Developing JAXB Applications Using EclipseLink MOXy, Release 2.6
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Specifying the EclipseLink Runtime

In order to use EclipseLink Dynamic MOXy as your JAXB implementation, you must identify the EclipseLink DynamicJAXBContextFactory in your file.

  1. Create a text file named, specifying DynamicJAXBContextFactory as the factory used to build new JAXBContexts.


  2. Copy the file to the context path used to create the JAXBContext.

  3. Use the standard JAXBContext.newInstance(String contextPath) API to create a DynamicJAXBContext.

    DynamicJAXBContext jaxbContext = (DynamicJAXBContext) JAXBContext.newInstance("org.example.mypackage");

Because you do not need to change any application code, you can easily switch between different JAXB implementations.

Instantiating a DynamicJAXBContext

The following methods on JAXBContext can be used to create new instances of DynamicJAXBContexts:

public static JAXBContext newInstance(String contextPath) throws JAXBException
public static JAXBContext newInstance(String contextPath, ClassLoader classLoader) throws JAXBException
public static JAXBContext newInstance(String contextPath, ClassLoader classLoader, Map<String,?> properties) throws JAXBException
  • contextPath – Location of file.

  • classLoader – The application's current class loader, which will be used to first lookup classes to see if they exist before new DynamicTypes are generated.

  • properties – A map of properties to use when creating a new DynamicJAXBContext. This map must contain one of the following two keys:

    • org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.JAXBContextFactory.XML_SCHEMA_KEY, which can have several possible values:

      • One of the following, pointing to your XML Schema file:


        • org.w3c.dom.Node

        • javax.xml.transform.Source

    • org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.JAXBContextProperties.OXM_METADATA_SOURCE, which can have several possible values:

      • One of the following, pointing to your OXM file:







        • javax.xml.transform.Source

        • org.w3c.dom.Node

        • org.xml.sax.InputSource


        If using one of these options, a package-name element must be defined in the xml-bindings element of your OXM file.

      • A List of objects from the set above.


        If using this option, a package-name element must be defined in the xml-bindings element of your OXM file.

      • A Map<String, Object>, where String is a package name, and Object is the pointer to the OXM file, from the set of possibilities above.