This page refers to version 2.4. You might want to use the current stable version instead.


Eclipse Hono™’s components report several metrics which may be used to gain some insight into the running system. For instance, the HTTP adapter reports the number of successfully processed telemetry messages. Some of these metrics are considered part of Hono’s external interface. This section describes the semantics and format of the metrics, how they can be retrieved and how to interpret actual values.

Reported Metrics

Hono uses Micrometer for collecting metrics. Those metrics can be exported to different back ends. Please refer to Configuring Metrics for details.

The container images published on Docker Hub have been compiled with support for Prometheus as the metrics back end.

When deploying to Kubernetes/OpenShift, the metrics reported by Hono may contain environment specific tags (like the pod name) which are added by the Prometheus scraper. However, those tags are not part of the Hono metrics definition.

Hono applications may report other metrics in addition to the ones defined here. In particular, all components report metrics regarding the JVM’s internal state, e.g. memory consumption and garbage collection status. Those metrics are not considered part of Hono’s official metrics definition. However, all those metrics will still contain the common tags described below.

Common Metrics

Tags for common metrics are:

Tag Value Description
host string The name of the host that the component reporting the metric is running on
component-type adapter, service The type of component reporting the metric
component-name string The name of the component reporting the metric.

The names of Hono’s standard components are as follows:

Component component-name
Auth Server hono-auth
Device Registry hono-registry
Command Router hono-command-router
AMQP adapter hono-amqp
CoAP adapter hono-coap
HTTP adapter hono-http
MQTT adapter hono-mqtt
Lora adapter hono-lora
Sigfox adapter hono-sigfox

Protocol Adapter Metrics

Additional tags used for metrics reported by protocol adapters are:

Name Value Description
direction one-way, request, response The direction in which a Command & Control message is being sent:
one-way indicates a command sent to a device for which the sending application doesn’t expect to receive a response.
request indicates a command request message sent to a device.
response indicates a command response received from a device.
qos 0, 1, unknown The quality of service used for a telemetry or event message.
0 indicates at most once,
1 indicates at least once and
none indicates unknown delivery semantics.
status forwarded, unprocessable, undeliverable The processing status of a message.
forwarded indicates that the message has been forwarded to a downstream consumer
unprocessable indicates that the message has not been processed not forwarded, e.g. because the message was malformed
undeliverable indicates that the message could not be forwarded, e.g. because there is no downstream consumer or due to an infrastructure problem
tenant string The identifier of the tenant that the metric is being reported for.
ttd command, expired, none A status indicating the outcome of processing a TTD value contained in a message received from a device.
command indicates that a command for the device has been included in the response to the device’s request for uploading the message.
expired indicates that a response without a command has been sent to the device.
none indicates that either no TTD value has been specified by the device or that the protocol adapter does not support it.
type command_response, credentials, event, registration, telemetry, tenant The type of message that the metric is being reported for.

Additional tags for hono.connections.attempts:

Name Value Description
cipher-suite string The name of the cipher suite that is used for the device’s connection to the adapter. The specific value depends on the TLS implementation used by the protocol adapter.
The value UNKNOWN is used if the connection does not use TLS or the cipher suite could not be determined, e.g. because the connection attempt failed before the cipher suite has been negotiated.
outcome adapter-disabled, connection-duration-exceeded,
data-volume-exceeded, registration-assertion-failure,
succeeded, tenant-connections-exceeded,
unauthorized, unavailable, unknown
The outcome of a device’s connection attempt.
adapter-connections-exceeded indicates that the maximum number of connections that the adapter instance can handle are exceeded
adapter-disabled indicates that the protocol adapter is not enabled for the device’s tenant
connection-duration-exceeded indicates that the overall amount of time that a tenant’s devices may be connected to an adapter has exceeded
data-volume-exceeded indicates that the overall amount of data that a tenant’s device may transfer per time period has exceeded
registration-assertion-failure indicates that the device is either unknown or disabled
succeeded indicates a successfully established connection
tenant-connections-exceeded indicates that the maximum number of devices that may be connected simultaneously for a tenant has been exceeded
unauthorized indicates that the device failed to authenticate
unavailable indicates that some of Hono’s (required) services are not available
unknown indicates an unknown reason.

Additional tags for

Name Value Description
outcome received, accepted, rejected, released, modified, declared, transactionalState, and aborted Any of the AMQP 1.0 disposition states, as well as aborted, in the case the connection/link was closed before the disposition could be read.

Metrics provided by the protocol adapters are:

Metric Type Tags Description Timer host, component-type, component-name, tenant, type, outcome The time it took to send an AMQP 1.0 message and receive the remote peers disposition.
hono.amqp.nocredit Counter host, component-type, component-name, tenant, type The number of times an AMQP 1.0 message should be sent, but could not because the sender was out of credit.
hono.amqp.timeout Counter host, component-type, component-name, tenant, type The number of times sending an AMQP 1.0 message timed out, meaning that no disposition was received in the appropriate amount of time.
hono.command.payload DistributionSummary host, component-type, component-name, tenant, type, status, direction The number of bytes conveyed in the payload of a command message.
hono.command.processing.duration Timer host, component-type, component-name, tenant, type, status, direction The time it took to process a message conveying a command or a response to a command.
hono.connections.authenticated Gauge host, component-type, component-name, tenant Current number of connected, authenticated devices.
NB This metric is only supported by protocol adapters that maintain connection state with authenticated devices. In particular, the HTTP adapter does not support this metric.
hono.connections.unauthenticated Gauge host, component-type, component-name Current number of connected, unauthenticated devices.
NB This metric is only supported by protocol adapters that maintain connection state with authenticated devices. In particular, the HTTP adapter does not support this metric.
hono.connections.authenticated.duration Timer host, component-type, component-name, tenant The overall amount of time that authenticated devices have been connected to protocol adapters.
NB This metric is only supported by protocol adapters that maintain connection state with authenticated devices. In particular, the HTTP adapter does not support this metric.
hono.connections.attempts Counter host, component-type, component-name, tenant, outcome, cipher-suite The number of attempts made by devices to connect to a protocol adapter. The outcome tag’s value determines if the attempt was successful or not. In the latter case the outcome also indicates the reason for the failure to connect.
NB This metric is only supported by protocol adapters that maintain connection state with authenticated devices. In particular, the HTTP adapter does not support this metric.
hono.telemetry.payload DistributionSummary host, component-type, component-name, tenant, type, status The number of bytes conveyed in the payload of a telemetry or event message.
hono.telemetry.processing.duration Timer host, component-type, component-name, tenant, type, status, qos, ttd The time it took to process a message conveying telemetry data or an event.

Minimum Message Size

If a minimum message size is configured for a tenant, then the payload size of the telemetry, event and command messages are calculated in accordance with the configured value and then reported to the metrics by the AMQP, HTTP and MQTT protocol adapters. If minimum message size is not configured for a tenant then the actual message payload size is reported.

Assume that the minimum message size for a tenant is configured as 4096 bytes (4KB). The payload size of an incoming message with size 1KB is calculated as 4KB by the protocol adapters and reported to the metrics system. For an incoming message of size 10KB, it is reported as 12KB.

Service Metrics

Authentication Server

Metric Type Tags Description
hono.authentication.attempts Counter host, component-type, component-name, outcome, client-type The number of attempts made by clients to authenticate to the server.

The outcome tag’s value determines if the attempt was successful or not:
succeeded indicates that the client has been authenticated successfully,
unauthorized indicates that the client failed to authenticate, e.g. because of wrong credentials and
unavailable indicates that some of the services required for verifying the client’s credentials are (temporarily) not available.

The client-type tag indicates what type of client has attempted to authenticate:
auth-service indicates that the client tried to use the server as an implementation of the Hono Authentication Service,
dispatch-router indicates that the client tried to use the server as an implementation of the Qpid Dispatch Router AuthService.
unknown indicates that the type of client is unknown.

Command Router

Command messages get first received by the Command Router component and then get forwarded to the matching protocol adapter instance, where the command will be reflected in the corresponding protocol adapter metrics with the hono.command prefix. If the command could not be forwarded to a protocol adapter, the Command Router will report the command in its metrics, as listed below.

Metric Type Tags Description
hono.command.payload DistributionSummary host, component-type, component-name, tenant, type, status, direction The number of bytes conveyed in the payload of a command message that could not be forwarded to a protocol adapter.
hono.command.processing.duration Timer host, component-type, component-name, tenant, type, status, direction The time it took to process a message conveying a command that could not be forwarded to a protocol adapter.

Device Registry

Metric Type Tags Description Gauge host, component-type, component-name The total number of tenants registered. All registry instances will report the same (total) number of tenants so no aggregation along the host dimension should be performed.