Verify signed container images

Verify that container image is signed when creating a container from it in Kanto Container Management.

By following the steps below, you will sign a container image and push it to a local registry using anotation. Then a notation trust policy and the Kanto Container Management service will be configured in a way that running containers from the signed image via kanto-cm CLI will be successful, while running containers from unsigned images will fail.

Before you begin

To ensure that your edge device is capable to execute the steps in this guide, you need:

Create an image and push it to a local registry using docker and than sign it with notation

Create and run a local container registry:

sudo kanto-cm create --ports 5000:5000 --e REGISTRY_STORAGE_DELETE_ENABLED=true --name registry
sudo kanto-cm start -n registry

Build a dummy hello world image and push it to the registry:

cat <<EOF | sudo docker build -t localhost:5000/dummy-hello:signed -
FROM busybox:latest
CMD [ "echo", "Hello World" ]
sudo docker push localhost:5000/dummy-hello:signed

Get the image digest and assign it to an environment variable to be used the next steps of the guide:

export IMAGE=$(sudo docker inspect --format='{{index .RepoDigests 0}}' localhost:5000/dummy-hello:signed)
echo $IMAGE

Generate a key-pair with notation and add it as the default signing key:

notation cert generate-test --default "kanto"

Sign the image and store the signature in the registry:

notation sign $IMAGE

Configure notation truspolicy and container management verifier

Get the notation config directory and assign it to an environment variable to be used in the next steps of the guide:

export NOTATION_CONFIG=${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/notation

Create a simple notation trustpolicy as a trustpolicy.json file in the notation config directory:

cat <<EOF | tee $NOTATION_CONFIG/trustpolicy.json
  "version": "1.0",
  "trustPolicies": [
      "name": "kanto-images",
      "registryScopes": [ "*" ],
      "signatureVerification": {
        "level" : "strict"
      "trustStores": [ "ca:kanto" ],
      "trustedIdentities": [ "*" ]

Create a backup of the initial Kanto Container Management configuration that is found in /etc/container-management/config.json(the backup will be restored at the end of the guide):

sudo cp /etc/container-management/config.json /etc/container-management/config-backup.json

Configure the use of notation verifier, set its config directory, mark the local registry as an insecure one, and set the image expiry time to zero seconds, so the local cache of the images used in the how-to will be deleted upon container removal:

cat <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/container-management/config.json
  "log": {
    "log_file": "/var/log/container-management/container-management.log"
  "containers": {
    "image_verifier_type": "notation",
    "image_verifier_config": {
      "configDir": "$NOTATION_CONFIG"
    "insecure_registries": [ "localhost:5000" ],
    "image_expiry": "0s"

Restart the Container Management service for the changes to take effect:

sudo systemctl restart container-management.service


Create and run a container from the signed image. The container prints Hello world to the console:

sudo kanto-cm create --name dummy-hello --rp no --t $IMAGE
sudo kanto-cm start --name dummy-hello --a

Make sure that a docker hub hello-world image is not cached locally, by removing any containers with this image, and verify that creating containers from it fails, as the image is not signed, and the signature verification fails:

sudo kanto-cm remove -f $(sudo kanto-cm list --quiet --filter
sudo kanto-cm create --name dockerhub-hello --rp no --t

Clean up

Remove the created containers from the Kanto Container Management:

sudo kanto-cm remove -n dummy-hello
sudo kanto-cm remove -n registry -f

Restore the initial Kanto Container Management configuration and restart the service:

sudo mv -f /etc/container-management/config-backup.json /etc/container-management/config.json
sudo systemctl restart container-management.service

Remove the localy cached images from Docker:

sudo docker image rm localhost:5000/dummy-hello:signed registry:latest

Reset the notation configuration by removing the directory:


Unset exported environment variables:

Last modified June 12, 2024