Specifying grammars using SeText

All SeText grammars start with one or more start symbols:

@main  Program    : some.package.ProgramParser;
@start Expression : some.package.ExpressionParser;

This specifies two start symbols, the non-terminals Program and Expression. Each start symbol further specifies the parser class that should be generated for that start symbol. Once again, imports are allowed, and the classes must be non-generic.

There are two types of start symbols:

The main start symbols are exactly the same as the regular ones, except that they must cover the entire grammar. That is, all non-terminals must be reachable from each of the main start symbols. There is no such restriction for regular start symbols.

The non-terminals and rules (or productions) can be specified using a BNF like syntax, as follows:

NonTerm : /* empty */
        | NonTerm2
        | NonTerm NonTerm2
        | NonTerm3 @PLUSTK NonTerm3 SEMICOLTK

This example specifies a non-terminal named NonTerm. Once reduced, the call back hooks for this non-terminal must result in a Java object of type java.util.List<some.package.SomeClass>. Here, both generic types and imports are allowed.

The non-terminal is defined by four rules (or productions). The first rule is empty, as clarified by the comment. The comment is obviously not required. The second rule consists of a single non-terminal NonTerm2, etc.

Each non-terminal rule gives rise to a call back hook method. The parameters of that method are determined by the symbols that make up that rule. That is, all non-terminal are always passed to the call back hook method. Terminals are only passed to the method if they are prefixed with a @ character.