Class TypeMappingInfo


public class TypeMappingInfo extends Object

Purpose: Provides a wrapper for a java type to be used when creating a JAXB context. This allows for additional information (such as parameter level annotations and element tag names) to be included in addition to the type itself.

  • Constructor Details

    • TypeMappingInfo

      public TypeMappingInfo()
  • Method Details

    • getSchemaType

      public QName getSchemaType()
      INTERNAL: Indicates the schema type to be used during marshal
    • getElementScope

      public TypeMappingInfo.ElementScope getElementScope()
      Indicates if a global element should be generated for this type.
    • setElementScope

      public void setElementScope(TypeMappingInfo.ElementScope scope)
    • isNillable

      public boolean isNillable()
      Return if the global element will be marked as nillable
    • setNillable

      public void setNillable(boolean nillable)
      Set if the global element should be marked as nillable
    • getXmlTagName

      public QName getXmlTagName()
      Root element name associated with this type;
    • setXmlTagName

      public void setXmlTagName(QName tagName)
    • getType

      public Type getType()
      The type to be bound.
    • setType

      public void setType(Type t)
    • getAnnotations

      public Annotation[] getAnnotations()
      Representing parameter level annotations that should be applied to this type.
    • setAnnotations

      public void setAnnotations(Annotation[] annotations)
    • getXmlDescriptor

      public Descriptor getXmlDescriptor()
      INTERNAL Returns the Descriptor associated with this TypeMappingInfo. This is set when the metadata is initialized.
    • setXmlDescriptor

      public void setXmlDescriptor(Descriptor xmlDescriptor)
      INTERNAL Sets the Descriptor associated with this TypeMappingInfo. This is set when the metadata is initialized.
    • getXmlElement

      public Element getXmlElement()
      Returns the xml-element as a Element which represents the parameter level annotations that should be applied to this type.
      Element which represents the parameter level annotations that should be applied to this type if set, otherwise null
    • setXmlElement

      public void setXmlElement(Element xmlElement)
      Set the xml-element Element representing parameter level annotations that should be applied to this type. If xmlElement is non-null, any annotations set on this instance will be completely ignored. The following XML representations of parameter level annotations will be supported:
      • xml-element
      • xml-attachment-ref
      • xml-list
      • xml-mime-type
      • xml-java-type-adapter
      xmlElement - Element created from an xml-element
      See Also: