Class XMLJavaTypeConverter

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, CoreConverter<DatabaseMapping,Session>, Converter, XMLConverter

public class XMLJavaTypeConverter extends XMLConverterAdapter
Converter that wraps an XmlAdapter.
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • XMLJavaTypeConverter

      public XMLJavaTypeConverter()
      The default constructor. This constructor should be used in conjunction with the setXmlAdapterClass method or setXmlAdapterClassName method.
    • XMLJavaTypeConverter

      public XMLJavaTypeConverter(Class<?> xmlAdapterClass)
      This constructor takes the XmlAdapter class to be used with this converter.
    • XMLJavaTypeConverter

      public XMLJavaTypeConverter(String xmlAdapterClassName)
      This constructor takes an adapter class name. The adapter class will be loaded during initialization.
    • XMLJavaTypeConverter

      public XMLJavaTypeConverter(Class<?> xmlAdapterClass, QName schemaType)
      This constructor takes the XmlAdapter class to be used with this converter, as well as a schema type to be used during the conversion operation. During unmarshal, the value type will be converted to the schema type, then from that type to the bound type. The opposite will occur during marshal.
    • XMLJavaTypeConverter

      public XMLJavaTypeConverter(String xmlAdapterClassName, QName schemaType)
      This constructor takes the XmlAdapter class name to be used with this converter (loaded during initialization), as well as a schema type to be used during the conversion operation. During unmarshal, the value type will be converted to the schema type, then from that type to the bound type. The opposite will occur during marshal.
  • Method Details

    • convertDataValueToObjectValue

      public Object convertDataValueToObjectValue(Object dataValue, Session session, XMLUnmarshaller unmarshaller)
      Wraps the XmlAdapter unmarshal method.
    • convertObjectValueToDataValue

      public Object convertObjectValueToDataValue(Object objectValue, Session session, XMLMarshaller marshaller)
      Wraps the XmlAdapter marshal method.
    • getSchemaType

      public QName getSchemaType()
      Get the schema type to be used during conversion.
    • getXmlAdapterClass

      public Class<? extends XmlAdapter<?,?>> getXmlAdapterClass()
      Return the XmlAdapter class for this converter.
    • getXmlAdapterClassName

      public String getXmlAdapterClassName()
      Return the XmlAdapter class name for this converter. If null, the name will be set to "".
    • initialize

      public void initialize(DatabaseMapping mapping, Session session)
      Figure out the BoundType and ValueType for the XmlAdapter class, then either create an instance of the XmlAdapter, or if an instance is set on the marshaller, use it.
    • isMutable

      public boolean isMutable()
      Satisfy the interface.
    • setSchemaType

      public void setSchemaType(QName qname)
      Set the schema type to be used during conversion - if one is required.
    • setXmlAdapterClass

      public void setXmlAdapterClass(Class<? extends XmlAdapter<?,?>> xmlAdapterClass)
      Set the XmlAdapter class to be used with this converter.
    • setXmlAdapterClassName

      public void setXmlAdapterClassName(String xmlAdapterClassName)
      Set the XmlAdapter class to be used with this converter.
    • getNestedConverter

      public CoreConverter<DatabaseMapping,Session> getNestedConverter()
      Get the nested converter to that is used in conjunction with the adapter.
    • setNestedConverter

      public void setNestedConverter(CoreConverter<DatabaseMapping,Session> nestedConverter)
      Set a nested converter to be used in conjunction with the adapter. On marshal, the nested converter is invoked after the adapter. On umarshal it is invoked before. Primarily used to support enumerations with adapters.