Class SDOSystemProperties


public final class SDOSystemProperties extends Object
This class provides the list of System properties that are recognized by EclipseLink SDO component.
  • Field Details


      public static final String SDO_STRICT_TYPE_CHECKING_PROPERTY_NAME
      Property controls strictness of Type.getInstanceClass() type checking.

      See SDOHelperContext.isStrictTypeCheckingEnabled() for more details. By this property, the initial value can be changed. Default value is true.

      See Also:

      public static final String SDO_HELPER_CONTEXTS_MAX_SIZE
      Property controls maximum size of helperContexts map. This is way how Least Recently Used (LRU) strategy will be intensive. It should help with used Java heap size issues if there is so many SDOClassLoader instances with so many defined classes. Default value is 1 000 000.
      See Also: