Interface ObjectGraph

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ObjectGraph
This type represents the root of an object graph that will be used as a template to define the attribute nodes and boundaries of a graph of JAXB objects and relationships. The root must be an root-level JAXB type.
EclipseLink 2.5
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      Returns the name of the static EntityGraph. Will return null if the EntityGraph is not a named EntityGraph.
    • addAttributeNodes

      void addAttributeNodes(String... attributeName)
    • addSubgraph

      Subgraph addSubgraph(String attribute)
    • addSubgraph

      Subgraph addSubgraph(String attribute, Class<?> type)
      Used to add a node of the graph that corresponds to a managed type with inheritance. This allows for multiple subclass sub-graphs to be defined for this node of the entity graph. Subclass sub-graphs will include the specified attributes of superclass sub-graphs
      IllegalArgumentException - if the attribute is not an attribute of this managed type.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the attribute's target type is not a managed type
      IllegalStateException - if this EntityGraph has been statically defined
    • getAttributeNodes

      List<AttributeNode> getAttributeNodes()