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Event API Specification for Kafka

The Event API is used by Protocol Adapters to send event messages downstream. Business Applications and other consumers use the API to receive messages published by devices belonging to a particular tenant.

See Kafka-based APIs for fundamental information about Hono’s Kafka-based APIs. The statements there apply to this specification.

Southbound Operations

The following operation can be used by Protocol Adapters to send event messages received from devices to downstream consumers like Business Applications.

Produce Event

The protocol adapter writes messages to the tenant-specific topic hono.event.${tenant_id} where ${tenant_id} is the ID of the tenant that the client wants to upload event messages for.


  1. Either the topic hono.event.${tenant_id} exists, or the broker is configured to automatically create topics on demand.
  2. The client is authorized to write to the topic.
  3. The device for which the adapter wants to send event messages has been registered (see Device Registration API).

Message Flow

Hono supports AT LEAST ONCE delivery of Event messages only, as defined in Kafka-based APIs.

The following sequence diagram illustrates the flow of messages involved in the MQTT Adapter producing an event to the Kafka cluster.

Produce event flow

  1. Device 4711 publishes an event using MQTT QoS 1.
    1. MQTT Adapter produces an event message to the Kafka Cluster.
    2. Kafka cluster acknowledges reception of the message.
    3. MQTT Adapter acknowledges the reception of the message to the Device.

When a Kafka producer raises an exception while sending an event message to Kafka, the protocol adapter MUST NOT try to re-send such rejected messages but MUST indicate the failed transfer to the device if the transport protocol provides means to do so.

Message Format

See Telemetry API for Kafka for the definition of the message format.

Northbound Operations

The following operation can be used by Business Applications to receive event messages from Kafka.

Consume Events

Hono delivers messages containing events reported by a particular device in the same order that they have been received in (using the Produce Event operation). Business Applications consume messages from the tenant-specific topic hono.event.${tenant_id} where ${tenant_id} represents the ID of the tenant the client wants to retrieve event messages for.


  1. Either the topic hono.event.${tenant_id} exists, or the broker is configured to automatically create topics on demand.
  2. The client is authorized to read from the topic.
  3. The client subscribes to the topic with a Kafka consumer.

Hono supports AT LEAST ONCE delivery of Event messages only. A consumer is expected to provide proper AT LEAST ONCE semantics and therefore MUST NOT commit offsets of messages that have not yet been fully processed.

Message Flow

The following sequence diagram illustrates the flow of messages involved in a Business Application consuming an event message from the Kafka cluster.

Consume event flow (success)

  1. Business Application polls event messages from Kafka Cluster.
    1. Kafka Cluster returns a batch of messages.
  2. Business Application processes the messages.
  3. Business Application commits the offset of the last processed event message.
    1. Kafka Cluster acknowledges the commit.

Message Format

See Telemetry API for Kafka for the definition of the message format.

Well-known Event Message Types

The well-known event message types are defined in the Event API for AMQP with the following differences:

  • The properties and application-properties are set es Kafka headers.
  • The body of the AMQP message corresponds to the value of the Kafka message.
  • The content-type header is of type string.