What is ICE?
The Eclipse Integrated Computational Environment (ICE) is a scientific workbench and workflow environment developed to improve the user experience for computational scientists. ICE makes it possible for developers to deploy rich, graphical, interactive capabilities for their science codes and software, and integrate many different scientific computing technologies in one common, cross-platform user environment.
Use rich forms to interactively define problems and edit input files for scientific problems. You can even extend ICE to support your own code through the friendly developer API.
ICE can run simulations locally or remotely. It can even push your jobs to supercomputers! You can monitor resources or the queue while your at it. If you add a plugin for you code, you can even stream back results while it runs.
Whether your data is simply plottable or requires big 3D visualization tools like Paraview and Visit, ICE can help you analyze it!
Use ICE to remotely connect to your servers to store data you just generated or to pull down new data for your next problem. If you made changes to your code, you can even interact with your repository using Eclipse's built-in tools.