This page refers to version 2.4. You might want to use the current stable version instead.

MQTT Adapter

The MQTT protocol adapter exposes an MQTT topic hierarchy for publishing telemetry data and events to downstream consumers and for receiving commands from applications and sending back responses.

The MQTT adapter is not a general purpose MQTT broker. In particular the adapter

  • supports MQTT 3.1.1 only.
  • does not maintain session state for clients and thus always sets the session present flag in its CONNACK packet to 0, regardless of the value of the clean session flag provided in a client’s CONNECT packet.
  • ignores any Will included in a client’s CONNECT packet.
  • only supports topic names/filters for devices to publish and subscribe to that are specific to Hono’s functionality as described in the following sections.
  • does not support retaining messages. However, if an event or telemetry message’s retain flag is set to 1 then the corresponding AMQP 1.0 message being sent downstream by the adapter will contain an x-opt-retain message annotation containing the boolean value true. A downstream consumer may then react according to the presence of this annotation.


The MQTT adapter by default requires clients (devices or gateway components) to authenticate during connection establishment. The adapter supports both the authentication based on the username/password provided in an MQTT CONNECT packet as well as client certificate based authentication as part of a TLS handshake for that purpose.

The adapter tries to authenticate the device using these mechanisms in the following order

Client Certificate

The MQTT adapter supports authenticating clients based on TLS cipher suites using a digital signature based key exchange algorithm as described in RFC 5246 (TLS 1.2) and RFC 8446 (TLS 1.3). This requires a client to provide an X.509 certificate containing a public key that can be used for digital signature. The adapter uses the information in the client certificate to verify the device’s identity as described in Client Certificate based Authentication.


The adapter needs to be configured for TLS in order to support this mechanism.


The MQTT adapter supports authenticating clients based on credentials provided during MQTT connection establishment. This means that clients need to provide a user and a password field in their MQTT CONNECT packet as defined in MQTT Version 3.1.1, Section 3.1 when connecting to the MQTT adapter. The username provided in the user field must match the pattern auth-id@tenant, e.g. sensor1@DEFAULT_TENANT.

The adapter extracts the auth-id, tenant and password from the CONNECT packet and verifies them using the credentials that the configured Credentials service has on record for the client as described in Username/Password based Authentication. If the credentials match, the client has been authenticated successfully and the connection is being established.


There is a subtle difference between the device identifier (device-id) and the auth-id a device uses for authentication. See Device Identity for a discussion of the concepts.

JSON Web Token

The MQTT adapter supports authenticating clients based on a signed JSON Web Token (JWT) provided during MQTT connection establishment. This requires a client to provide a client identifier, a user and a password field in its MQTT CONNECT packet as defined in MQTT Version 3.1.1, Section 3.1 when connecting to the MQTT adapter. The JWT must be sent in the password field. The content of the user field is ignored. The information about the tenant and the authentication identifier can be presented to the protocol adapter in one of two ways:

  1. Either as claims inside the JSON Web Signature (JWS) payload. For more information on this see JSON Web Token based Authentication

  2. or inside the client identifier, in which case the client identifier must have the following format:


    For example, a client that belongs to tenant example-tenant and for which rpk (raw public key) credentials with an auth-id of device-1 have been registered, might present a client identifier of tenants/example-tenant/devices/device-1 when authenticating to the protocol adapter.

The adapter extracts the auth-id, tenant and JWT from the CONNECT packet and verifies them using the credentials that the configured Credentials service has on record for the client as described in JSON Web Token based Authentication. If the JWT is verified in combination with the credentials and within its validity period, the client has been authenticated successfully and the connection is being established. The validity period is defined within the JWS payload by the mandatory claims iat (“issued at”) and exp (“expiration time”). Please refer to JSON Web Token based Authentication for more detailed information.


There is a subtle difference between the device identifier (device-id) and the auth-id a device uses for authentication. See Device Identity for a discussion of the concepts.

Resource Limit Checks

The adapter performs additional checks regarding resource limits when a client tries to connect and/or send a message to the adapter.

Connection Limits

The adapter rejects a client’s connection attempt with return code

  • 0x03 (Connection Refused: server unavailable), if the maximum number of connections per protocol adapter instance is reached
  • 0x05 (Connection Refused: not authorized), if the maximum number of simultaneously connected devices for the tenant is reached.

Connection Duration Limits

The adapter rejects a client’s connection attempt with return code 0x05 (Connection Refused: not authorized), if the connection duration limit that has been configured for the client’s tenant is exceeded.

Message Limits

The adapter

  • rejects a client’s connection attempt with return code 0x05 (Connection Refused: not authorized),
  • discards any MQTT PUBLISH packet containing telemetry data or an event that is sent by a client and
  • rejects any AMQP 1.0 message containing a command sent by a north bound application

if the message limit that has been configured for the device’s tenant is exceeded.

Connection Events

The adapter can emit Connection Events for client connections being established and/or terminated. Please refer to the common configuration options for details regarding how to enable this behavior.

The adapter includes the client identifier from the client’s MQTT CONNECT packet as the Connection Event’s remote-id.

Publishing Telemetry Data

The MQTT adapter supports the publishing of telemetry data by means of MQTT PUBLISH packets using either QoS 0 or QoS 1. Using QoS 1 will result in the adapter sending an MQTT PUBACK packet to the client once the message has been accepted by the downstream messaging infrastructure.

This requires that

  • the messages published by the client comply with the format defined by the Telemetry API and
  • the downstream messaging infrastructure has capacity to process telemetry messages for the client’s tenant.

The protocol adapter checks the configured message limit before accepting any telemetry messages. An exceeded message limit will cause an error.

Any kind of error when processing an incoming telemetry message will be reported back to the client if the client has subscribed on a dedicated error topic. See Error Reporting via Error Topic for details.

If such an error subscription by the client exists, the error will by default be ignored after it got published on the error topic, otherwise the connection to the client will be closed. The handling of errors can further be controlled by means of an on-error property bag parameter set on the telemetry message topic. Refer to Error Handling for details.

Adding Meta Data

Devices can add arbitrary meta data to a message by means of a property bag. The property bag is an optional collection of key/value pairs intended for the receiver of the message. The property bag is appended to the end of the topic name. It always starts with a /? character, followed by pairs of URL encoded property names and values that are separated by the & character.

The MQTT adapter currently only supports the content-type property for publishing telemetry data which can be used by devices to indicate the type of data contained in a message. For example, the following topic name can be used to indicate that the message contains a JSON string: /topic/name/?content-type=application%2Fjson.

Publish Telemetry Data (authenticated Device)

  • Topic:
    • t
    • telemetry
  • Authentication: required
  • Meta Data:
    • (optional) content-type: The type of payload contained in the message payload. Required, if the payload is empty. The given content type, if not empty, will be used in the message being forwarded downstream. Otherwise, the content type of the downstream message will be set to application/octet-stream, if the payload is not empty and no default content type has been defined for the origin device or its tenant (see Downstream Meta Data).
  • Payload:
    • (optional) Arbitrary payload. If the message has no payload, a non-empty content-type must be provided.

This is the preferred way for devices to publish telemetry data. It is available only if the protocol adapter is configured to require devices to authenticate (which is the default). When using this topic, the MQTT adapter determines the device’s tenant and device identity as part of the authentication process.


Publish some JSON data for device 4711:

mosquitto_pub -h -u 'sensor1@DEFAULT_TENANT' -P hono-secret -t t -m '{"temp": 5}'

Publish some JSON data for device 4711 using a client certificate for authentication:

# in base directory of Hono repository:
mosquitto_pub -h -p 8883 --cert demo-certs/certs/device-4711-cert.pem --key demo-certs/certs/device-4711-key.pem --cafile demo-certs/certs/trusted-certs.pem -t t -m '{"temp": 5}'

The example above assumes that the MQTT adapter is configured for TLS and the secure port is used.

Publish Telemetry Data (unauthenticated Device)

  • Topic:
    • t/${tenant-id}/${device-id}
    • telemetry/${tenant-id}/${device-id}
  • Authentication: none
  • Meta Data:
    • (optional) content-type: The type of payload contained in the message payload. Required, if the payload is empty. The given content type, if not empty, will be used in the message being forwarded downstream. Otherwise, the content type of the downstream message will be set to application/octet-stream, if the payload is not empty and no default content type has been defined for the origin device or its tenant (see Downstream Meta Data).
  • Payload:
    • (optional) Arbitrary payload. If the message has no payload, a non-empty content-type must be provided.

This topic can be used by devices that have not authenticated to the protocol adapter. Note that this requires the HONO_MQTT_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED configuration property to be explicitly set to false.


Publish some JSON data for device 4711:

mosquitto_pub -h -t t/DEFAULT_TENANT/4711 -m '{"temp": 5}'

Publish Telemetry Data (authenticated Gateway)

  • Topic:
    • t//${device-id}
    • telemetry//${device-id}
    • t/${tenant-id}/${device-id}
    • telemetry/${tenant-id}/${device-id}
  • Authentication: required
  • Meta Data:
    • (optional) content-type: The type of payload contained in the message payload. Required, if the payload is empty. The given content type, if not empty, will be used in the message being forwarded downstream. Otherwise, the content type of the downstream message will be set to application/octet-stream, if the payload is not empty and no default content type has been defined for the origin device or its tenant (see Downstream Meta Data).
  • Payload:
    • (optional) Arbitrary payload. If the message has no payload, a non-empty content-type must be provided.

This topic can be used by gateway components to publish data on behalf of other devices which do not connect to a protocol adapter directly but instead are connected to the gateway, e.g. using some low-bandwidth radio based technology like SigFox or LoRa. In this case the credentials provided by the gateway during connection establishment with the protocol adapter are used to authenticate the gateway whereas the parameters from the topic name are used to identify the device that the gateway publishes data for.

The protocol adapter checks the gateway’s authority to publish data on behalf of the device implicitly by means of retrieving a registration assertion for the device from the configured Device Registration service.


Publish some JSON data for device 4712 via gateway gw-1:

mosquitto_pub -h -u 'gw@DEFAULT_TENANT' -P gw-secret -t t/DEFAULT_TENANT/4712 -m '{"temp": 5}'

The example above assumes that a gateway device with ID gw-1 has been registered with hashed-password credentials with auth-id gw and password gw-secret.

Publishing Events

The MQTT adapter supports the publishing of events by means of MQTT PUBLISH packets using QoS 1 only. The adapter will send an MQTT PUBACK packet to the client once the event has been accepted by the downstream messaging infrastructure.

This requires that

  • the events published by the client comply with the format defined by the Event API and
  • the downstream messaging infrastructure has capacity to process events for the client’s tenant.

The protocol adapter checks the configured message limit before accepting any event messages. An exceeded message limit will cause an error.

Any kind of error when processing an incoming event message will be reported back to the client if the client has subscribed on a dedicated error topic. See Error Reporting via Error Topic for details.

If such an error subscription by the client exists, the error will by default be ignored after it got published on the error topic, otherwise the connection to the client will be closed. The handling of errors can further be controlled by means of an on-error property bag parameter set on the event message topic. Refer to Error Handling for details.

Adding Meta Data

Devices can add arbitrary meta data to a message by means of a property bag. The property bag is an optional collection of key/value pairs intended for the receiver of the message. The property bag is appended to the end of the topic name. It always starts with a /? character, followed by pairs of URL encoded property names and values that are separated by the & character.

The MQTT adapter currently supports the content-type and hono-ttl properties for publishing event messages. The former one can be used to indicate the type of data contained in the message. The latter one can be used to indicate the event’s time-to-live duration. For example, the following topic name can be used to indicate that the message contains a JSON string and should expire after 30 seconds: /topic/name/?content-type=application%2Fjson&hono-ttl=30.

Publish an Event (authenticated Device)

  • Topic:
    • e
    • event
  • Authentication: required
  • Meta Data:
    • (optional) content-type: The type of payload contained in the message payload. Required, if the payload is empty. The given content type, if not empty, will be used in the message being forwarded downstream. Otherwise, the content type of the downstream message will be set to application/octet-stream, if the payload is not empty and no default content type has been defined for the origin device or its tenant (see Downstream Meta Data).
    • (optional) hono-ttl: The message’s time-to-live in number of seconds.
  • Payload:
    • (optional) Arbitrary payload. If the message has no payload, a non-empty content-type must be provided.

This is the preferred way for devices to publish events. It is available only if the protocol adapter has been configured to require devices to authenticate (which is the default).


Upload a JSON string for device 4711:

mosquitto_pub -h -u 'sensor1@DEFAULT_TENANT' -P hono-secret -t e -q 1 -m '{"alarm": 1}'

Upload a JSON string for device 4711 with time-to-live as 10 seconds:

mosquitto_pub -h -u 'sensor1@DEFAULT_TENANT' -P hono-secret -t e/?hono-ttl=10 -q 1 -m '{"alarm": 1}'

Publish an Event (unauthenticated Device)

  • Topic:
    • e/${tenant-id}/${device-id}
    • event/${tenant-id}/${device-id}
  • Authentication: none
  • Meta Data:
    • (optional) content-type: The type of payload contained in the message payload. Required, if the payload is empty. The given content type, if not empty, will be used in the message being forwarded downstream. Otherwise, the content type of the downstream message will be set to application/octet-stream, if the payload is not empty and no default content type has been defined for the origin device or its tenant (see Downstream Meta Data).
    • (optional) hono-ttl: The message’s time-to-live in number of seconds.
  • Payload:
    • (optional) Arbitrary payload. If the message has no payload, a non-empty content-type must be provided.

This topic can be used by devices that have not authenticated to the protocol adapter. Note that this requires the HONO_MQTT_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED configuration property to be explicitly set to false.


Publish some JSON data for device 4711:

mosquitto_pub -h -t e/DEFAULT_TENANT/4711 -q 1 -m '{"alarm": 1}'

Publish some JSON data for device 4711 with time-to-live as 15 seconds:

mosquitto_pub -h -t e/DEFAULT_TENANT/4711/?hono-ttl=15 -q 1 -m '{"alarm": 1}'

Publish an Event (authenticated Gateway)

  • Topic:
    • e//${device-id}
    • event//${device-id}
    • e/${tenant-id}/${device-id}
    • event/${tenant-id}/${device-id}
  • Authentication: required
  • Meta Data:
    • (optional) content-type: The type of payload contained in the message payload. Required, if the payload is empty. The given content type, if not empty, will be used in the message being forwarded downstream. Otherwise, the content type of the downstream message will be set to application/octet-stream, if the payload is not empty and no default content type has been defined for the origin device or its tenant (see Downstream Meta Data).
    • (optional) hono-ttl: The message’s time-to-live in number of seconds.
  • Payload:
    • (optional) Arbitrary payload. If the message has no payload, a non-empty content-type must be provided.

This topic can be used by gateway components to publish data on behalf of other devices which do not connect to a protocol adapter directly but instead are connected to the gateway, e.g. using some low-bandwidth radio based technology like SigFox or LoRa. In this case the credentials provided by the gateway during connection establishment with the protocol adapter are used to authenticate the gateway whereas the parameters from the topic name are used to identify the device that the gateway publishes data for.

The protocol adapter checks the gateway’s authority to publish data on behalf of the device implicitly by means of retrieving a registration assertion for the device from the configured Device Registration service.


Publish some JSON data for device 4712 via gateway gw-1:

mosquitto_pub -h -u 'gw@DEFAULT_TENANT' -P gw-secret -t e//4712 -q 1 -m '{"temp": 5}'

The example above assumes that a gateway device with ID gw-1 has been registered with hashed-password credentials with auth-id gw and password gw-secret.

Command & Control

The MQTT adapter enables devices to receive commands that have been sent by business applications by means of sending an MQTT SUBSCRIBE packet containing a device specific topic filter as described below. Devices can subscribe with QoS 1 or QoS 0. The adapter indicates the outcome of the subscription request by sending back a corresponding SUBACK packet. The SUBACK packet will contain Success - QoS 0 (0x00) or Success - QoS 1 (0x01), indicating QoS 0 or 1, if the command topic filter is valid and the subscription was successfully registered. The SUBACK packet will contain the Failure (0x80) value in case of an invalid or unsupported filter and in case there was a (temporary) error registering the command subscription. Devices should therefore retry sending an MQTT SUBSCRIBE packet in case a SUBACK packet with the Failure value is received, provided a valid filter is used. When a device no longer wants to receive commands anymore, it can send an MQTT UNSUBSCRIBE packet to the adapter, including the same topic filter that has been used to subscribe.

When a device has successfully subscribed, the adapter initiates sending an empty notification via the Command Router on behalf of the device to the downstream messaging infrastructure with the ttd header set to -1, indicating that the device will be ready to receive commands until further notice. Analogously, the adapter initiates sending an empty notification via the Command Router with the ttd header set to 0 when a device unsubscribes from commands.

Commands can be sent following a request/response pattern or being one-way.

For Request/Response commands, devices send their responses to commands by means of sending an MQTT PUBLISH message to a topic that is specific to the command that has been executed. The MQTT adapter accepts responses being published using either QoS 0 or QoS 1.

The MQTT adapter checks the configured message limit before accepting any command requests and responses. In case of incoming command requests from business applications, if the message limit is exceeded, the Adapter rejects the message with the reason amqp:resource-limit-exceeded. And for the incoming command responses from devices, the Adapter rejects the message and closes the connection to the client.

The following sections define the topic filters/names to use for subscribing to and responding to commands. The following shorthand versions of topic path segments are supported:

  • c instead of command
  • q instead of req
  • s instead of res

The following variables are used:

  • ${command} : An arbitrary string that indicates the command to execute, e.g. setBrightness. The command is provided by the application that sends the command.
  • ${req-id} (only for Request/Response commands) : The unique identifier of the command execution request. The identifier is passed to the device as part of the name of the topic that the command is published to. The device needs to publish its response to the command to a topic which includes this identifier, thus allowing the adapter to correlate the response with the request.
  • ${status} : The HTTP status code indicating the outcome of executing the command. This status code is passed on to the application in the AMQP message’s status application property.

The topic filters defined below make use of MQTT’s wild card characters in certain places of topic filters. However, the MQTT adapter does not support the general usage of wild card characters in topic filters in any other way than defined below.

Receiving Commands (authenticated Device)

An authenticated device MUST use one of the following topic filters for subscribing to commands:

  • c/[${tenant-id}]/[${device-id}]/q/#
  • command/[${tenant-id}]/[${device-id}]/req/#

Both the tenant and the device ID are optional. If specified, they MUST match the authenticated device’s tenant and/or device ID. Note that the authentication identifier used in the device’s credentials is not necessarily the same as the device ID.

The protocol adapter will publish one-way commands for the device to the following topic names respectively:

  • c/[${tenant-id}]/[${device-id}]/q//${command}
  • command/[${tenant-id}]/[${device-id}]/req//${command}

The protocol adapter will publish request-response commands for the device to the following topic names respectively:

  • c/[${tenant-id}]/[${device-id}]/q/${req-id}/${command}
  • command/[${tenant-id}]/[${device-id}]/req/${req-id}/${command}

The topic name will contain

  • the tenant-id and/or device-id if the tenant and/or device ID had been included in the topic filter used for subscribing,
  • command and req if the topic filter used for subscribing also contained the spelled-out segments.


The following command can be used to subscribe to commands resulting in command messages being published to a topic that does not include tenant nor device ID:

mosquitto_sub -v -h -u 'sensor1@DEFAULT_TENANT' -P hono-secret -t c///q/#

A request-response command with name setBrightness from an application might look like this:

  "brightness": 79

A corresponding one-way command might look like this:

  "brightness": 79

Note that the topic in the latter case doesn’t contain a request identifier.

The following command can be used to subscribe to commands resulting in command messages being published to a topic that includes the tenant ID:

mosquitto_sub -v -h -u 'sensor1@DEFAULT_TENANT' -P hono-secret -t command/DEFAULT_TENANT//req/#

Note the usage of the fully spelled out names (command and req instead of c and q) and the inclusion of the tenant ID in the topic filter.

A corresponding request-response command with name setBrightness from an application might look like this:

  "brightness": 79

A corresponding one-way command might look like this:

  "brightness": 79

Note that the topic also includes the tenant identifier because the topic filter used for subscribing did contain the tenant ID as well.

Receiving Commands (unauthenticated Device)

An unauthenticated device MUST use one of the following topic filters for subscribing to commands:

  • c/${tenant-id}/${device-id}/q/#
  • command/${tenant-id}/${device-id}/req/#

The protocol adapter will publish one-way commands for the device to the following topic names respectively:

  • c/${tenant-id}/${device-id}/q//${command}
  • command/${tenant-id}/${device-id}/q//${command}

The protocol adapter will publish request-response commands for the device to the following topic names respectively:

  • c/${tenant-id}/${device-id}/q/${req-id}/${command}
  • command/${tenant-id}/${device-id}/q/${req-id}/${command}


mosquitto_sub -v -h -t c/DEFAULT_TENANT/4711/q/#

A request-response command with name setBrightness from an application might look like this:

  "brightness": 79

A corresponding one-way command might look like this:

  "brightness": 79

Note that the topic in the latter case doesn’t contain a request identifier.

Receiving Commands (authenticated Gateway)

Gateway components can receive commands for devices which do not connect to a protocol adapter directly but instead are connected to the gateway, e.g. using some low-bandwidth radio based technology like SigFox or LoRa. Corresponding devices have to be configured so that they can be used with a gateway. See Connecting via a Device Gateway for details.

An authenticated gateway MUST use one of the following topic filters for subscribing to commands:

Topic Filter Description
Subscribe to commands for all devices that the gateway is authorized to act on behalf of. Also commands explicitly directed at the gateway itself will be received.
Subscribe to commands for one specific device that the gateway is authorized to act on behalf of.

The protocol adapter will publish one-way commands for devices to the following topic names respectively:

  • c/[${tenant-id}]/[${device-id}]/q//${command}
  • command/[${tenant-id}]/[${device-id}]/req//${command}

The protocol adapter will publish request-response commands for devices to the following topic names respectively:

  • c/[${tenant-id}]/[${device-id}]/q/${req-id}/${command}
  • command/[${tenant-id}]/[${device-id}]/req/${req-id}/${command}

The topic name will contain

  • the tenant-id segment if the tenant identifier had been included in the topic filter used for subscribing,
  • the device-id segment in all cases except when the command was explicitly directed at the gateway itself,
  • command and req if the topic filter used for subscribing also contained the spelled-out segments.

When processing an incoming command message, the protocol adapter will give precedence to a device-specific command subscription matching the command target device, whether the subscription comes from a gateway or the device itself. If there are multiple such subscriptions from multiple gateways and/or from the device itself, the subscription initiated last will get the command messages.

If no device-specific command subscription exists for a command target device, but one gateway, that may act on behalf of the device, has subscribed to commands for all its devices, then the command message is sent to that gateway.

If multiple gateways have initiated such generic subscriptions, the protocol adapter may have to decide to which gateway a particular command message will be sent to. In case the command target device has already sent a telemetry, event or command response message via a gateway and if that gateway has created such a command subscription, that gateway will be chosen. Otherwise one gateway that may act on behalf of the command target device and that has an open subscription will be chosen randomly to receive the command message.

It is not possible to use both topic names command//+/req/# and command//[<gateway-id>]/req/# at the same time. In that case only the last such subscription would be handled from the Command Router.

Subscribe to Commands for all Devices

A subscription to commands for all devices that a gateway acts on behalf of looks like this:

mosquitto_sub -v -h -u 'gw@DEFAULT_TENANT' -P gw-secret -t c/DEFAULT_TENANT/+/q/#

A request/response command for device 4711 with name setBrightness from an application might then look like this:

  "brightness": 79

Note that the tenant identifier is included in the topic name that the command has been published to because it had been included in the topic filter used for subscribing to the commands.

Subscribe to Commands for a specific Device

A subscription to commands for a specific device can be done like this:

mosquitto_sub -v -h -u 'gw@DEFAULT_TENANT' -P gw-secret -t c//4711/q/#

A corresponding one-way command might look like this:

  "brightness": 79

Note that the topic does not include the tenant identifier because the topic filter used for subscribing did not contain the tenant ID either.

Sending a Response to a Command (authenticated Device)

An authenticated device MUST send the response to a previously received command to one of the following topics:

  • c///s/${req-id}/${status}
  • command///res/${req-id}/${status}


Sending a response to a command using the ${req-id} from the command:

mosquitto_pub -h -u 'sensor1@DEFAULT_TENANT' -P hono-secret -t c///s/1010f8ab0b53-bd96-4d99-9d9c-56b868474a6a/200 -m '{"lumen": 200}'

Sending a Response to a Command (unauthenticated Device)

An unauthenticated device MUST send the response to a previously received command to one of the following topics:

  • c/${tenant-id}/${device-id}/s/${req-id}/${status}
  • command/${tenant-id}/${device-id}/res/${req-id}/${status}


Sending a response to a command using the ${req-id} from the command:

mosquitto_pub -h -t c/DEFAULT_TENANT/4711/s/1010f8ab0b53-bd96-4d99-9d9c-56b868474a6a/200 -m '{"lumen": 200}'

Sending a Response to a Command (authenticated Gateway)

An authenticated gateway MUST send a device’s response to a command it has received on behalf of the device to one of the following topics:

  • c//${device-id}/s/${req-id}/${status}
  • command//${device-id}/res/${req-id}/${status}


Sending a response to a command using the ${req-id} from the command:

mosquitto_pub -h -u 'gw@DEFAULT_TENANT' -P gw-secret -t c//4711/s/1010f8ab0b53-bd96-4d99-9d9c-56b868474a6a/200 -m '{"lumen": 200}'

Error Reporting via Error Topic

The default behaviour when an error occurs while publishing telemetry, event or command response messages is for the MQTT adapter to close the network connection to the device, as mandated by the MQTT 3.1.1 spec.

An alternative way of dealing with errors involves keeping the connection intact and letting the MQTT adapter publish a corresponding error message on a specific error topic to the device. To enable that behavior, the device sends an MQTT SUBSCRIBE packet with a topic filter as described below on the same MQTT connection that is also used for publishing the telemetry, event or command response messages. Devices can subscribe with QoS 0 only. The adapter indicates the outcome of the subscription request by sending back a corresponding SUBACK packet. The SUBACK packet will contain Success - QoS 0 (0x00) for a valid error topic filter. The SUBACK packet will contain the Failure (0x80) value in case of an invalid or unsupported filter and in case a gateway is trying to subscribe on behalf of a device that doesn’t have the gateway in its list of supported via gateways. In order to again activate the default error handling behavior, the device can send an MQTT UNSUBSCRIBE packet to the adapter, including the same topic filter that has been used to subscribe.

The following sections define the topic filters to use for subscribing to error messages and the resulting error message topic. Instead of the error topic path segment, the shorthand version e is also supported.

The following variables are used:

  • ${endpoint-type}: The endpoint type of the device message that caused the error. Its value is either telemetry, event or the respective shorthand version. In case of a command response device message command-response or c-s is used.
  • ${correlation-id}: The identifier that may be used to correlate the error message with the device message that caused the error. The identifier is either the value of a correlation-id property bag value contained in the device message topic, or the identifier is the packet-id of the device message if it was sent with QoS 1. Otherwise, a value of -1 is used.
  • ${error-status}: The HTTP status code of the error that was caused by the device message.

Since the subscription on the error topic needs to be done on the same MQTT connection that is also used for publishing the telemetry, event or command response messages, the Mosquitto MQTT Command Line Client cannot be used. The MQTT CLI tool with its shell mode is an alternative that supports using one MQTT connection for both subscribing and publishing.

Receiving Error Messages (authenticated Device)

An authenticated device MUST use one of the following topic filters for subscribing to error messages:

  • e/[${tenant-id}]/[${device-id}]/#
  • error/[${tenant-id}]/[${device-id}]/#

Both the tenant and the device ID are optional. If specified, they MUST match the authenticated device’s tenant and/or device ID. Note that the authentication identifier used in the device’s credentials is not necessarily the same as the device ID.

The protocol adapter will publish error messages for the device to the following topic names respectively:

  • e/[${tenant-id}]/[${device-id}]/${endpoint-type}/${correlation-id}/${error-status}
  • error/[${tenant-id}]/[${device-id}]/${endpoint-type}/${correlation-id}/${error-status}

The topic name will contain

  • the tenant-id and/or device-id if the tenant and/or device ID had been included in the topic filter used for subscribing,
  • error if the topic filter used for subscribing also contained the spelled-out segment.


An example using the MQTT CLI that will produce an error output if there is no downstream consumer for the device messages.

mqtt shell
con -V 3 -h  -u sensor1@DEFAULT_TENANT -pw hono-secret
sub -t e///# --qos 0 --outputToConsole
pub -t t -m '{"temp": 5}' --qos 1

Using an explicit correlation id:

pub -t t/?correlation-id=123 -m '{"temp": 5}' --qos 1

Receiving Error Messages (unauthenticated Device)

An unauthenticated device MUST use one of the following topic filters for subscribing to error messages:

  • es/${tenant-id}/${device-id}/#
  • error/${tenant-id}/${device-id}/#

The protocol adapter will publish error messages for the device to the following topic names respectively:

  • e/${tenant-id}/${device-id}/${endpoint-type}/${correlation-id}/${error-status}
  • error/${tenant-id}/${device-id}/${endpoint-type}/${correlation-id}/${error-status}

Receiving Error Messages (authenticated Gateway)

An authenticated gateway MUST use one of the following topic filters for subscribing to error messages:

Topic Filter Description
Subscribe to error messages for all devices that the gateway is authorized to act on behalf of.
Subscribe to error messages for one specific device that the gateway is authorized to act on behalf of.

The protocol adapter will publish error messages for the device to the following topic names respectively:

  • e/[${tenant-id}]/[${device-id}]/${endpoint-type}/${correlation-id}/${error-status}
  • error/[${tenant-id}]/[${device-id}]/${endpoint-type}/${correlation-id}/${error-status}

The topic name will contain

  • the tenant-id and/or device-id if the tenant and/or device ID had been included in the topic filter used for subscribing,
  • error if the topic filter used for subscribing also contained the spelled-out segment.

Error Message Payload

The MQTT adapter publishes error messages with a UTF-8 encoded JSON payload containing the following fields:

Name Mandatory JSON Type Description
code yes number The HTTP error status code. See the table below for possible values.
message yes string The error detail message.
timestamp yes string The date and time the error message was published by the MQTT adapter. The value is an ISO 8601 compliant combined date and time representation in extended format.
correlation-id yes string The identifier that may be used to correlate the error message with the device message that caused the error. The identifier is either the value of a correlation-id property bag value contained in the device message topic, or the identifier is the packet-id of the device message if it was sent with QoS 1. Otherwise a value of -1 is used.

The error message’s code field may contain the following HTTP status codes:

Code Description
400 Bad Request, the request cannot be processed. A possible reason for this is an invalid PUBLISH topic.
401 Unauthorized, the device connection is not authorized (e.g. device credentials expired).
403 Forbidden, the device’s registration status cannot be asserted.
404 Not Found, the device is disabled or does not exist.
413 Request Entity Too Large, the request body exceeds the maximum supported size.
429 Too Many Requests, the tenant’s message limit for the current period is exceeded.
503 Service Unavailable, the request cannot be processed. Possible reasons for this include:
  • There is no consumer of telemetry data for the given tenant connected to Hono, or the consumer has not indicated that it may receive further messages (not giving credits).
  • If the QoS level header is set to 1 (at least once semantics), the reason may be:
    • The consumer has indicated that it didn’t process the telemetry data.
    • The consumer failed to indicate in time whether it has processed the telemetry data.

Example payload:

"code": 400,
"message": "malformed topic name",
"timestamp": "2020-12-24T19:00:00+0100",
"correlation-id": "5"

Error Handling

When a device publishes a telemetry, event or command response message and there is an error processing the message, the handling of the error depends on whether there is a error topic subscription for the device and whether a on-error property bag parameter was set on the topic used for sending the message.

If no error subscription is in place and no on-error parameter was set, the default error handling behavior is to close the MQTT connection to the device. If the device has a subscription on the error topic (on the same MQTT connection the device uses for sending messages), the default behavior is to keep the MQTT connection open unless a terminal error happens. The errors that are classified as terminal are listed below.

  • The adapter is disabled for the tenant that the client belongs to.
  • The authenticated device or gateway is disabled or not registered.
  • The tenant is disabled or does not exist.
  • The authenticated device is not authorized anymore (e.g. the connection expired).

When a terminal error occurs, the connection will always be closed irrespective of any on-error parameter or error subscription.

The following table lists the different behaviors based on the value of the on-error property bag parameter and the existence of an error subscription:

on-error topic parameter Error subscription exists Description
default or value not set no The connection to the device will get closed (like with the disconnect option).
disconnect no The connection to the device will get closed.
ignore no The error will be ignored and a PUBACK for the message that caused the error will get sent.
skip-ack no The error will be ignored and no PUBACK for the message that caused the error will get sent.
default or value not set yes After having sent an error message on the error topic, the error will be ignored and a PUBACK for the message that caused the error will get sent (like with the ignore option).
disconnect yes After having sent an error message on the error topic, the connection to the device will get closed.
ignore yes After having sent an error message on the error topic, the error will be ignored and a PUBACK for the message that caused the error will get sent.
skip-ack yes After having sent an error message on the error topic, the error will be ignored and no PUBACK for the message that caused the error will get sent.


An authenticated device wanting to have errors always be ignored can for example publish telemetry messages on this topic:


Custom Message Mapping

This protocol adapter supports transformation of messages that have been uploaded by devices before they get forwarded to downstream consumers.


This is an experimental feature. The names of the configuration properties, potential values and the overall functionality are therefore subject to change without prior notice.

This feature is useful in scenarios where devices are connected to the adapter via a gateway but the gateway is not able to include the device ID in the topic that the gateway publishes data to. The gateway will use the single-segment t, e or c topics in this case. The message payload will usually contain the identifier of the device that the data originates from.

The same functionality can also be used to transform the payload of messages uploaded by a device. This can be used for example to transform binary encoded data into a JSON document which can be consumed more easily by downstream consumers.

The mechanism works as follows:

  1. A client uploads a message to the MQTT adapter.

  2. The adapter invokes the Device Registration service’s assert Registration operation using either the authenticated device’s identifier, if the topic does not contain a device ID, or the device ID from the topic.

  3. If the assertion succeeds, the adapter creates the downstream message using the original message’s payload and the asserted device ID as the origin device.

  4. If the assert Registration response payload contains a value for the mapper property, the adapter tries to find a mapper endpoint configuration for the given value. If a mapper endpoint with a matching name has been configured for the adapter,

    1. the adapter sends an HTTP request to the endpoint which contains the original message’s payload in the request body.
    2. If the response body is not empty, it is used as the downstream message’s payload, replacing the original payload.
    3. If the response contains a device_id header and its value is different from the original device ID, then the adapter invokes the assert Registration operation again, this time using the mapped device ID instead of the original device ID. If the assertion succeeds, the adapter uses the asserted (mapped) device ID for the downstream message.
  5. The adapter forwards the downstream message.

Please refer to the Device Registry Management API for how to register a mapper for a device. Please refer to the MQTT Adapter Admin Guide for how to configure custom mapper endpoints.

Downstream Meta Data

The adapter includes the following meta data in messages being sent downstream:

Name Location Type Description
orig_adapter application string Contains the adapter’s type name which can be used by downstream consumers to determine the protocol adapter that the message has been received over. The MQTT adapter’s type name is hono-mqtt.
orig_address application string Contains the name of the MQTT topic that the device has originally published the data to.
x-opt-retain message-annotations boolean Contains true if the device has published an event or telemetry message with its retain flag set to 1

The adapter also considers defaults registered for the device at either the tenant or the device level. The values of the default properties are determined as follows:

  1. If the message already contains a non-empty property of the same name, its value remains unchanged.
  2. Otherwise, if a default property of the same name is defined in the device’s registration information, that value is used.
  3. Otherwise, if a default property of the same name is defined for the tenant that the device belongs to, that value is used.

Note that of the standard AMQP 1.0 message properties only the content-type and ttl can be set this way to a default value.

Event Message Time-to-live

Events published by devices will usually be persisted by the messaging infrastructure in order to support deferred delivery to downstream consumers.

In most cases, the messaging infrastructure can be configured with a maximum time-to-live to apply to the events so that the events will be removed from the persistent store if no consumer has attached to receive the event before the message expires.

In order to support environments where the messaging infrastructure cannot be configured accordingly, the protocol adapter supports setting a downstream event message’s ttl property based on the hono-ttl property in the property-bag at the end of the event topic. Also, the default ttl and max-ttl values can be configured for a tenant/device as described in the Tenant API.

Tenant specific Configuration

The adapter uses the Tenant API to retrieve tenant specific configuration for adapter type hono-mqtt. The following properties are (currently) supported in the Adapter object:

Name Type Default Value Description
enabled boolean true If set to false the adapter will reject all data from devices belonging to the tenant.