This page refers to version 2.4. You might want to use the current stable version instead.

AMQP 1.0 Messaging Network Configuration

The Qpid Dispatch Router, together with the Apache Artemis message broker, serves as the default AMQP 1.0 Messaging Network that is used in Hono’s example deployment as described in the Deployment Guides.

The Dispatch Router component exposes service endpoints implementing the north bound part of Hono’s Telemetry, Event and Command & Control APIs which are used by applications to interact with devices.

Configuring Tenants to use AMQP 1.0 based Messaging

Hono’s components by default support using Kafka based messaging infrastructure to transmit messages hence and forth between devices and applications. Hono also supports using AMQP 1.0 as the messaging infrastructure either as a replacement for or as an alternative in addition to the Kafka based infrastructure.

In most cases Hono’s components will be configured to use either AMQP 1.0 or Kafka based messaging infrastructure. However, in cases where both types of infrastructure are being used, Hono’s components need to be able to determine, which infrastructure should be used for messages of a given tenant. For this purpose, the configuration properties registered for a tenant support the ext/messaging-type property which can have a value of either amqp or kafka.

The following example shows a tenant that is configured to use the AMQP 1.0 messaging infrastructure:

  "tenant-id": "TEST_TENANT",
  "enabled": true,
  "ext": {
    "messaging-type": "amqp"

If not explicitly set, the ext/messaging-type property’s value is kafka which indicates that Kafka is to be used for the tenant.


If an adapter is configured to connect to only one type of messaging infrastructure, the tenant specific messaging type configuration is ignored.

Dispatch Router Configuration

The Dispatch Router is part of the Apache Qpid project. Hono uses the Dispatch Router by means of the EnMasse project’s Dispatch Router Docker image created from the Qpid project source code.

The Dispatch Router can be configured by means of configuration files. The Eclipse IoT Packages project hosts an example configuration. Please refer to the Dispatch Router documentation for details regarding the configuration file format and options.

Artemis Broker Configuration

The Artemis Broker is part of the Apache ActiveMQ project. Hono uses Artemis by means of the EnMasse project’s Artemis Docker image created from the Artemis project source code.

The Artemis Broker can be configured by means of configuration files. The Eclipse IoT Packages project hosts an example configuration. Please refer to the Artemis documentation for details regarding the configuration file format and options.