Interface JavaConstructor

All Known Implementing Classes:
JavaConstructorImpl, OXMJavaConstructorImpl, XJCJavaConstructorImpl

public interface JavaConstructor

: JavaModel representation of a java.lang.reflect.Constructor object.
  • Provide information about a given constructor including such as it's parameter types, access level and modifiers.
  • Method Details

    • getModifiers

      int getModifiers()
    • getName

      String getName()
    • getOwningClass

      JavaClass getOwningClass()
    • getParameterTypes

      JavaClass[] getParameterTypes()
    • isAbstract

      boolean isAbstract()
    • isFinal

      boolean isFinal()
    • isPrivate

      boolean isPrivate()
    • isProtected

      boolean isProtected()
    • isPublic

      boolean isPublic()
    • isStatic

      boolean isStatic()
    • isSynthetic

      boolean isSynthetic()