Create and update the containers `Desired State`

Create and update containers via Desired State using the update-manage

By following the steps below you will publish a simple Desired State specification via a publicly available Eclipse Hono sandbox and then the specification will be handled by the Eclipse Kanto Update Manager, which will trigger an OTA update on the edge device.

A simple monitoring application will track the progress and the status of the update process.

Before you begin

To ensure that all steps in this guide can be executed, you need:

  • Debian-based linux distribution and the apt command line tool

  • If you don’t have an installed and running Eclipse Kanto, follow Install Eclipse Kanto

  • If you don’t have a connected Eclipse Kanto to Eclipse Hono sandbox, follow Explore via Eclipse Hono

  • The update manager application

    Navigate to the quickstart folder where the resources from the Explore via Eclipse Hono guide are located and execute the following script:

  • Enable the containers update agent service of the Container Management by adding the "update_agent": {"enable": true} property to the container-management service configuration (by default located at /etc/container-management/config.json) and restart the service:

    systemctl restart container-management

Publish the Desired State specification

First, start the monitoring application that requires the configured Eclipse Hono tenant (-t) and an optional filter parameter (-f). It will print all received feedback events triggered by the device:

python3 -t demo -f demo/device/things/live/messages/feedback

The starting point of the OTA update process is to publish the example Desired State specification:

python3 -t demo -d demo:device -o apply

The Desired State specification in this case consists of single domain section definition for the containers domain and a three container components - influxdb, hello-world and alpine image.

Apply Desired State specification

The Update Manager receives the published Desired State to the local Mosquitto broker, splits the specification (in this case into single domain) and then distributes the processed specification to the domain agents which initiates the actual update process logic on the domain agents side.

The update process is organized into multiple phases, which are triggered by sending specific Desired State commands (DOWNLOAD/UPDATE/ACTIVATE).

In the example scenario, the three images for the three container components will be pulled (if not available in the cache locally), created as containers during the UPDATING phase and started in the ACTIVATING phase.

Monitor OTA update progress

During the OTA update, the progress can be tracked in the monitoring application fot the Desired State feedback messages, started in the prerequisite section above.

The Update Manager reports at a time interval of a second the status of the active update process. For example:

            "message":"New container instance is started."
            "message":"New container instance is started."
            "message":"New container created."

List containers

After the update process is completed, list the installed containers by executing the command kanto-cm list to verify if the Desired State is applied correctly.

The output of the command should display the info about the three containers, described in the Desired State specification. The influxdb is expected to be in RUNNING state and the other containers in status EXITED. For example :

ID                                    |Name         |Image                               |Status   |Finished At |Exit Code
7fe6b689-eb76-476d-a730-c2f422d6e8ea  |influxdb     |    |Running  |            |0
c36523d7-8d17-4255-ae0c-37f11003f658  |hello-world  ||Exited   |            |0
9b99978b-2593-4736-bb52-7a07be4a7ed1  |alpine       |     |Exited   |            |0

Update Desired State specification

To update the existing Desired State run the command below. The update changes affect two containers - alpine and influxdb. Being not present in the updated Desired State specification, the alpine container will be removed from the system. The influxdb will be updated to version 1.8.5. The last container - hello-world is not affected and any events will be not reported from the container update agent for this particular container.

python3 -t demo -d demo:device -o update

List updated containers

After the update process of the existing Desired State is completed, list again the available containers to the verify the Desired State is updated correctly.

The output of the command should display the info about the two containers, described in the Desired State specification. The influxdb is expected to be updated with the version 1.8.5 and in RUNNING state and hello-world container to be status EXITED with version unchanged. The alpine container must be removed and not displayed.

ID                                    |Name         |Image                               |Status   |Finished At |Exit Code
7fe6b689-eb76-476d-a730-c2f422d6e8ea  |influxdb     |    |Running  |            |0
c36523d7-8d17-4255-ae0c-37f11003f658  |hello-world  ||Exited   |            |0

Remove all containers

To remove all containers, publish an empty Desired State specification (with empty components section):

python3 -t demo -d demo:device -o clean

As a final step, execute the command kanto-cm list to verify that the containers are actually removed from the Kanto container management. The expected output is No found containers..

Last modified June 5, 2024