Workflow Example Overview
An example GLSP diagram including one GLSP server and several diagram client integrations (VS Code, Eclipse Theia, plain HTML and Eclipse desktop IDE). The example can be used to try out the GLSP features in a running version. Most components of GLSP, such as the GLSP server framework or the Theia integration implement the workflow diagram as a consistent example. As the example is fully open source, you can use the example as a blueprint for a custom implementation of a GLSP diagram. The example diagram is a simplified flow chart with different types of nodes and edges (see screen shot below)

To launch/browse the example, please use the links below leading to the components of the workflow diagram example. You will need the workflow GLSP server (there is only one) and at least one client integration (select the one you are interested in). Launch the server first and then the client of your choice to try the example. Alternatively, you can try the workflow example online embedded into an example tool (see last option below)