Java Persistence API (JPA) Extensions Reference for EclipseLink, Release 2.4
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Table-per-tenant multitenancy allows multiple tenants of an application to isolate their data in one or more tenant-specific tables. The tenant table discriminator specifies how to discriminate the tenant's tables from the other tenants' tables in a table-per-tenant multitenancy strategy.

Annotation Elements

Table 2-69 describes this annotation's elements.

Table 2-69 @TenantTableDiscriminator Annotation Elements

Annotation Element Description Default

java.lang.String ContextProperty

(Optional) Name of the context property to apply to as tenant table discriminator


TenantTableDiscriminator type

(Optional) Type of tenant table discriminator to use with the tables of the persistence unit.






In table-per-tenant multitenancy, tenants' tables can be in the same schema, using a prefix or suffix naming pattern to distinguish them; or they can be in separate schemas. The tenant table discriminator identifies whether to use the prefix or suffix naming pattern or to use a separate schema to identify and isolate the tenant's tables from other tenants' tables. The types are:

Tenant table discriminator can be specified at the entity or mapped superclass level and must always be used with Multitenant(TABLE_PER_TENANT). It is not sufficient to specify only a tenant table discriminator.

For more information about using @TenantTableDiscriminator and table-per-tenant multitenancy, see "@Multitenant".


The following example shows a SCHEMA-type table discriminator.

Example 2-112 Using @TenantTableDiscriminator Annotation

@TenantTableDiscriminator(type=SCHEMA, contextProperty="eclipselink.tenant-id")
public class Employee {

Example 2-113 Using <tenant-table-discriminator> XML

<entity class="Employee">
  <multitenant type="TABLE_PER_TENANT">
    <tenant-table-discriminator type="SCHEMA" context-property="eclipselink.tenant-id"/>
  <table name="EMP">

See Also