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Resource limits

Resource limits such as the maximum number of device connections allowed per tenant or the allowed data volume of the messages over a period of time per tenant can be set in Hono.

Hono specifies an API ResourceLimitChecks that is used by the protocol adapters for the verification of the configured resource limits. A default implementation of this API is shipped with Hono. This default implementation uses the live metrics data retrieved from a Prometheus server to verify the resource-limits, if configured. To enable and use this default implementation, please refer to the protocol adapter admin guides. Based on the requirements, a custom version of the above API can be implemented and used. The resource-limits for a tenant can be set using the tenant configuration. Please refer to the Tenant API for more details.

Connections Limit

Before accepting a new connection request from a device, the number of existing connections is checked against the configured limit by the protocol adapters. The connection request is declined if the limit is exceeded.

The MQTT and AMQP protocol adapters keep the connections longer opened than their counterparts such as HTTP. Thereby the MQTT and AMQP adapters are enabled to check the connection limits before accepting any new connection to a device.

Connection Duration Limit

Before accepting a new connection request from a device, the overall amount of time that the devices have already been connected to protocol adapters for that tenant is checked against the configured limit by the protocol adapters. The connection request is declined if the connection duration limit has been already reached. This limit is only supported by protocol adapters that maintain connection state with authenticated devices. In particular, the HTTP adapter does not support this metric.

The default Prometheus based implementation uses connection duration as the factor to limit the connections. This default implementation supports two modes of connection duration limit calculation namely days and monthly. For more details on how to set the mode refer to the Tenant API. If the period is not set explicitly, then the mode is assumed as monthly in the default implementation.

In the monthly mode, further device connections are only allowed, if the overall amount of time that the devices have already been connected from the beginning till the end of the current (Gregorian) calendar month does not exceed the configured max-minutes value. But for the first month, on which the connection duration limit became effective, the effective connection duration limit is calculated based on the max-minutes with respect to the remaining days in that month from the effective-since date.

Below is a sample resource limit configuration for a tenant, where it has been defined that the connection duration limit became effective on 10.Jul.2019 and the maximum connection duration limit for every month is 50,000 minutes. It means that from August 2019, the connection limit check ensures that no more connections are allowed for that tenant, if that limit of 50,000 minutes is already reached. But in case of July 2019, the month on which the message limit became effective, the effective connection duration limit is calculated by finding the average limit for a day from the configured max-minutes and then multiplying it with the number of days from the effective-since date till the end of that month. In this case it is calculated as (50,000 minutes / 31 days) x 22 days, which is 35,483 minutes. It means that for the month of July 2019, no more new connections are allowed, if the limit of 35,843 minutes is already reached.

"resource-limits": {
  "connection-duration": {
    "effective-since": "2019-07-10T14:30:00Z",
    "max-minutes": 50000,
    "period": {
      "mode": "monthly"

In the days mode, further device connections are only allowed, if the overall amount of time that the devices have already been connected for the configured no-of-days does not exceed the max-minutes value. In the below sample configuration, the mode is configured as days and the accounting duration as 30 days. In this case the connection duration limit check ensures that new connections are accepted, only if the connection duration usage for every 30 days from 10.Jul.2019 (effective-since) does not exceed the 50,000 minutes limit.

"resource-limits": {
  "connection-duration": {
    "effective-since": "2019-07-10T14:30:00Z",
    "max-minutes": 50000,
    "period": {
      "mode": "days",
      "no-of-days": 30

Messages Limit

Hono supports limiting the number of messages that devices and north bound applications of a tenant can publish to Hono during a given time interval. Before accepting any telemetry or event or command messages from devices or north bound applications, it is checked by the protocol adapters that if the message limit is exceeded or not. The incoming message is discarded if the limit is exceeded.

The default Prometheus based implementation uses data volume as the factor to limit the messages. The data volume already consumed by a tenant over the given time interval is compared with the configured message limit before accepting any messages. The default implementation supports two modes of message limits calculation namely days and monthly. For more details on how to set the mode refer to the Tenant API. If the period is not set explicitly, then the mode is assumed as monthly in the default implementation.

In the monthly mode, the message limit check ensures that the data usage from the beginning till the end of a (Gregorian) calendar month does not exceed the max-bytes value. But for the first month on which the message limit became effective, the effective max-bytes are calculated based on the max-bytes with respect to the remaining days in that month from the effective-since date.

Below is a sample resource limit configuration for a tenant and it has been defined that the message limit became effective on 10.Jul.2019 and the maximum bytes allowed for a month is 2 GB. It means that from August 2019, the message limit check ensures that the data usage in a month does not exceed 2 GB. But in case of July 2019, the month on which the message limit became effective, the effective max-bytes is calculated by finding the average limit for a day from the max-bytes and multiplying it with the number of days from the effective-since date till the end of that month. In this case it is calculated as (2 GB / 31 days) x 22 days which is 1.4 GB. It means that for the month of July 2019, the data usage should not exceed 1.4GB.

"resource-limits": {
  "data-volume": {
    "effective-since": "2019-07-10T14:30:00Z",
    "max-bytes": 2147483648,
    "period": {
      "mode": "monthly"

In the days mode, the message limit check ensures that the data usage for the defined no-of-days does not exceed the max-bytes value. In the below sample configuration, the mode is configured as days and the accounting duration as 30 days. In this case the message limit check ensures that the data usage for every 30 days from 10.Jul.2019 (effective-since) does not exceed the 2GB limit.

"resource-limits": {
  "data-volume": {
    "effective-since": "2019-07-10T14:30:00Z",
    "max-bytes": 2147483648,
    "period": {
      "mode": "days",
      "no-of-days": 30