The Eclipse Foundation is home to the Eclipse IDE, Jakarta EE, and hundreds of open source projects,
including runtimes, tools, specifications, and frameworks for cloud and edge applications, IoT,
AI, automotive, systems engineering, open processor designs, and many others.
The Eclipse Foundation is an international non-profit
association supported by our members, including industry
leaders who value open source as a key enabler for their
business strategies.
Whether you intend on contributing to Eclipse technologies
that are important to your product strategy, or simply want
to explore a specific innovation area with like-minded organizations,
the Eclipse Foundation is the open source home
for industry collaboration.
The Eclipse community consists of individual developers and organizations
spanning many industries. Stay up to date on our open source community
and find resources to support your journey.
The Eclipse Foundation provides our global community of individuals
and organizations with a mature, scalable, and vendor-neutral
environment for open source software collaboration and innovation.
No packages to choose from -> Cannot find packages to select.
The following modified resources must be saved to continue.\n Press OK
to confirm or Cancel otherwise. ->
The following modified resources have to be saved to continue.\n Click
OK to confirm or click Cancel.
The package must exist ->
This package does not exist
If you want to proceed, please press 'Next' or 'Finish'. ->
Click 'Next' to view the next item or 'Finish'.
Searches and selects the given package. ->
Searches for and selects the package entered.
Control how text is automatically modified while typing ->
Select options for automatic text modifications
Correct package declaration ->
The package declaration needs to be corrected.