Chi Tutorial
This manual explains using the Chi modeling language.
Introduction (global description of the aims of the language)
Basics: Elementary knowledge needed for writing and understanding Chi programs. Start here to learn the language!
Data types (explanation of all kinds of data and their operations)
Statements (available process statements)
Functions (how to use functions)
Input and output (reading/writing files, displaying output)
Programming: How to specify parallel executing processes using the Chi language.
Modeling stochastic behavior (how to model varying behavior)
Processes (creating and running processes)
Channels (connecting processes with each other)
Modeling: Modeling a real system with Chi.
Buffers (modeling temporary storage of items)
Servers (modeling machines)
Conveyors (modeling conveyor belts)
Experiments (performing simulation experiments)
Visualization: Making an animated graphical display of a system with the Chi simulator.
SVG visualization (how to attach an SVG visualization)
SVG example (an SVG example)