Uses of Package
Packages that use org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.helper
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.helper used by org.eclipse.persistence.sdoClassDescriptionINTERNAL:Purpose: A helper class for making deep or shallow copies of DataObjects.Purpose: The implementation of commonj.sdo.helper.DataFactoryPurpose: A helper class for performing data conversions.Purpose: A helper class for checking deep or shallow equality of DataObjects.Purpose: This class represents a local HelperContext.Purpose: Helper to provide access to declared SDO Types.Purpose: Helper to transform XML documents into DataObects and DataObjects into XML documents.Purpose: Provides access to additional information when the Type or Property is defined by an XML Schema (XSD).
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.helper used by org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.helperClassDescriptionThis class provides a means for the user to return application-specific information, such as the application name, which will be used when the logic in SDOHelperContext fails.Purpose:This interface can be implemented and used in conjunction with SDOClassGenerator to write the generated source as desired.Purpose: Interface that can be optionally implemented to resolve the value for the schemaLocation attribute of generated imports and includes when generating schemas.Purpose: Interface that can be optionally implemented to resolve imported and included schemas.Purpose: Allow the contained schema resolver to resolve a schema based on a given namespace and schema location, and return either the resolved schema source or null, depending on whether the schema had been processed previously.Purpose: Optionally user can implement this interface to provide their own extra content to the generated source files.Purpose: A custom classloader used to dynamically create classes as needed.Purpose: Implementation of XMLUnmarshalListener used when unmarshalling XML to XMLDocumentsStrategy for
creation.Purpose: Helper to provide access to declared SDO Types.Purpose: Perform operations based on SDO XPath against DataObjects. -
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.helper used by org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.helper.delegatesClassDescriptionPurpose: Interface that can be optionally implemented to resolve the value for the schemaLocation attribute of generated imports and includes when generating schemas.Purpose: Interface that can be optionally implemented to resolve imported and included schemas.Purpose: A custom classloader used to dynamically create classes as needed.Purpose: The implementation of commonj.sdo.helper.DataFactoryPurpose: Helper to provide access to declared SDO Types.Purpose: Helper to transform XML documents into DataObects and DataObjects into XML documents.Purpose: Provides access to additional information when the Type or Property is defined by an XML Schema (XSD).
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.helper used by org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.helper.jaxbClassDescriptionINTERNAL:Purpose: The implementation of commonj.sdo.helper.DataFactoryPurpose: This class represents a local HelperContext.Purpose: Helper to transform XML documents into DataObects and DataObjects into XML documents.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.helper used by org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.helper.metadata
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.helper used by org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.types