org.eclipse.jdt.jeview - JavaElement View
A view to visualize the Java elements in Eclipse's Java model.
The view shows the result of many method calls on model elements either as children in the tree
or as entries in the Properties view.
A few operation on the elements are also available in the context menu and in the view menu.
Update Site:
Since Eclipse Release 2023-03, the view is shipped with the Eclipse SDK package and can be installed in other packages via the eclipse release update site:
Source is included in the plugin archives or available on GitHub or via
Manual Install:
- for Eclipse 2021-12 and higher org.eclipse.jdt.jeview_1.4.0.202111291415.jar (copy to 'dropins' directory)
- for Eclipse 2020-12 and higher org.eclipse.jdt.jeview_1.3.300.202012071300.jar (copy to 'dropins' directory)
- for Eclipse 2020-06 and higher org.eclipse.jdt.jeview_1.3.300.202006151600.jar (copy to 'dropins' directory)
- for Eclipse 2019-12 and higher org.eclipse.jdt.jeview_1.3.300.201912041606.jar (copy to 'dropins' directory)
- for Eclipse Mars (4.5) and higher org.eclipse.jdt.jeview_1.3.200.201906121852.jar (copy to 'dropins' directory)
- for Eclipse Luna (4.4) and higher org.eclipse.jdt.jeview_1.0.9.201406161921.jar (copy to 'dropins' directory)
- for Eclipse 3.7 and higher org.eclipse.jdt.jeview_1.0.8.201103211622.jar (copy to 'dropins' directory)
- for Eclipse 3.4 and higher org.eclipse.jdt.jeview_1.0.6.200803121213.jar (copy to 'dropins' directory)
- for Eclipse 3.3 and higher org.eclipse.jdt.jeview_1.0.5.200710301359.jar (copy to 'plugins' directory)
- Open the JavaElement View
- from the view menu: Window > Show View > Other..., Java > JavaElement View
- via shortcut: Alt+Shift+Q, E
- from an element selection or from a Java editor via Navigate > Show In > JavaElement View
- Open a Java file in the editor
- Click "Set input from current editor's selection (codeSelect)" () to use the resolved element
at the current caret location as view input
- Click "Set input from current editor's selection location (getElementAt)" () to use the element
that encloses the current caret location as view input
- Use the view menu to create a new Java element from a handle identifier
- Double click an element to show it in the Package Explorer or open it in an editor
- Use Navigate > Show In > ... to show the element somewhere else
- Use context menu > Properties to show non-structural properties of the selected element
- Use the context menu on JAVA PROJECT elements to find a type by name or to create an element out of a binding key
Comments and Requests
- Comments to markus_keller[at]
- Bugs / enhancement requests go to the JDT/UI component (preferably with patches;-)