Class ContextFactory

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ContextFactory extends Object implements ObjectFactory

This is an object factory that produces a jndi naming context based on a classloader.

It is used for the java:comp context.

This object factory is bound at java:comp. When a lookup arrives for java:comp, this object factory is invoked and will return a context specific to the caller's environment (so producing the java:comp/env specific to a webapp).

The context selected is based on classloaders. First we try looking at the thread context classloader if it is set, and walk its hierarchy, creating a context if none is found. If the thread context classloader is not set, then we use the classloader associated with the current Context.

If there is no current context, or no classloader, we return null.

  • Constructor Details

    • ContextFactory

      public ContextFactory()
  • Method Details

    • getObjectInstance

      public Object getObjectInstance(Object obj, Name name, Context nameCtx, Hashtable env) throws Exception
      Find or create a context which pertains to a classloader.

      If the thread context classloader is set, we try to find an already-created naming context for it. If one does not exist, we walk its classloader hierarchy until one is found, or we run out of parent classloaders. In the latter case, we will create a new naming context associated with the original thread context classloader.

      If the thread context classloader is not set, we obtain the classloader from the current jetty Context, and look for an already-created naming context.

      If there is no current jetty Context, or it has no associated classloader, we return null.

      Specified by:
      getObjectInstance in interface ObjectFactory
      See Also:
    • newNamingContext

      public NamingContext newNamingContext(Object obj, ClassLoader loader, Hashtable env, Name name, Context parentCtx) throws Exception
      Create a new NamingContext.
      obj - the object to create
      loader - the classloader for the naming context
      env - the jndi env for the entry
      name - the name of the entry
      parentCtx - the parent context of the entry
      the newly created naming context
      Exception - if unable to create a new naming context
    • getContextForClassLoader

      public Context getContextForClassLoader(ClassLoader loader)
      Find the naming Context for the given classloader
      loader - the classloader for the context
      the context for the classloader
    • dump

      public static void dump(Appendable out, String indent) throws IOException