ClassDescriptionJPARS 2.0 collection proxy interface.Helper class used to create proxies for collections.Factory class to create concrete subclasses of abstract classes.A collection of static methods used to build 'href' attribute values for REST 'link' elements.EclipseLink helper class used for converting composite key values passed into JAX-RS calls as query or matrix parameters into a value that can be used in a find.This archive is designed for use with dynamic persistence units it is built with a stream that allows it to read a persistence.xml file and creates a fake base URL based the classpath location of the InMemoryArchive classLogger for EclipseLink JPA-RS related functionality.Builds object graph for JPARS 2.0.This adapter alters the way the JAXBContext handles relationships for an existing persistence unit.This listener is used for crating XML mappings for weaved fields.Simple
implementation that uses the providedJAXBContext
to marshal the result when requested to either XML or JSON based on the accept media provided.