Active: A plugin is in active state when its startup() method
has been called and its shutdown() method has not been called. In 2.1 plugin
activation is triggered by the loading of a class from that plugin;
Configuration: A configuration is a collection of plugins which are
available to participate in plugin resolution and thus in forming the runtime
Configured: A plugin is configured when it is part of a configuration.
A plugin can be configured in several configurations.
Deactivation: The process of changing a plugin state from activated
to deactivated;
Disabled: A plugin is in disabled state if it is installed but either
has been explicitly marked as disabled or has never been marked as enabled.
A plugin is disabled relatively to a configuration. A disabled plugin does not participate in registry resolution.
Disablement: The act of changing a plugin state from enable to disable
at runtime. The disablement can only be done is the plugin is deactivated.
Enabled: A plugin is enabled if it has been installed and has
been explicitly marked as enabled or has never been disabled. A plugin is enabled relatively to a configuration and only if it is configured it this one.
Inactive: A plugin is in the inactive state if its shutdown() method
has been called, or the platform has been started and its startup() method
has not been subsequently called;
Installed: A plugin is installed when it is physically present. It is then available for inclusion in any configuration.
Resolved: A plugin is resolved relative to a given configuration.
Resolved plugins are present in the runtime registry and their functionality
is available for use. In 2.1, plugins are resolved at startup if all its prerequisites
are available (for more details see the
current model page);
Unconfigured: A plugin is unconfigured when it is not part of a configuration.
Unresolved: A plugin is unresolved relative to a given configuration.
Unresolved plugins are present in the runtime registry but their functionality
is not available for use. This last point constitutes a difference with 2.1.