Understanding EclipseLink, 2.7
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MOXy Mapping Concepts

XML mappings transform object data members to the XML elements of an XML document whose structure is defined by an XML Schema Document (XSD). You can map the attributes of a Java object to a combination of XML simple and complex types using a wide variety of XML mapping types.

Classes are mapped to complex types, object relationships map to XML elements, and simple attributes map to text nodes and XML attributes. The real power in using MOXy is that when mapping an object attribute to an XML document, XPath statements are used to specify the location of the XML data.

EclipseLink stores XML mappings for each class in the class descriptor. EclipseLink uses the descriptor to instantiate objects mapped from an XML document and to store new or modified objects as XML documents.

EclipseLink provides XML mappings that are not defined in the JAXB specification. Some of the MOXy extensions are available through EclipseLink annotations; others require programmatic changes to the underlying metadata.

Mapping concepts for MOXy are described in Developing JAXB Applications EclipseLink MOXy. See the following chapters:

"EclipseLink MOXy Runtime" describes:

"Mapping Type Levels" describes the initial tasks of setting up a mapping in MOXy:

"Mapping Simple Values" and "Mapping Special Schema Types" describes how Java values can be mapped to XML in several different ways:

Understanding an XML Data Representation

Annotations are not always the most effective way to map JPA to XML. For example, you would not use JAXB if:

  • You want to specify metadata for a third-party class but do not have access to the source.

  • You want to map an object model to multiple XML schemas, because JAXB rules preclude applying more than one mapping by using annotations.

  • Your object model already contains too many annotations—for example, from such services as JPA, Spring, JSR-303, and so on—and you want to specify the metadata elsewhere.

Under these and similar circumstances, you can use an XML data representation by exposing the eclipselink_oxm.xml file.

XML metadata works in two modes:

  • It adds to the metadata supplied by annotations. This is useful when:

    • Annotations define version one of the XML representation, and you use XML metadata to tweak the metadata for future versions.

    • You use the standard JAXB annotations, and use the XML metadata for the MOXy extensions. In this way you don't introduce new compile time dependencies in the object model.

  • It completely replaces the annotation metadata, which is useful when you want to map to different XML representations.

Mapping Values

There are several ways to map simple Java values and collections of simple values directly to XML text nodes. You can map to attributes, text nodes, or schema types. You can also use simple type translators to map types of nodes that are not defined in your XML schema. These techniques are described in "Mapping Simple Values" in Developing JAXB Applications EclipseLink MOXy.