Uses of Package
Packages that use commonj.sdo.helper
Classes in commonj.sdo.helper used by commonj.sdo.helperClassDescriptionA helper for copying DataObjects.A Factory for creating DataObjects.Data helper methods.A helper for comparing DataObjects.Look up a Type given the uri and typeName or interfaceClass.Represents an XML Document containing a tree of DataObjects.A helper to convert XML documents into DataObects and DataObjects into XML documnets.Provides access to additional information when the Type or Property is defined by an XML Schema (XSD).
Classes in commonj.sdo.helper used by commonj.sdo.implClassDescriptionA helper for copying DataObjects.A Factory for creating DataObjects.Data helper methods.A helper for comparing DataObjects.This interface represents a helper execution context.Look up a Type given the uri and typeName or interfaceClass.A helper to convert XML documents into DataObects and DataObjects into XML documnets.Provides access to additional information when the Type or Property is defined by an XML Schema (XSD).
Classes in commonj.sdo.helper used by org.eclipse.persistence.sdoClassDescriptionA helper for copying DataObjects.A Factory for creating DataObjects.Data helper methods.A helper for comparing DataObjects.This interface represents a helper execution context.Look up a Type given the uri and typeName or interfaceClass.Represents an XML Document containing a tree of DataObjects.A helper to convert XML documents into DataObects and DataObjects into XML documnets.Provides access to additional information when the Type or Property is defined by an XML Schema (XSD).
Classes in commonj.sdo.helper used by org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.helperClassDescriptionA helper for copying DataObjects.A Factory for creating DataObjects.Data helper methods.A helper for comparing DataObjects.This interface represents a helper execution context.Look up a Type given the uri and typeName or interfaceClass.Represents an XML Document containing a tree of DataObjects.A helper to convert XML documents into DataObects and DataObjects into XML documnets.Provides access to additional information when the Type or Property is defined by an XML Schema (XSD).
Classes in commonj.sdo.helper used by org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.helper.delegatesClassDescriptionA Factory for creating DataObjects.This interface represents a helper execution context.Look up a Type given the uri and typeName or interfaceClass.Represents an XML Document containing a tree of DataObjects.A helper to convert XML documents into DataObects and DataObjects into XML documnets.Provides access to additional information when the Type or Property is defined by an XML Schema (XSD).
Classes in commonj.sdo.helper used by org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.helper.jaxbClassDescriptionA Factory for creating DataObjects.This interface represents a helper execution context.A helper to convert XML documents into DataObects and DataObjects into XML documnets.