Class UnmarshalCallback


public class UnmarshalCallback extends Object

Purpose:Hold information about class based JAXB 2.0 Callback methods


  • Store information about domainClass and the callback methods
  • Act as a means to integrate JAXB 2.0 Class based callbacks with TopLink OXM Listener based callbacks.
A Map of UnmarshalCallbacks are created during JAXB 2.0 Generation and are set on a JAXBUnmarshallerListener on each JAXBUnmarshaller. These callbacks are used to invoke the JAXB 2.0 Class Based callbacks on each object at the appropriate time.
Oracle TopLink
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • UnmarshalCallback

      public UnmarshalCallback()
  • Method Details

    • getAfterUnmarshalCallback

      public Method getAfterUnmarshalCallback()
    • getBeforeUnmarshalCallback

      public Method getBeforeUnmarshalCallback()
    • getDomainClass

      public Class<?> getDomainClass()
    • initialize

      public void initialize(ClassLoader loader)
      Initialize information about class based JAXB 2.0 Callback methods.
      loader - source class loader for domainClass
    • setAfterUnmarshalCallback

      public void setAfterUnmarshalCallback(Method method)
      Should not use this method - the init method will overwrite the set value.
    • setHasAfterUnmarshalCallback

      public void setHasAfterUnmarshalCallback()
    • setBeforeUnmarshalCallback

      public void setBeforeUnmarshalCallback(Method method)
      Should not use this method - the init method will overwrite the set value.
    • setHasBeforeUnmarshalCallback

      public void setHasBeforeUnmarshalCallback()
    • setDomainClass

      public void setDomainClass(Class<?> clazz)
      Should use setDomainClassName - the init method will overwrite the set value with Class.forName(domainClassName)
    • setDomainClassName

      public void setDomainClassName(String className)