Eclipse Layout Kernel™

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Automatic Layout for Diagrams

The Eclipse Layout Kernel (or ELK) is two things: a collection of layout algorithms, and an infrastructure that bridges the gap between layout algorithms and diagram viewers and editors.

The drawing below shows an example layout produced with ELK. It also illustrates some of ELK's special features: ports (edges' attachment points on the corresponding nodes' borders) and hierarchical nodes (nodes that contain further nodes as children). Note that ELK itself doesn't render the drawing but only computes positions (and possibly dimensions) for the diagram elements.

Example Layout

Happy Users



KlassViz uses automatic layout to generate class diagrams in Eclipse on the fly.



DebuKViz uses automatic layout to generate visualizations of variables in your Java programs while debugging.

Ptolemy II

Ptolemy II

Ptolemy II uses automatic layout to make developing models graphically easier.